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1.0 vs 2.0

- Most of you think 2.0 is strictly better. I agree.
- A lot of you believe 2.0 and 1.0 are equal. I disagree, but I think I understand some of the reasons behind those responses when accounting for the write-in answers.
- A fair few of you are new here. As expected.
- A minority of you believe 2.0 is worse than 1.0, but the reasons are (for the most part) unclear or outright untrue. Some I can understand but find too subjective to be helpful as feedback (for example that you preferred 2018-2020's style of SFW DD/lg).

Preferred Content

- NSFW is a big portion. Expected.
- What I did not expect was slush to be almost dead equal with it. Of course there is the consideration that the silent majority still rules and I'm sure that it isn't 50/50 considering the general clamor for more typical/cliche scenarios in the other forms. That said, it is nice to see that the creative element injected into the audios is so appreciated. This gives me Ideas™.

Favorite Aspect

- No change here. Acting wins by a landslide. Very unsurprised by this, but glad to see it nonetheless. It's what I focus on and have always prided myself on my development in this area.

Audio Length

- A good majority of you say that it's perfect.
- About half that many say they should be longer.
- Three of you apparently don't have time for my bullshit and they should be shorter.
- The reasons for wanting the audios longer varies, though it makes sense to me people want longer SFW audios to increase investment and development of a specific idea. That's kinda the point of ADN, so you'll get it in that specific arena. Some of you want the more late 1.0 standardized runtimes around 18-22 minutes, which is understandable. That said, some scenarios just don't really need to go that long. Not all ideas are made equal for length. I had a phase where I tried to make everything 20+ minutes and some audios suffered for it. I'll keep this in mind, though I am generally far less inclined toward making long NSFW audios since a horny attention span simply isn't very long.
- An addendum: some of you mention length in the specific context of adding comedown and aftercare to everything to sort of pad the end. I can tell you with certainty that will never happen. Sometimes I switch it up and have those elements, but the same thing at the end of every audio would be insanely boring. That's why such things have always been used as a distinguishing factor for some audios rather than as a common feature of all of them.

Content Diversity

- Lots of 7's, 8's, 9's, and 10's. Glad to see it.
- A lot of the lower values were, amusingly, given by people who think that the content is great but that there's a little too much DD/lg. I'm sure the DD/lg crowd does not feel this way.

Performer Focus

- A good majority of you say that you love it.
- Another big chunk say you don't care.
- There is a tiny minority that hate it.
- In retrospect, I think I should have been clearer in the aim of this question to receive a more accurate reading from it: my focus being exclusively on content means that I don't do things like interact, have a discord, stream, etc.
- I am unsure if that would change many people's answers, but I know to be much more specific next time in order to more correctly gauge. For now, however, I will give the benefit of the doubt to the positive angle that most people are happy that I care about what I put out rather than tertiary timesinks.
- I have noted what some of you mentioned in write-ins, that growth and interaction (or at least your interaction with my content and my interaction with my audience) may be linked. That's partly what this question was meant to figure out, but I worded it poorly so it's still inconclusive. My gut says that it is most important to keep my nose to the grindstone and create more and better content. The rest should follow with time and passion. There's little I could do to fix that problem if it is one, anyway.

FAQ Effectiveness

- An overwhelming majority of you believe the FAQ does a good job answering the questions you have or providing information you want.
- I am aware several people don't like that it's hard to find what changed in the wall of text that is the FAQ. I update it regularly to be more accurate, more direct, or more recent so that it's always a good resource. I don't necessarily intend for it to be a source of updates for people (but if you look for the answer to a question you've recently been asking, you may find it there), though I understand the complaint anyway. Someone has given me a suggestion for helping with that. I may take their advice on that one.

Patreon Value

- Most respondents believe that it's a good deal but they can't afford it. Understandable with the way things are right now--globally. Your honesty is appreciated and helps me make assessments about the health of my public/Patreon split, which I know has been a point of contention since my return. I'm trying to keep giving them the value they deserve while maintaining my sanity, and it isn't fair to sacrifice their paid and--rightfully--expected content.
- Another good chunk are subscribed. Thank you.
- Thanks for the brief explanations some of you gave about why you can't subscribe right now or unsubscribed recently.

Script Use

- Most of you prefer my improv.
- Some of you would like me to accept scripts.
- Then there is just this clusterfuck of write-ins where people are hedging saying they want both, which of course would be the case were I to start doing scripts again. I wouldn't abandon my improv and let all that work--and god forsaken cubes--go to waste. Because of the uncertain nature of many of you suggesting it, I more or less add that pool to the "improv" pile and it becomes a landslide.
- I wanted to make sure that what I remembered from all those years was still true, and it is: people care about the quality of the resulting audio and not how it was made. I don't have any immediate plans to return to scripts, but I'll keep reading.
- There were a couple very specific write-ins about when I actually wrote scripts, so I guess I'll mention that Murphy's Law is scripted and Audio Dime Novels will, at minimum, have outlines. I don't know whether I'll fully script those too, but I might. Writing scripts takes time--writing good ones takes longer. This I know well, from having done it so many times myself. This is what's taking so long, but I'll be going at a better pace and hopefully put Murphy's Law back out at a weekly pace in the coming 2(?) months, then Audio Dime Novels right after that at the same pace (13 and 8 episodes, respectively).

Commission Status

- It was not even close. You all want me to stay sane. I shall.
- A brief note that someone mentioned the idea of having sort of "crowdfunded" audio concepts, like thrown in a list somewhere and have people donate toward it. I had this idea like 3 years ago and was going to call it "bounties." I ended up scrapping it because of the same principle: mutual fairness. Because all donations are purely speculative until the goal is actually met, it's possible some people give me money for nothing, or one person is encouraged to dump a ludicrous amount of cash into the one they want--which would be worse than the commission situation already was. In theory, I love the idea of bounties. In practice, I'm afraid I would end up effectively robbing people.

SFW Shift

- Largely, these are very supportive answers. I appreciate that you care about what I think of the content I'm producing. I do too. Why make something you aren't proud of? The same attitude does lead to deletion sometimes, but that's another topic.
- I know plenty of you are here for just porn. This doesn't surprise me. Things will be getting restructured and, as I've said so many times people are probably tired of hearing it, nobody does porn forever. It's not going away soon, but I think SFW content benefits a lot more from my creative focus and I want to maximize effort to effect.

General Feedback

- I hear you, I hear you. Longer audios and series make it easier/more worthwhile to invest in them. ADN was my original answer to this. It produced things like Shelter, Itch, Betwixt, Overcoat, and Hide. I count these among the best things I've ever made.
- I know some of you still want a discord. I still think it's far too much for me to maintain on my own and that's my only option.
- A couple mentions of transcripts. No, I will not make transcripts. That would take longer than recording the audio, and I already do the entire rest of the pipeline. And God help me with the backlog.
- M4M. My FAQ mentions that it isn't on the main schedule. M4M is on hiatus while I rebuild.
- Be a crazy motherfucker again. Yeah, I'm sure I'll have a knife or gun in a rape audio Soon™. Been a while.
- Identifiable OCs with clickbait titles. Absolutely fuckin' not. I will merge with oblivion before I title my shit like a Buzzfeed article.

Takeaways and Reconsiderations

- I think consolidating to one YouTube channel is the right idea. Making two of them was originally a good idea for the specific plan I had at the time, but it no longer makes sense to try to basically double my Monday workloads to accomplish a moot goal. However, I think the algorithm will fuck me over no matter what and I just have to rely on the same thing as before: that I will appeal to the smaller audience I get so much they'll move to Patreon to support me directly. Consider this an extremely rare case of me changing my mind. I will instead be keeping the NWRT YouTube channel, which means [SFW]ish and DD/lg are alive.
- In the interest of moving people toward Patreon, and finding the space I need to improve upon the SFW formula without the absolute obligation to post weekly. I love the Thirsty Thursday audios. I do. But I think giving myself the opportunity to step back and expand them into something larger and then release them at a proper pace will likely result in a big enough improvement to be a positive shift for everyone. I will be moving Thursdays to the Part 1/Part 2 YouTube/Patreon structure of old. Sometimes it will be a continuation of an existing Monday audio, and sometimes it will be a new 2-parter. This will be an opportunity for a more main schedule approach to slush. Series aren't ruled out if something goes well. This doesn't mean I will never come up with a good one-shot and just decide to drop it, though. Anhedonia says hello.
- Interaction remains a challenging topic. It's central to a lot of your concerns, but content is always central to mine. That's just who I am, and my listeners know that. I can't hand wave away the feeling that the distance is detrimental to your relationship with my content--it's a feeling, after all--but neither can I pretend that I have the capability to produce how I do and maintain a surrounding community.

All in All

- I'm keeping the NWRT YouTube instead, for purposes of SFWish, DD/lg, and slush. I will be relying on support directly from Patreon since the algorithm will never like me anyway.
- Patreon Thursdays are becoming NSFW, and they can be a part 2 of an existing Monday audio (from either channel), or a new 2 parter with the first half posted to YouTube.
- Murphy's Law is coming first, and it should begin its weekly posts (until all 13 episodes of the season are posted) in the next couple months.
- Interaction is still a no go.
- Commissions dead.
- Still gonna improv.

Schedule now slated to look like this:

Monday: 5 P.M. Public, SFW

Tuesday: 5 P.M. (Every other) Public, NSFW

Wednesday: 5 P.M. Patreon, NSFW

Thursday: 5 P.M. Patreon, NSFW Part 2 / (Optional) Public, SFW Part 1

Friday: 5 P.M. (Optional) Wildcard / Murphy's Law / Audio Dime Novel

Thanks for taking the time to help me adjust my content. I know filling out a survey for some porn guy is weird.


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