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Thank you!


Less than 2 minutes in and I involuntarily screeched : "Ahh! HOPE DIES! IsThisHopeDies!?" So not only do these audios live in my head rent free where knowledge of algebra could reside, but you consequently made me appear insane to bystanders. Well played audiolord...well played 😌👏


This was beautiful


OOH. The noise that came out of me when you mentioned the wound. Yessssssss. Hope Dies has stuck with me as an interesting idea with working from the Villains perspective. Love a good, complicated villain arc. I still kind of hope it'll be that trope of she's actually alive somehow and turns up at his door all cut up and untrusting of the organisation that allowed her to die.. and he's the only one she can because.. ahh.. it'll live in my head forever but still.. loved the little snippet of continuation!


the way I smiled when I realized what this was—really beautiful continuation (the dull buzzing from the exam room ambiance in the background was super well done, too)


I love these sneaky continuations. I wish more performers had your story telling and acting talents but for your sake I'm glad you remain a stand out!