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Trust me: I'm a professional.

A content change candidate: kind of a Wednesday/Thursday slush.



"God, that was good" You are correct- that was objectively GOOD 🫡 I want more of this 'Slush', I NEED more of this 'Slush', Please for the love of God keep creating this kind of 'Slush' 👏😩❤️


love a wed-thurs mashup


so i know it might be a little soon to say this but i swear this ‘slush’ is your niche. also, ‘i shoulda taken you back then in that ship’ - i see what you did there. 👀


When you checked in with the listener in the middle of sex, it made me feel a certain type of way. new turn-on unlocked? 👀

Soul Stealer

Ok hear me out because this really got into my head today: Episode 2 they continue on, trying to make it to the rescue helicopter. Their dynamic is equal parts sweet and sarcastic — at times he seems head over heels for her, only to undermine it moment later with a snarky remark. There’s spark, but she’s unsure if he’s just in it for physical. They make it to the helicopter, but the rescue goes amiss and they get tragically separated. She’s forced to figure out survival while he risks everything to search for her (we get a glimpse at how he really feels about her, but she has no idea). She thinks he’s left her for dead or died himself, but she learns to survive alone (enter episode 2: The Mountainous Dark — that’s HER). She’s alone, adapted to a world of ruin and trusts no one. She survives in a world of secret and silence, until one day she hears something and draws her weapon (end of mountainous dark) — but what is the noise? Episode 3: It’s HIM, come to find her. She, believing he abandoned her during the rescue, is equally distrustful and angry with him (but also still into him, bc hello, adventure porn). How can he win back her trust and convince her he’s spent all this time searching for her? Find out in Season 2 of Adventure Porn, starring Todd “Good Daddy” Solo and a bunch of cool sound effects.


To shreds you say?


👏 👏 👏 Look at you, over here doing a thing! Well done, you magnificent bastard.


so i might be totally off here, but i thought the mountainous dark was connected to lost because the character in it says the last thing he remembers before arriving at the betwixt is running in the dark being chased. 👀 that said i’d be down for an adventure porn series of ‘it’s totally dangerous to do it here but let’s fuck anyways’ that turns into ‘whoops we caught feelings’


Adventure porn is officially your best content


YES! 👏 The Mountainous Dark and Lost connection is the only mystery I care about anymore, I need answers 😂. *High stakes dangerous adventure porn* = best porn 😌🤌

Soul Stealer

Tamara you’re probably right — clearly you’re paying better attention than I am. That said, when I listened to TMD the first time, I pictured a woman because of the sound of the footsteps; so when adventure porn came out yesterday it just clicked together that maybe it COULD be a woman in TMD — also makes sense that there’s no narrator in that one, because he’s not there. (Also, will I spend my time zoning out on potential storylines rather than doing my ✨actual✨ work? Yes. Absolutely I will.)


regardless of where he decides to go, i’m having the most fun reading through these theories!!!! 😄 i’m pretty unimaginative and can never come up with ideas this creative


Woof something about the groans in this one plus the added bonus of being in a do not get caught or die situation is so good.


yes! like [hold the moan] because we could literally die if you scream 🥵💀

ky 💌❣️✨

well mark me down as scared and horny


I'm loving the fantasy aspect of this audio🤩


Good lord, you can mark this one down as a win. I feel equally used and treasured and I think that’s perfect