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Sorry the last two audios were a bit late.

Hopefully worth it.



bro said [Mean] and meant it god DAMN


“you really are between a rock and a hard cock, aren’t you?” fuuck.


This audio has made me discover things about myself I didn't know...


the patronising is just somethin else


glad this audio made me realize i don’t like cucking (i thought i would lol) good audio nonetheless tho! really like the mean to sweetly condescending contrast


Can someone tell me the time stamps when it’s sweet because my mental health will not allow me to listen to the whole thing 😭


Okay, please keep in mind that for the most part It's mainly micro-flashes of sweetly toned condescension, and the amount in this particular audio is miniscule compared to the *actually* sweet audios in his catalogue- (which I would ardently recommend listening to instead of something that could potentially trigger you) - That being said, these are the smol bites of sweet'esque parts : 1:21-1:32 2:17-2:21 4:48-4:55 6:50-7:11 8:13-8:45 13:18-13:30 14:32-end


"It ain't much, but it's honest work 👩‍🌾"


holy whiplash wtf did i just asksbdj i am very confused now okay byeeeeeee


10/10 I was pissed off the entire time. 👏


the way i flinched in the middle when he raised his voice 😮‍💨


While I know this isn't for me, I still listened.. for science. And even though it reinforced the fact that this isn't mine, I now feel like I understand the dynamic between the two [whoever they may be] as I can't comprehend being mean to someone in that way. But the way you explained it - while still keeping it sexed up - was very educational. Thank you for making every day a school day


So, since the incubus audios, I have had a little pet theory that perhaps there is some kind of infernal pact involved with your work. And sometimes you will catch me with a little detail that adds evidence to this theory. Your ability to predict a listeners whimpering, for example. It'd make a great audio in itself except that it's disqualified by its meta-ness. Excellent work. I know your NSFW series don't typically have a long lifespan, but perhaps a reclaiming cap for an end.


8:10 onwards is dangerous with how easily it makes me feel things 🌝