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You find a pristinely-sealed collection of old film reels. You don't know what's on them, but the strange markings and small, disorganized lumps of containers alert you to the likelihood that these are all segments of a larger project rather than a movie as you expected.

The weather being what it is, you have little else to do.

You start the projector.


Soul Stealer

Oooo I’m INTO this! More please!


holddd uppp, didn't we meet the bartender before? anyway this is so good as always

Emily J

Your storytelling continues to impress! I particularly liked how you described the dream-like qualities to the “In Between”. Also, I’ve been liking the rain/storm SFX lately, it adds such a grounded feeling and compliments your voice really well.


This is so good!!! It nearly made me cry. I would have except that as soon as I felt it, I was so shocked that an audio roleplay was about to make me cry that the feeling went away. But unchecked by societal norms, I 100% would have cried.


literally throughout this audio my brain just kept going "betwixt??? betwixt??? this is a continuation to betwixt right???" you are so insane for this, this is so fucking good !!


Wait if this is a continuation of the betwixt, where tf is he?! It can't be heaven or hell because the big man never showed up, and when did the bartender have keys? I must know more!!!


ahhh i love this! my favorite thing about betwixt was always how it made the perfect anchor for multiple storylines… how so many thursdays could be interconnected through the one universe that it gave us. i hope we get to see more of this world over the coming months. 🤞🏻

Marissa Leimone

I loved the projector sounds! I got chills a few times, especially at the part where everyone was watching silently... not to mention hearing the desperation at the end hit me in the gut! 💔 A continuation of this would be SO great!


the betwixt is probably the ADN i missed the most! super excited to see how you expand on the story!


I take it he was wearing a trenchcoat. 😏 Perfect full circle!


it’s been a week why am i still thinking about this

Winter Collinns

OMFG JUST THE DISCRIPTION MADE ME THINK OF INSIDIOUS. One of my favorite horror movies 🥰 I'm a sucker for such themes.