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Twilight and Pinkie had gone out last night for one of Pinkie's special ragers, and had only gotten back to the castle quite early in the morning. At least, Twilight did. In her post party haze she barely had any mind to notice her surroundings, and apparently was barely conscious as her magical alarms blared in her room to remind her of her early morning meeting with the princesses.

She barely managed to make herself presentable before hopping onto her throne in the map room, activating the call. Clearly the princesses had been waiting for her, and some of them were not happy with her tardiness, but they managed to move forward with the itinerary.

It was then the map room's door flew open and Pinkie Pie stumbled inside, barely back from the all night long rager. Her clothes were torn and missing, the top she'd wore last night doing nothing to hide her pert tits and hickey covered shoulders as it hung off her. Her trousers were no where to be seen, the monstrous horse cock and pendulous cantaloupe-sized balls that she'd been blessed with in full display for everyone to see. Including the princesses.

With barely any time to react, Twilight found herself grabbed by her horn and pushed down to take all of Pinkie's cock into her throat at once.

She didn't gag, she had too much experience at this point for that, but she made a series of surprised slurping sounds before Pinkie shot a massive load of cum inside her stomach.

Without a word Pinkie simply pulled back and walked away, leaving behind a bloated, beached Twilight, too dazed to from her throne. Above her, the princesses watched everything from the magical call and cheered on for the pink earth pony, getting some naughty ideas for their own fun...


istg i've had the sketches for this one in my wips for over i year, it took me so hecking long to finally get it done! but its here! its finally done!



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