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I haven't been home between 1st and 12th, that's why I haven't talked about yet, what is going to happen this month.

In the content vote #4, people overwhelmingly voted for a custom character creator. Back then I didn't really know... how. So I kinda pushed it for an idea in the future. In the end of last month, I randomly remembered the custom character creator I promised and started planning how I could do it.

This months update is going to be about it.

How much will we be able to customize the girls?

You'll be able to craft a sort of wand and edit the clothing of NPC girls. Also there will be a menu to edit the the clothing you urself would wear if you transformed into Bia, Jenny, etc. . You'll also be able to remove basically everything from the girls. For example: If you wanted to give Bia a different hairstyle, you'll be able to remove Bias default hair and place ur custom self made hair on her head.

The clothing, hairstyles, accessoires, etc. you can attach on the girls, you are going to be able to make urself. There is little to no limit, when it comes to customize a girl in her appearance. You can basically take Ellie and turn her into tall-Jenny lol.

How will we be able to create the custom stuff?

With Blockbench. You'd model the custom prop - make a texture for it - export both the texture and model and place it into the custom models folder. Thats it - you won't even have to restart the game. For a brief moment, I thought about making an ingame editor - but i honestly don't see a reason for it. Blockbench is very nice. I will obviously make a big tutorial on how to make custom stuff for the mod.

Will it work on servers?

Good question you just asked me sir. Tho you rather should have asked me - will it be safe to use on servers? Obviously this all will be multiplayer compatible. The server owner would just have to place the custom models onto the server and the server would send the models to the players. I will make a huge disclaimer in the tutorial, make you have to type in a command to whitelist the server as trusted to download models from and tell you right now: DO NEVER ENABLE CUSTOM MODELS ON A SERVER YOU DON'T TRUST! The model files will be directly transfered from the server to ur client. The mod won't make any checks on what is actually in those model files, because i'm neither malwarebytes nor ur dad. Only enable custom models, where you know the server owner and trust him/her. Likewise - as a server owner - If someone sends you a custom model they made and asks you to add it to the server - check the model file beforehand, before you upload it to the server. I'll show you in the tutorial video on how safe model files would look.

What about the sex animations?

The 4 questions i get asked the most are: "When bedrock?" - Never, "When phone?" - Never, "How big is ur penis?" - 16cm/6.2inch,  "Can you add my skin to the mod pls???" - are you actually serious rn?

Then on 5th place is "Why do you restrict all animations to a single girl and don't just let every girl have any animation?" - Answer is: Size matters. Most girls have vastly different body sizes and proportions. Adjusting Jennys doggy animation so that Ellie could have it without it clipping weirdly, would take so much time, that I could have spent that time into starting on making a brand new animation. You'd think that's only an issue with 2 girls having vastly different proportions, like tryna apply Ellies, face fuck animation on the kobolds - but that is just not the reality of things.

Also - You might laugh at this but tbh I don't really care - I've been working on the mod for more than 2 years now and the mod has become much more to me than just a fun side project. When I'm not out with my friends and have free time at home, I play a little bit of stalker anomaly now and then - but most of the time, I work on the mod. That's why I've been able to so actively publish updates every month and am able to do everything by myself (except for voice acting lol). I really enjoy the artistic sense, coming from every girl being very different, having different proportions and a completely different personality. Making every girl have the same animations, would kinda destroy that.

I kinda went off the course, but what Im tryna say with that is - If you for example wanted to customize the Allie you are transforming into when you drink a horny potion - you'd still only have the Allie animation set. So - reverse cowgirl and deepthroat.

This going to be by far the biggest update the mod has ever seen. So I hope I can get it done until the end of the month. The pictures show a kind of proof of concept. I've worked on the system already and already got the basics done :)



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