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prolly will release a version containing them with oral pretty soon. The time i spent on the tongue i could have prolly made 3 animations or smth. but ay at least it looks very nice!




Alien Anthony

Amazing work to say the least!!! If I was to say anything I think you'd get a better reaction from the community if you gave ur girls a bit of after animation. Like she'd wipe her mouth and say something funny like "thanks for the meal" Before just instantly snapping to a walk or standing still cycle. Itt'le make the characters seem more lively and in a physiological sense make the players feel like when a girl does a thing its not just for the item. *despite actually being for it.* as a weird saying i've heard walking down the street. "you gotta sell it"


Nah we could wait you put out them bangers Boi. !!! Love ya stay safe an know your community ❤️ U


I say what learn doing the programming to match animation with different bodies is astounding and could lead to speed up sex scenes between mutiple characters or used in other ways as well. Great work man.


Always like to see the effort you put Into these


Very pog thanks for the update


The good stuff


All the other kobolds are like 🥴😐😛😐😕


O///O nice tongue action. Oh my.


honestly i'd rather wait till u drop both goblin and kobolds at the same time so we have more content to enjoy, depending on what else you might have in store for the goblins


My man is this mod coming to 1.19 or something? I'm think of making my own mod but need to decide which version it will be


highly unlikely. the latest version of minecraft is just way too different from 1.12 at this point. he'd have to rework the coding so much, it would double the time he needs to work on it. for now he's just gonna focus on 1.12

Aaron Hammack

I think he said he was working on a 1.18 version but I'm not sure where that would be located here and those plans may have changed. That said though it would be nice if he could port it to a newer version like 1.18 so we could use some of the QoL features present in that version of the game. Still if he wants it to stay 1.12 that's fine.


With each update, my hard-on for kobolds and dragons grows. It looks great! Kobold


Personally I like 1.16 and 1.12.2 the best that's wate all the good mods are at


So my mc launcher freezes up wen I submit my account, is their a way to load up without any freeze up? I’m an emerald member


you entered "Uriochi" into the minecraft uuid field. pls read the tutorial given in the form and edit ur entry


I did, waited 10min after, last log in period took me about 2hr before I gave up