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Hey gamers, 

piracy of my mod has become very bad lately... so I spent the full last week on an anti piracy system.

I tried to just.. talk to the pirates in person, but as expected, they don't give a flying fuck.

Sooooo... I spend a long time, working on an anti piracy system, with the focus lying on being not too big of a hassle for my patrons. And yes, it works perfectly now :)

Also, it eliminates the need of itch.io, cuz the anti piracy is built in the mod itself.

It was a lot of work for me but all you have to do is, to fill out this form:


This is all :)

You only have to fill it out once in your lifetime. The whole process is automated. It may look simple, but the backend is a mix of java, php and python. And yea, my raspberry pi and web server do all the hard work for us :)

The next early access version will contain the anti piracy thing. 

I am going somewhere remote tomorrow and won't be back until 16th, so do not expect any mod updates until then :)



You forgot to uncheck "Require Sign in" in the forms setting panel.


My dude, you're not going to stop people from pirating your mod. I don't care for piracy as much as the next guy, but all you're going to do is create hassle for you and us. We'll be totally reliant on things on your end running okay, if your little rPi overheats, no mod for anyone until you're back to fix it. Almost every game company and corporation in general has tried to stop piracy of their products, none of them have managed to do it. Spore had fairly advanced DRM for it's time and became one of the most pirated games of all time. Love the mod, will continue supporting it, but this is an issue you're not going to solve. Just let people support your work and let the pirates be.

Aaron Hammack

I honestly hope this doesn't come back to bite us all in the tail, as Travis said many people and companies have tried and failed to stop pirates or even hackers. I mean look at competitive Destiny 2 for example I'm nit sure how it is now but when trials of Osiris were reintroduced there was a DELUGE of cheaters running around. I think they fixed it more or less eventually but the hackers are still there in some form.

Aaron Hammack

Ok filled the form hopefully nothing is wrong if so I hope you can help me sort it out.


I am actually more curious than anything now. I want to see how this will work.


Done ^^


alright just gotta sit and wait I guess


Here’s to hoping it works! You put a lot of work into this. Definitely don’t want you to get discouraged.


ill pay 13$ but I'm not filling out a form, guess ill wait.


Small question is it possible to have both my mc accounts added or just one?