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Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well. i've been thinking about this, and i hinted at it in my last update, but i think i'm gonna confirm it, i'll be taking a month long break in June.

i've been thinking about it, and it seems like it might be a good idea, really get some time were i don't have to constantly think about the next pic i have to do or who to draw, also, i have some things i really need to take care of in June, things that i really can't delay at all, and the fact that June starts on a Saturday( the day after my last post of the week) and ends on Sunday( the day before my first post of the week), it juts seems like the perfect month to do it.

As i've said before I WILL PAUSE PAYMENT FOR JUNE, YOU WILL NOT BE CHARGED FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE( sorry, it for emphasis), and tho it's a hiatus, i still may work on some idea, tho they will be not my usual fare, maybe redraw the fruit girls or doodle a thing, if i do, i'll post them here for the heck of it. also, i'll most likely post and update every week, just to check up with you peeps, maybe even do some polls if i feel up for it.

also, part of me is wondering, if maybe, i don't share enough. i don't mean art, i post every thing i draw, i mean, just some things like interests and stuff, i really just keep all my pages art only, but at the some time, it means i'm just a blank slate to most peeps, and while i prefer to keep my posts mostly art, maybe a post or 2 about how things are going might be good to, well, make myself seem more like a person, and not just and art machine with like i a 10 replies. i'm not sure, what you peeps think?

OH! another quick thing, I'm going to a anime con on the 25th, not selling anything, just going to hang out, maybe bring some stickers, just to randomly hand out. good luck guessing which con it is, there's like 10 going on that weekend, tho part of me wonders if i should say or not, it might be fun, however unlikely it is, to run into a peep, hehe, maybe give them a sticker, but also, there's the part of that says " don't dox yourself", also, no one what i look like, or anything, so good luck finding me even if you know the con, maybe the stickers would be a clue.

alright, i've gonna on for a bit longer that i planned so quick recap,

i'll be going on hiatus for the month of June, a summer break if you will, to deal with some things and chill out a bit, and you will not be charged for that month.

i'll be going to a con the 25th, just for fun.

and let me know your thought on being more open, and on the break, or the con, i like hearing form you peeps on here.

if you can anything to add, or questions or thing, please leave a comment.

thank you all for your support.



Enjoy your break man. Def gets some rest. And have fun at the convention. (I miss going to those)

Savior Prince

Well, I wouldn't mind to getting to know the person behind all this Artworks better. I'm often curious about this to be honest, supporting is one thing but if you know the person behind it would make the support even better in a way that maybe it's someone with common interests.