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Something About Summer


by Jolene Dubois

Chapter 1

Sonny Harwood sat up in bed, his eyes fixed on the screen of his laptop. The image that greeted him was all-consuming, a tantalizing vision that left him hungering for more. There was something about this woman, known only by the moniker, gaininghottie140, that sent his heart racing and his pulse into overdrive.

It wasn't just the way she moved or the sultry timbre of her voice. It was the way she rubbed her belly, tracing delicate fingers over every curve and contour. It was the way her light brown hair fell in soft, luscious waves, cascading over delicate feminine shoulders in a way that was both alluring and mysterious.

He couldn't see her face, not really. The frame of the camera was cut off just above her lips, those full, plump lips that seemed to be inviting him to take a closer look. But even without seeing her eyes, Sonny was hooked. He couldn't get enough of her, couldn't stop himself from watching her every move.

The white camisole she wore was too small, revealing a cute little tummy, complete with a deep-set belly button that made his mouth go dry. Her skin was lightly tanned and flawless, a canvas that begged to be touched.

Sonny knew his imagination was filling in a lot of gaps, but it didn't matter. In his mind, she was perfect. A goddess among women, a feedee, a stuffer, a siren that captured his very soul.

If only he could meet a girl like that in real life. A girl who relished in eating and delighted in the effects it had on her body as much as he loved watching. His heart ached at the thought, and he placed his hand on the growing hardness between his thighs. The allure of the mystery woman was too strong, too powerful to resist. She brought solace to his tortured mind, an antidote to the existential solitude that gripped him. Her very being held forth the assurance that a kindred spirit wandered this vast cosmos, a soul attuned to his yearnings, a companion of parallel passions who embraced his loves. And so he sat in bed, staring at the screen, dreaming of a life that could never be.

The following day found Sonny once again parking his motorcycle in the alley behind the coffee shop, as he had done every morning since he took possession of the place three months ago, renaming it Sonny’s. The life of a young café proprietor in a coffee crazed city like Seattle was no walk-in-the-park, and Sonny put in grueling hours to ensure the success of his establishment.

As he made his way through the rear entrance, down the creaky corridor, past his modest office, the small kitchen, and into the main lobby, he found Rob stationed behind the register and pastry case, and Jackie next to the espresso machine as usual.

"Been slow?" Sonny said to Rob.

Rob shrugged. "Pretty much. Just a few regulars, no morning rush yet."

"Your doppio sir?" Jackie said, her grip firm on the group handle of the old Synesso machine, exposing her heavily tattooed arm.

Sonny smiled. "Yes please Jax, thank you." Turning to Rob, he lowered his voice to a whisper. "Has what’s her name come in yet?"

"Not yet," Rob said, smirking.

Sonny called back to Jackie over the grinding of single-origin coffee beans. "Once you're finished with that, you can take your break." He turned to Rob again. "If you want to slide on bar, I'll take over for you."

Rob nodded. "Sure man."

After serving a few customers, Sonny was jostled in the elbow. "Bro," Rob said, gesturing towards the front door.

Glancing over, Sonny spotted the young woman he had inquired about earlier.

She had visited the café a few times in the past week, but he had yet to interact with her or learn her name. But now, as she wiggled toward the pastry case with an eye-catching sway, her voluptuous figure a vision of perfection, he found himself unable to look away. Her ankle-high heeled boots, as if transmuted by some alchemical artistry, yielded a symphony that danced upon the floor, each tap an enunciation of grace and intention. This auditory ballet, this delicate cadence, cast a spell upon the coffee denizens—a spell that fused the mundane with the sublime.

Illuminated by the warm glow of the early June sun shining through the windows, she was stunningly attractive, her shapely body boasting curves in all the right places, her every bulge a tribute to the grace and elegance of femininity, and Sonny struggled to avoid gawking as she shifted her weight to one hip and brushed back her hair like Cindy Crawford in an early 90’s Pepsi commercial. Even Rob, who was gay, couldn’t help but admire the pure beauty of this woman.

As she perused the pastry case, Sonny felt his heart race and his breath quicken, lost in the overwhelming allure of this goddess in human form.

A smile playing at the corners of his mouth, he greeted her. "Good to see you again. What can I get for you?"

The woman pursed her lips and absentmindedly wrapped a tendril of hair around her finger. "Hmmm, it all looks so good," she said. "Do you make everything here?"

Sonny studied her, taking note of her surprising full hips and womanly curves that seemed to trace an alluring path through the fabric of space, a celebration of the lushness life had granted her. She was more than just pretty; she was a knockout, the kind of woman who could stop a man in his tracks. Up close, she was downright mesmerizing. Her azure eyes revealed an enigmatic soul, glimpses of boundless oceans and cosmic mysteries. Her flawless, radiant skin bore a sculptor's touch, an ethereal canvas for soft light to dance upon. An elusive fragrance, reminiscent of blooming gardens and nature's breath, clung to her like an invisible spell. Amid life's tapestry, she stood as a dream-woven masterpiece, where form and grace converged harmoniously. Her light brown hair hung around her delicate shoulders like sun-kissed silk, promising warm afternoons and morning’s mellowness and framed a classically beautiful face with full lips which released a soft, sultry voice that tugged at his memory. He wondered if they'd met somewhere before.

"Well, not everything," he said. "Some of the desserts come from Parisian Star, the donuts are Top Pot, but I make the scones, bread, and some of the other stuff."

The woman raised her eyebrows. "You make them?"

"Uh, yeah, I’m Sonny."

"So, you're the owner?"

"That's right."

Holding a small brown leather purse, the woman tugged on her tight, high waisted blue jeans with her free hand. Despite her narrow girly midsection, the front top button of her jeans looked to be straining over some plush softness of a well disguised belly.

"All right,” she said. “I kind of want the cinnamon scone, but I'd also like to try the strawberries and cream crepe."

Sonny smiled, getting lost in the seduction of her man-melting eyes.  "Why not have both?"

She squished her full lips together before shrugging. "Okay, you've convinced me. And I'll take a mocha."

"What kind of milk?" he said. "We've got oat, soy, almond, whole, nonfat…"

"Regular whole milk is fine."

His eyes brightened. It was rare and refreshing to see a young hot girl, at least in Seattle, that didn’t view cow’s milk as some sort of poison.  "You got it. Anything else?"

"Maybe later."

"For here or to go?"

She gazed up into his eyes. "For here."

He swallowed, a little taken aback by her excessive beauty and the shy, yet at the same time, confident way she spoke. “We haven’t met before, have we?” he said.

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Can I ask your name?”

"I'm Summer."

“Okay, Summer,” he said, smiling. Grabbing some tongs he quickly snatched her scone from the case and handed it to her on a small white plate. “I'll get started on that crepe and bring it out to you in a few minutes." He turned to Rob. “Got that mocha?”

Grinning knowingly, Rob banged out a spent espresso puck into the knock-box and said, “Coming right up.”

“I still need to pay,” Summer said.

“Oh right,” Sonny said, embarrassed that perhaps his nervousness was showing and making him come across as brain dead.

After ringing her up, he watched as she made her way to a table, spellbound by the bounce of her heart-shaped ass packed so snuggly in those jeans. The view of her from behind was full of captivating contradictions strode with the grace of harmonious paradoxes. Her ample hips swayed in rhythm with her slender back, weaving a tale of voluptuous curves and delicate resilience that lingered in the air as she walked away. She had a synergy between fullness and finesse that painted an unforgettable tableau. With each step, she rendered a narrative of contrasts, a sonnet of yin and yang, of abundance and subtlety. The gyrating jiggle of her hips, which were actually wider than her narrow shoulders, remained inextricably linked to the modest arch of her back, and Sonny bore witness to this magnificent paradox as she strolled on. Rob nudged him again.

“Dude, you’re staring.”

Sonny turned towards him and sighed. “Damn, I can’t help it. She’s something else.”

Rob went back to the espresso machine and began steaming milk. He smirked. “You should ask her out.”

“Nah, man. I can’t get in the habit of asking out customers. Besides, she’s probably not interested.”

“Bitch, you own the place, and have you even seen yourself, you could get any girl you want, any guy too.”

Sonny shook his head. “The last thing I need is to jump back into a relationship while I’m understaffed and still trying to get this cafe on its feet.”

Rob pulled his pitcher away from the steam wand and lowered his voice to a more discreet whisper. “Whatever you say bro, that chick is like a fucking perfect 10 and she was flirting with you.”

“She wasn’t flirting with me,” Sonny said. “And what do you know about perfect 10’s?”

“I know hotness when I see it and I know your type, and she’s got an ass for days.”

Sonny smirked and got lost in thought for a moment. “Shit, I’ve got to make her food, finish her drink then cover the register real quick, Jax will be back soon.”

Sonny ran to the kitchen and got to work on Summer’s crepe, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. He had never been one to get flustered around women, but there was something about Summer that made him feel like an awkward teenager again.

As he put the finishing touches on the crepe and walked up behind the counter, he noticed Summer glancing at her phone and then looking around the cafe. She caught his eye and gave him a smile.

He walked towards her. “Here you go,” he said, placing the crepe and mocha in front of her. “Enjoy.”

“Thanks,” she said. “This looks amazing.” She took a sip of her mocha, and Sonny watched as a sexy smirk formed on her lips. "Are you new to the area?"

"Yes, actually," Summer said, perking up a bit. "I just moved into the apartments right upstairs a few days ago."

Sonny grinned and pointed his finger towards the ceiling. "Really, you're in this building?”

Summer nodded, then sighed. “I’m actually looking for a job. You wouldn’t be hiring right now would you?”

Chapter 2

Sonny, in his usual impetuous style, had hired Summer on the spot, bringing paperwork to her table as soon as she inquired about working there. And now, a few days later, after Summer’s first real day on the job, he found himself behind the bar with his coworkers, Jackie and Rob, eagerly seeking their appraisal.

“How do you guys like Summer?” Sonny said.

“She’s cool,” Jackie said. “She’s a little shy but she’s like better at latte art than I am.”

“Yeah, she’s awesome,” Rob said. “Don’t ever let her leave.”

Sonny smirked. “Well I’m gonna close with her tonight, we’ll see how it goes I guess.”

Jackie purged the portafilter and looked at Sonny. “You know she lives in the upstairs apartments?”

Sonny smiled. “Yeah I know, easy commute right.”

Later that evening, after putting up the closed sign and locking the door, Sonny turned to Summer. He was still a little amazed that she was now his co-worker and his employee and he had thoroughly enjoyed working with her during the course of the hectic afternoon.

“So you like this place so far?” he said.

Cleaning the pastry case, she looked up. “I love it, the customers are so nice around here.”

“They sure seem to like you,” he said. “I can’t remember it ever being busier than it was today.”

“It wasn’t too bad,” she said. “I used to work the drive-through at a Coffee Bean in Malibu, this was easy compared to that. A lot more enjoyable too.”

Sonny smiled and watched as she leaned against the counter, sticking her butt out in the process. She looked so good in those jeans and the way her gray apron hugged her hips and thighs seemed to push her level of attractiveness into the stratosphere.  “That’s nice to hear,” he said.

She removed a still half-full tray of chocolate madeleines from the pastry case and Sonny noticed her eying them longingly.

“You know you can take those home with you,” he said. “Take as much as you want, otherwise they’ll just be donated.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

“Of course. Do you approve of my baking? What’s your favorite thing so far?”

She placed the tray on the counter behind the case. “I really like the marble cake, but I like everything, that’s my problem.”

“Why is that a problem?”

“Oh, um, I don’t know.” She stood up straight and faced him directly. She shifted her weight to one hip and tugged on the back of her jeans somewhat shyly. Her eyes locked into his and in a slower and softer voice she said, “I guess because if I eat this kind of stuff too often I’ll have to buy some bigger jeans like, every month.”

Rendered frozen from her words and the power of her beauty for a moment, Sonny looked her up and down then swallowed.

After an awkward silence of nearly unbearable sexual tension, she rolled her eyes and said, “It’s okay I like that you want to give me all these treats. I like the way you like, take care of your employees and stuff, not all bosses do that.”

He closed his jaw then turned his attention to the register and opened the til. “I wish I could pay you more, I know rent around here isn’t cheap, but you’ll see the tips can be pretty good on a busy day.”

“That’s nice, and thank you.” She looked down at the remaining pastries and trickled her turquoise colored nails over the wooden countertop between the madelines and a full loaf of marble cake. “This will be my dessert tonight, well, at least some of it.”

“You can take all that cake home with you too.” He pulled out a small plate from a shelf beneath the register. He tore off the loose plastic wrap and revealed 3 cream cheese frosted cupcakes.  “Here, try one of these. I’m thinking about serving them tomorrow. I was sort of experimenting with a new recipe this morning.”

“Oh god, I’m going to get so fat working here.” She smirked, then took one of the cupcakes. “Not that I’m complaining.”

Sonny’s head spun towards her. “What?”

“Nothing,” she said before taking a big bite.

He felt a rush of warmth flood his chest. He couldn't help but notice the way she chewed, the movement of her lips and the sound of her breath as she enjoyed the cake. The way she was constantly adjusting her jeans and the way she pulled down on her sexy black camisole, revealing just a hint of her cleavage. Everything she did was driving him wild.

As she finished the last bite, she let out a contented sigh and undid her ponytail, letting her beautiful hair tumble past her shoulders.

"Thanks for the cupcake," she said, smiling. "It’s delicious."

Sonny's heart was pounding in his chest. He had never felt this way before, but then again he had never seen a woman like Summer before, or had he?

After closing up the shop and saying goodbye to Sonny, Summer took the elevator up to her third floor apartment and was greeted by her roommate Archana.

“Feww, (gasp) I’m exhausted,” Summer said with her hands full.

“What, all that junk in your trunk weighing you down?” Archana said as she sat curled up on the sofa watching TV.

“Yeah, there’s pros and cons to having a big butt I guess.” Summer placed her loaf of marble cake, paper plate of the remaining two cream cheese cupcakes, as well as the chocolate madeleines on the kitchen counter.

“Omigod, is that all from work?” Archana said.

“Yep, one of the perks of being a barista, there’s always free food. This stuff is soooo good too.”

Archana got up off the sofa. “So can I try some or are you gonna like go, film yourself eating again?”

Summer smiled. “You can have some madeleines, but the marble cake is for me, for later.”

Archana wiggled towards her. “For later as in yes, you’re going to film yourself again?”

“Maybe.” Summer smirked and leaned against the counter. “Don’t look at me like that, it’s fun, and my last video already has over 20 thousand views.”

“Holy fuck,” Archana said. “There’s really that many people that get off on just watching a girl eat?”


“Are you ever going to show your face?”

“I don’t know.”

Archana let out a little snort-laugh. “Why not? Anyone that recognizes you would have to admit they're a pervert anyway so who cares. You should monetize yourself so you can make some money.”

Summer rolled her eyes. “If I ever do show my face, it won’t be on youtube.”

“So you still got a crush on your hunky boss?”

Summer plopped a madeleine into her mouth. “I don’t (chew, chew) have a crush on him, (chew) I just think he’s sexy.”

“You know he’s probably gay.”

“He’s (chew, chew) definitely not gay,” Summer said between bites.

“Come on, he’s in great shape, perfect looking, he bakes and he runs a coffee shop in Seattle, he’s gotta be gay.”

Summer swallowed and shook her head. “He’s not gay, that other guy Rob is definitely gay, but Sonny’s not.”

“How do you know? Maybe they’re a couple. You know like the brawny manly man, and then the flamboyant effeminate man, running a cafe together.”

Summer let out a dreamy smile. “I just know. He looks at me the way I look at a piece of cheesecake.”

“Oh so you mean he’s drooling over you?”

Summer rolled her eyes again. “I don’t drool when I look at cake.”

“Whatever,” Archana said.

As the long June day finally darkened into night, Sonny sat alone in his bed with his laptop in front of him as usual. His head was full of Summer Serafini, but he was still obsessing over the mysterious youtuber, gaininghottie140. He scoured the internet and investigated her backlog of clips, most of which he had watched several times before, but then as he went back to her actual youtube channel, he was surprised to see a new video, uploaded just minutes prior.

His dick moved and his heart skipped a beat, and he hit play with throbbing anticipation. She was wearing tight jeans and a black camisole. The jeans were buttoned but were clearly straining to contain her soft waist and bulging belly. She pulled out a half full tray of, what were they, chocolate madeleines? She pinched one between turquoise manicured fingernails and plopped it into her waiting mouth.

That mouth, those delicate hands, those madeleines, those nails, that excruciatingly sexy voice.

Why did it all seem so familiar?

She ate for a while and then unbuttoned her jeans, letting her pudgy little belly spring out onto her lap and shapely thighs.

She rubbed herself and said, “Mmmm, (gasp) I love the way my belly feels when I eat. I love how (huff) soft it is, it makes me wish it was even softer.”

After eating another madeline she reached forward and pulled a paper plate with two cupcakes into the camera’s frame.

“Mmm, (chew, chew) I’ve been waiting to eat these cupcakes just for you guys,” she said.

Sonny tilted his head forward, his eyes glued to the screen.

Those weren't, no…it couldn’t be.

He watched as she took a big bite and then it hit him all at once.

The soft tumbling hair, the lips, the voice, the jeans, the nails, the madeleines, the cupcakes….holy fucking christ.

Those were his cupcakes, his madeleines, the very ones he had baked early that morning.

Gaininghottie140 was…no way…

Chapter 3

Sonny’s heart had been racing all morning. It was him, Jackie and Rob on the floor, but Summer was due to start her shift at noon and the anticipation was killing him. At 11:30, he turned to his right and saw her waltz through the front door like the beauty queen that she was.

He stared at her longingly and looked her up and down as she approached the counter. Dressed in her usual attire of tight jeans and a skimpy camisole, she gazed up into his eyes, noticing the subtle smirk on his lips.

“What?” she said.

Sonny cleared his throat and fought like hell to not let his eyes linger on her amazing cleavage. He was nervous. “Um, nothing, um how are you on this um beautiful day um, Summer?”

She smiled. “I’m good, but I’m starving. I hate to make you work but can I get the nutella crepe, a large iced mocha and, ohhh, one of those chocolate croissants?”

“Of course you can.”

“Just please let me know if I’m abusing my employee privileges, I’m happy to pay, I’m just really hungry.”

God she was too perfect. To Sonny there was nothing sexier in the world than a beautiful woman with an appetite. He gazed briefly at her lips, her delicate little chin and jawline, her fingers as they rested on the countertop, the flawless light olive skin above her breasts.

She had to be the woman he had been watching so obsessively on youtube, she had to be gaininghottie140, the madeleines and cream cheese muffins gave her away and the similarities were too much to be a coincidence.

But what could he do about it, what could he say? How would he even bring something like that up and what if he was somehow wrong about the whole thing?

“It’s totally fine,” Sonny said, regaining his composure. “Employees always eat free here and they always will. Did you forget to try the stuff I gave you yesterday?”

“Oh no, I ate all that last night, I mean…” She looked down and then up, embarrassed that she had admitted such a thing out loud.

Sonny’s heart skipped a beat and he found his eyes dropping towards her waist and the way the top button of her jeans looked to be hanging on for dear life against her midsection, a midsection that looked a little fuller than it did yesterday, or was that his imagination. “You must have really liked it.”

She gave him a bashful little smile. “Yeah, I really did.”

He unfroze himself and blinked a few times. “Alright, I’ll get right on that crepe, Jax will get that mocha going and we’ll bring it out to you.”

“Thanks, you guys are so sweet.”

After watching her wiggle towards her table Sonny took a deep breath then took a few steps towards Rob who was replenishing the pastry case.

“I think I’m in trouble man.”

Rob stood up straight. “Why, what do you mean?”

Sonny glanced at Summer in the corner of the cafe, then back at Rob. He leaned towards him and lowered his voice. “I think I’m kinda sorta, umm, developing a major crush on Summer.”

Rob snorted. “No shit, you think? I thought you guys were about to get busy right here on the counter.”

“Shut the fuck up is it that obvious?”

“Bitch, I could be blind and it would be obvious.”

Sonny let out a deep sigh. “Fuck me.”

“You sure she’s single?”

Sonny’s eyes darted towards Rob. “Pretty sure, she hasn’t mentioned a boyfriend or anything. Why, did she mention something to you?”

Rob placed the last french curler on the white pastry plate then smiled. “No, but you better get going on her crepe, didn’t you hear, girl is hungry.”

The hours went by. Rob and Jax went home after the modest lunch rush and Sonny and Summer once again closed down the shop together. When it came time to pack up the remaining unsold pastries of the day, Sonny found the nerve to hint at the subject of Summer’s fondness for his baked goods more specifically.

“So you said you ate all that stuff last night huh?”

After a spritz of glass cleaner on the display case, she gazed up at him. “Umm, yeah, well I mean I shared some with my roommate Archana but yeah…”

Sonny plopped a half of a lavender bundt loaf into a white cake box. “Have you always had a roommate?”

With a paper towel in her hand, Summer shifted her weight to one hip and shrugged. “Yeah, I guess so. She is a year older than me but we met in college. She got an internship at Google, I broke up with my boyfriend and was ready to move back home so we just came up here together. I grew up in Redmond.”

Sonny swallowed, elated by what she was divulging. What were the chances that he would meet a girl like Summer during possibly the one month out of her life that she was actually single. It was as if the universe was teasing him. She was the girl of his dreams, but she was his employee and he had just hired her. He couldn’t simply ask her out or start dating her, it just wouldn’t be right. All the same he wanted to talk to her as much as possible, and he quickly tried to think of something else to say. “What did you study in college?”

She sighed and rolled her eyes. “I don’t even know, there’s too many things I want to do. At first I wanted to study journalism and try to be a food critic or something, then I wanted to study theater, but ended up just going for a Business degree cause it’s more practical you know, but I didn’t actually finish.”

“Theater? Like plays and stuff?”

“No not really, it was LA, so theater means more like commercials and TV and how to audition and things like that.”

“You interested in being an actor?”

She tilted her head to the side and squished her lips together in a way that nearly stopped Sonny’s heart. “I don’t know, it was mostly just that everyone kept telling me I should try cause I have the look or whatever, but the culture down there is so toxic it kinda turned me off. Besides, you don’t even really need to be in LA to do that stuff now, I mean you can just start like a youtube channel and do your own thing.”

The metal tongs fell from Sonny’s hand and landed on the tile floor with a dull clang. “A youtube channel?”

Her eyes locked into his and she stared at him for a moment. “Maybe, my ex-boyfriend was a youtuber and he was pretty successful with it.”

“What kind of stuff did he do?”

She sighed. “He was a model so it was a lot of like workout and diet type stuff, it was a little cringy to be honest.”

“Your ex was a male model?”

She smirked. “Well he wasn’t a female model.”

He bent down to pick up the tongs and then put them in the sink behind the counter. “So what happened, why didn’t it work out with him?”

She scrunched her nose. “Uhh, he was an asshole, got all controlling and he wanted me to be something I’m not.”

“How so?”

“He was all into macros and micros or whatever and tried to control like my eating habits, and my weight, he was such a fitness freak that he thought that everyone around him needed to be a fitness freak too.” She rubbed out the last of the streaks off the beveled glass, then came around the pastry case to his side of the counter. “How about you? You got someone waiting up for you at home?”

He could smell her subtle fragrance and his throat went dry as she came closer. “No, I’ve been single for a little while now.”

She gazed slowly up at him and smiled. “How is that possible?”

Her smile was so mesmerizing that he thought his heart might melt. “I’ve just been so busy, trying to keep this place afloat, they say 60 percent of small businesses fail in the first year, 80 percent within 5 years. I will do whatever it takes not to be another statistic.”

“Seems like you know what you’re doing, off to a good start so far.”

“It’s a lot of work.” He became lost in her eyes for several seconds then he shook himself free and drew his attention back to the vast array of leftover pastries. “I think I made too much again, there’s a lot today, how much of this do you want?”

“Oh my goodness.” Her eyes widened at the sight of the neatly wrapped up scones, muffins, croissants and cakes. “I mean I’ll take it, I'm just not sure I’d be able to carry everything in one trip.”

“Just take what you can carry then,” he said. “I can bag it up too.”

She shifted her weight to one hip and smirked. “Actually um, if you’re not in a rush would you mind helping me?”

He swallowed. “Help you take it to your apartment?”

“Yeah, if you don’t mind.”

“I don’t mind at all.”

Sonny turned off the lights, set the alarm and they walked out of the cafe together through the front door. It was 7 in the evening but the city street was still bright as the summer sun wasn’t due to set for another few hours.

With two large brown paper bags in his hands, Sonny followed Summer a few feet down the sidewalk and he stood behind her as she made her way to the entrance of her building and opened the door with a fob key.

They went into the lobby and approached the elevators. The building wasn’t modern, but it wasn’t old either, and it had been constructed on top of and around most of the old street level shops, including Sonny’s cafe some time ago.

“Your roommate is okay with me coming up?” Sonny said.

Summer nodded. “Yeah, I texted her.”

Inside the apartment, Summer placed her purse on the kitchen counter and Sonny did the same with the bags of pastries.

It was a nice place, it had air-conditioning and it smelled like vanilla and gardenias.  Across the open kitchen was the living room, where a girl, who Sonny assumed to be Summer’s roommate Archana, sat on a leather couch, bathed in the soft glow of sunlight filtering through purple patterned curtains.

Sonny’s eyes skipped around the room, looking for any signs of familiarity from what he had seen in the backgrounds of gaininghottie140’s videos. The place was an amalgamation of eclectic tastes, with Ikea furniture and a Panasonic flat screen TV mounted to the wall, but nothing caught his attention that could offer proof that Summer had a secret sexy hobby on the side. He assumed she probably shot the videos in one of the two bedrooms off to his right anyway.

Archana got up off the sofa at the far end of the apartment and made her way towards them. “Oh my god more treats? Is all this supposed to be for us?”

Sonny's gaze fixated upon her. There was an undeniable camaraderie between beauty and her, an almost symphonic harmony, for she possessed an allure that rivaled, although not quite, the very essence of Summer herself. Her silhouette, though graceful and willowy about the hips and waist, was punctuated by a startling expanse of bosom that defied expectation within her slender frame. It was a peculiarity, an unexpected grace note in the composition of her form. Ethereal and enigmatic, she bore the hallmarks of Indic heritage, or perhaps the whispers of a Pakistani ancestry, casting a veil of intrigue upon her origins. And then there was her crown—a resplendent cascade of obsidian tresses that framed her countenance, a crowning glory as rich and dark as the midnight sky. It seemed that beauty liked company, as the amount of hotness that was living in this apartment was to Sonny somewhat stupefying.

He shrugged. “Why not, it’s good stuff and I rather help you girls out than have it all go to waste.”

“You’re gonna help us outgrow our pants is what you’re gonna do,” Archana said, almost in a giggle. “Sorry I’m just joking, I’m Archana and you must be Sonny.”

Sonny smiled. “Yes, I do remember you. You came down for that iced chai a while back, nice to meet you officially.”

“Wow, good memory.” Archana turned towards the bags of pastries on the counter. “What do you have this time?”

“There’s all kinds of stuff,” Sonny said, putting his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans, “but you’ll have to let me know what you think of the lavender cake, it’s a new recipe.”

Archana smirked. “Oh we will, or at least I’ll try to steal a piece before Summer eats all of it.”

Summer’s lips parted and she gave her roommate a playful shove in the arm. “Oh my god Archana, shut up!”

Archana giggled. “What?”

Sonny looked at Summer.“I better get going.” He turned to Archana. “You have a very nice place here, and it was nice meeting you.”

“You too,” Archana said with a smile.

“Riding the bike home?” Summer said.

“Yeah. I have a car too but I try to take the bike as much as I can this time of year.”

“Where do you live?” Archana said.

“Not far, just over towards the bridge, near Dunn Lumber if you know where that is.”

Archana’s eyes shifted. “Sorry, Summer knows the area better than I do, is that like, by Gas Works Park?”

“Yeah kinda.” Sonny sighed and turned back to Summer. “See you tomorrow.”

Summer smiled, her eyes glowing up at him. “I look forward to it.”

As soon as Sonny left and the door clicked shut, Summer unsnapped her jeans then turned to Archana. “(gasp)Oh my god, that feels (pant) so much better, I thought I was going to pass out.”

Archana’s eyes got big as she looked down at Summer’s exposed belly. Her form, a composition of curves that held secrets of indulgence, revealed a chapter written in the language of flavor and delight, as well a reddened mark of indentation from her jeans that were quickly becoming too small.

“Jesus, I knew you were going to outgrow your pants working down there but I didn’t exactly mean like, right now,” Archana said. She leaned forward and pinched a good handful of fat just below her roommates' deep and hollow navel, a testament to her unapologetic surrender to life's pleasures. “Or is this from all your youtube mukbangs? Getting pretty pudgy, but it is kinda cute. What are you, over 150 now?”

Summer let out a deep breath, then lifted her blossoming flab with both hands and let it drop.“(gasp)I don’t know, maybe I’ll weigh myself after dinner. I wonder if a guy like Sonny would think it’s cute.”

“I think a guy like Sonny would think that anything you do is cute.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Omigod have you even looked in the mirror, do you even realize the way men look at you?” Archana said. “Just think about how much your freaking youtube videos are blowing up, or just read the comments, and that’s without you even showing your face.”

“I mean I definitely think it’s sexy, I just need to keep reminding myself that not all men are like my ex.”

“Whatever, even he tried like hell to get you back,” Archana said. “But I really like this Sonny guy, he’s fucking hot, and like a real man you know, and why the hell would he keep pushing all these fattening treats on you if he didn’t like a little extra…bounciness to his women?”

“Okay even if that’s true I don’t need you to try and play matchmaker again,” Summer said as she turned around and opened the fridge. “I’m actually really enjoying being single, and it’s not like I can be in a relationship with my boss anyway so stop trying to get me all hot and bothered.”

After Sonny left Summer and Archana’s apartment, and before hopping on his motorcycle, he texted Rob and asked him to meet him at the Seamonster Lounge, a bar that was only a few blocks away from the cafe.

“Thanks for coming out man,” Sonny said. “I just gotta tell someone about this cause I don’t know what to do.” He sat across from Rob at a small table amidst the dimly lit ambience, where the glow of incandescent bulbs painted a golden halo on their heads, the scent of well-aged wood and libations embraced the senses. The muggy air bore the trace of countless stories, laughter, and yearning aspirations, woven into a harmonious cacophony that resonated with the notes of the jazz quartet on stage.

“Yeah what the fuck? I’ve never seen you like this, what is so important that it couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”

Sonny leaned forward. “You said you know my type right?”

“Yeah, you like the princess, model types but like I always say, the straighter the man, the curvier he likes his women. You probably just want someone with a big ass that wants to try all the calorie bombs that you bake.” Rob smiled then took a sip of his watermelon vodkarita. “Actually someone like Summer is probably your type exactly, although she might be too classy for you.”

“What do you mean too classy, am I not classy?”

“You are dangerous, and you’re a gay man’s wet dream. I think Summer might be a few levels above you.”

Sonny scowled, then came around the table. He sat down next to Rob, pulled out his phone and handed it to him. “Okay so watch this video, I’ve been obsessed with this girl for weeks.”

“Oh what, is this porn?”

“No no it’s just youtube.”

“Give me some headphones.”

Rob watched with deep focus for several seconds then turned to Sonny and took out an earbud. “What is this? Bitch, I already know you’re a closeted chubby chaser who likes hot girls that play with their bellies.”

Sonny raised his eyebrows. “She doesn’t look familiar to you?”

“No, I don’t think so, but she’s not showing her face anyway so how could I tell?”

“Look at what she’s eating, look at her hands and her hair.”

Rob shrugged. “You got me dude, I don’t know what you’re trying to get at.”

“You don’t think that girl is Summer?”

“Oh my god, you really are obsessed.” Rob shook his head then looked at the phone again. “This can’t be Summer. Summer doesn't have a fat belly like this chick.”

“Yeah because she’s always so cinched up in those tight high waisted jeans.”

Rob brought the phone closer to his face and squinted. “I mean I guess it’s possible.”

“What do you mean possible? Look at the madeleines, fast forward to when she gets into the cream cheese muffins.”

“Oh shit.”

Sonny sipped his beer then set it on the wooden table with a thud. “See I told you.”

“It doesn’t mean it’s her though.”

“It would have to be a pretty fucking big coincidence if it’s not her.”

Rob nursed his cocktail, then smirked. “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”

“Wait for what?”

“This chick is calling herself gaininghottie140, that means she wants to gain, and she said right on this video that she wants to get bigger.”

“I know it’s so fucking hot,” Sonny said with his eyes closed. “But what’s your point?”

Rob scrolled through the phone. “She has a few videos, if she keeps making more, and if she ends up gaining a bunch of weight then we’ll know.”

Sonny turned, looked at Rob and nodded slowly. “Because that would mean Summer would have to be gaining weight too.”

Rob rolled his eyes and cocked his head back. “Oh my god, you have such excellent powers of deduction.”

“You know I could fire you at any time,” Sonny said with a smile, just as the band ironically launched into Boys of Summer, the electric guitar's resonance rippling through the warm air like a subtle jest.

“No you can’t, you need me,” Rob said as he gave Sonny his phone back. “Besides, this is kind of fascinating. Now I’m super curious to see if Summer actually does get fat, and I wanna see if you’ll be able to keep your dick in your pants during the next month.”



Im super curious like Rob :)