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Chapter 2

Sonny, in his usual impetuous style, had hired Summer on the spot, bringing paperwork to her table as soon as she inquired about working there. And now, a few days later, after Summer’s first real day of work, he found himself behind the bar with his coworkers, Jackie and Rob, eagerly seeking their appraisal.

“How do you guys like Summer?” Sonny said.

“She’s great,” Jackie said. “She’s a little shy but she’s like better at latte art than I am.”

“Yeah dude, she’s awesome,” Rob said. “Don’t ever let her leave.”

Sonny smirked. “Well I’m gonna close with her tonight, we’ll see how it goes I guess.”

Jackie purged the portafilter and looked at Sonny. “You know she lives in the upstairs apartments?”

Sonny smiled. “Yeah I know, easy commute.”

Later that evening, after putting up the closed sign and locking the door, Sonny turned to Summer. He was still a little amazed that she was now his co-worker and his employee and he had thoroughly enjoyed working with her during the course of the hectic afternoon.

“So you like this place so far?” Sonny said.

Cleaning the pastry case, Summer looked up. “I love it, the customers are so nice around here.”

“They sure seem to like you,” Sonny said. “I can’t remember it ever being busier than it was today.”

“It wasn’t too bad,” Summer said. “I used to work the drive-through at a Coffee Bean in Malibu, this was easy compared to that. A lot more enjoyable too.”

Sonny smiled and watched as Summer leaned against the counter, sticking her butt out in the process. She looked so good in those tight jeans and the way her gray apron hugged her hips and thighs seemed to push her level of attractiveness into the stratosphere.  “That’s nice to hear,” he said.

Summer removed a still half-full tray of chocolate madeleines from the pastry case and Sonny noticed her eying them longingly.

“You know you can take those home with you if you want,” Sonny said. “Otherwise they’ll just be donated.”

Summer’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Of course,” Sonny said with a smile. “Do you approve of my baking? What’s your favorite thing so far?”

She placed the tray on the counter behind the case. “I really like the marble cake, but I like everything, that’s my problem.”

“Why is that a problem?”

“Oh, um, I don’t know.” Summer stood up straight and faced Sonny directly. She shifted her weight to one hip and tugged on the back of her jeans somewhat shyly. Her eyes locked into his and in a slower and softer voice she said, “I guess because if I eat this kind of stuff too often I’ll have to buy some bigger jeans like, every month.”

Rendered frozen from the power of her beauty for a moment, Sonny looked her up and down then swallowed.

After an awkward silence of nearly unbearable sexual tension, Summer rolled her eyes and said, “It’s okay I like that you want to give me all these treats. I like the way you like, take care of your employees and stuff, not all bosses are like that.”

Sonny turned his attention to the register and opened the til. “I wish I could pay you more, I know rent around here isn’t cheap, but you’ll see the tips can be pretty good on a busy day.”

“That’s nice, and thank you.” Summer looked down at the remaining pastries and trickled her turquoise colored nails over the wooden countertop between the Madelines and a full loaf of marble cake. “This will be my dessert tonight, well, at least some of it.”

“You can take all that marble cake home with you too.” Sonny pulled out a small plate from a shelf beneath the register. He tore off the loose plastic wrap and revealed 3 cream cheese frosted cupcakes.  “Here, try one of these. I’m thinking about serving them tomorrow. I was sort of experimenting with a new recipe this morning.”

“Oh god, I’m going to get so fat working here.” She smirked then took one of the cupcakes. “Not that I’m complaining.”

Sonny’s head shot towards her, surprised. “What?”

“Nothing,” she said before taking a big bite.

Sonny felt a rush of warmth flood his chest. He couldn't help but notice the way she chewed, the movement of her lips and the sound of her breath as she enjoyed the cake. The way she was constantly adjusting her jeans and the way she pulled down on her sexy black camisole, revealing just a hint of her cleavage. Everything she did was driving him wild.

As Summer finished the last bite, she let out a contented sigh and undid her ponytail, letting her beautiful light brown hair tumble half way down her back.

"Thanks for the cupcake," she said, smiling. "It’s delicious."

Sonny's heart was pounding in his chest. He had never felt this way before, but then again he had never seen a woman like Summer before, or had he?

After closing up the shop and saying goodbye to Sonny, Summer took the elevator up to her third floor apartment and was greeted by her roommate Archana.

“Feww, (gasp) I’m exhausted,” Summer said with her hands full.

“What, all that junk in your trunk weighing you down?” Archana said as she sat curled up on the sofa watching Grey’s Anatomy.

“Yeah, there’s pros and cons to having a big butt I guess.” Summer placed her loaf of marble cake, paper plate of the remaining two cream cheese cupcakes, as well as the chocolate madeleines on the kitchen counter.

“Omigod, is that all from work?” Archana said.

“Yep, one of the perks of being a barista, there’s always free food. This stuff is really good too.”

Archana got up off the sofa. “So can I try some or are you gonna like go, film yourself eating again?”

Summer smiled knowingly. “You can have some madeleines, but the marble cake is for me, for later.”

Archana wiggled towards her. “For later as in yes, you’re going to film yourself again?”

“Maybe.” Summer smirked and leaned against the counter. “Don’t look at me like that, it’s fun, and my last video already has over 20 thousand views.”

“Holy fuck,” Archana said. “There’s really that many people that get off on just watching a girl eat?”


“Are you ever going to show your face?”

“I don’t know.”

Archana let out a little snort-laugh. “Why not? Anyone that recognizes you would have to admit they're a pervert anyway so who cares. You should monetize yourself so you can make some money.”

Summer rolled her eyes. “If I ever do show my face, it won’t be on youtube.”

“So you still got a crush on your hunky boss?”

Summer plopped a madeleine into her mouth. “I don’t (chew, chew) have a crush on him, (chew) I just think he’s sexy.”

“You know he’s probably gay.”

“He’s (chew, chew) definitely not gay,” Summer said between bites.

“Come on, he’s in great shape, he bakes and he runs a coffee shop in Seattle, he’s gotta be gay.”

Summer swallowed and shook her head. “He’s not gay.”

“How do you know?”

“I just know. He looks at me the way I look at a piece of cheesecake.”

“Oh so you mean he’s drooling over you?”

Summer rolled her eyes. “I don’t drool when I look at cake.”


As the long June day finally darkened into night, Sonny sat alone in his bed with his laptop in front of him as usual. His head was full of Summer Sloan, but he was still obsessing over the mysterious youtuber, gaininghottie140. He scoured the internet and investigated her backlog of clips, most of which he had watched several times before, but then as he went back to her actual youtube channel, he was surprised to see a new video, uploaded just minutes prior.

His dick moved and his heart skipped a beat, and he pressed play with throbbing anticipation. She was wearing tight jeans and a black camisole. The jeans were buttoned but were clearly straining to contain her soft waist and bulging belly. She pulled out a half full tray of, what were they, chocolate madeleines? She pinched one between turquoise manicured fingernails and plopped it into her waiting mouth.

That mouth, those delicate hands, those madeleines, those nails, that excruciatingly sexy voice.

Why did it all seem so familiar?

She ate for a while and then unbuttoned her jeans, letting her pudgy little belly spring out onto her lap and shapely thighs.

She rubbed herself and said, “Mmmm, (gasp) I love the way my belly feels when I eat. I love how (huff) soft it is, it makes me wish it was even softer.”

After eating another madeleine she reached forward and pulled a paper plate with two frosted cupcakes into the camera’s frame.

“Mmm, (chew, chew) I’ve been waiting to eat these cupcakes just for you guys,” she said.

Sonny tilted his head forward, his eyes glued to the screen.

Those weren't, no…it couldn’t be.

He watched as she took a big bite and then it hit him all at once.

The soft tumbling hair, the lips, the voice, the jeans, the turquoise nails, the madeleines, the cupcakes….holy fucking christ.

Those were his cupcakes, his madeleines, the very ones he had baked early that morning.

Gaininghottie140 was…no way…


Mason Brown

Your best since Plump Fiction! Can't wait to see more!