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Chapter 1

Sonny sat up in bed, his eyes fixed on the screen of his laptop. The image that greeted him was all-consuming, a tantalizing mystery that left him hungering for more. There was something about this woman, known only by the moniker, gaininghottie140, that sent his heart racing and his pulse into overdrive.

It wasn't just the way she moved or the sultry timbre of her voice. It was the way she rubbed her belly, tracing delicate fingers over every curve and contour. It was the way her light brown hair fell in soft, luscious waves, cascading over delicate feminine shoulders in a way that was both alluring and mysterious.

He couldn't see her face, not really. The frame of the camera was cut off just above her lips, those full, plump lips that seemed to be inviting him to take a closer look. But even without seeing her eyes, Sonny was hooked. He couldn't get enough of her, couldn't stop himself from watching her every move.

The white camisole she wore was too small, revealing a cute little belly, complete with a deep-set belly button that made his mouth go dry. Her skin was lightly tanned and flawless, a canvas that begged to be touched.

Sonny knew his imagination was filling in a lot of gaps, but it didn't matter. In his mind, she was perfect. A goddess among women, a feedee, a stuffer, a siren that captured his heart.

If only he could meet a girl like that in real life. A girl who relished in eating and delighted in the effects it had on her body as much as he loved watching. His heart ached at the thought, but he couldn't help himself. The allure of the mystery woman was too strong, too powerful to resist. And so he sat in bed, staring at the screen, dreaming of a life that could never be.

The following day found Sonny once again parking his motorcycle in the alley behind the coffee shop, as he had done every morning since he took possession of the place three months ago, renaming it Sonny’s. The life of a café proprietor in a coffee crazed city like Seattle was no walk-in-the-park, and Sonny put in grueling hours to ensure the success of his establishment.

As he made his way through the rear entrance, down the creaky corridor, past his modest office, the small kitchen, and into the main lobby, he found Rob stationed behind the register and pastry case, and Jackie next to the espresso machine as per usual.

"Been slow?" Sonny said to Rob.

Rob shrugged. "Pretty much. Just a few regulars, no morning rush yet."

"Your usual, sir?" Jackie said, her grip firm on the group handle of the old Synesso machine, exposing her heavily tattooed arm.

Sonny smiled. "Yes, please, Jax. Thank you." Turning to Rob, he lowered his voice to a whisper. "Has what’s her name come in yet?"

"Not yet," Rob said, smirking.

Sonny called back to Jackie over the grinding of single-origin coffee beans. "Once you're finished with that, you can take your break." He turned to Rob again. "If you want to slide on bar, I'll take over for you."

Rob nodded. "Sure man."

After serving a few customers, Sonny was jostled in the elbow. "Bro," Rob said, gesturing towards the front door.

Glancing over, Sonny spotted the young woman he had inquired about earlier.  She had visited the café a few times in the past week, but he had yet to interact with her or learn her name. But now, as she wiggled toward the pastry case with an eye-catching sway, her voluptuous figure a vision of perfection, he found himself unable to look away.

Illuminated by the warm glow of the early June sun shining through the windows, she was stunningly attractive, her 5'4" 140-pound body boasting curves in all the right places, her every bulge a tribute to the grace and elegance of femininity, and both Sonny and Rob struggled to avoid gawking as she shifted her weight to one hip and brushed back her hair like Cindy Crawford in an early 90’s Pepsi commercial. As she perused the pastry case, Sonny felt his heart race and his breath quicken, lost in the overwhelming allure of this goddess in human form.

A smile playing at the corners of his mouth, Sonny greeted her. "Good to see you again. What can I get for you?"

"Hmmm, it all looks so good," the young woman said. "Do you make everything here?"

Sonny studied her, taking note of the womanly curves of her full hips. They were plumper than he initially realized, and it surprised him. She was more than just pretty; she was a knockout, the kind of woman who could stop a man in his tracks. Up close, she was downright mesmerizing. Her light brown hair hung around her delicate shoulders, and framed a classically beautiful movie-star face with full lips which released a soft, sultry voice that tugged at his memory. He wondered if they'd met somewhere before.

"Well, not everything," he said. "The desserts come from Parisian Star, the donuts are Top Pot, but I make the scones, bread, and some of the other stuff."

The woman raised her eyebrows. "You make them?"

"Uh, yeah, I’m Sonny."

"So, you're the owner?"

"That's right."

Holding a small brown leather purse, the woman tugged on her tight, high waisted blue jeans with her free hand. Despite her narrow girly midsection, the front top button of her jeans looked to be straining over some plush softness of a well disguised belly.

"All right,” she said. “I kind of want the cinnamon scone, but I'd also like to try the strawberries and cream crepe."

Sonny smiled, getting lost in the seduction of her heart-melting cobalt eyes.  "Why not have both?"

She pursed her full lips before shrugging. "Okay, you've convinced me. And I'll take a mocha."

"What kind of milk?" Sonny said. "We've got oat, soy, almond, whole, nonfat…"

"Regular whole milk is fine."

"You got it. Anything else?"

"Maybe later."

"For here or to go?"

She gazed up into his eyes. "For here."

Sonny swallowed, a little taken aback by her excessive beauty and the shy, yet confident way she spoke. “We haven’t met before, have we?” Sonny said.

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Can I ask your name?”

"I'm Summer."

“Okay, Summer,” Sonny said, smiling. Grabbing some tongs he quickly snatched her scone from the case and handed it to her on a small white plate. “I'll get started on that crepe and bring it out to you in just a few moments." He turned to Rob. “Got that mocha?”

Grinning knowingly, Rob banged out a spent espresso puck into the knock-box and said, “Coming right up.”

“I still need to pay,” Summer said.

“Oh right,” Sonny said.

After ringing her up, Sonny watched Summer as she made her way to a table, spellbound by her hips and the bounce of her heart-shaped ass packed so snuggly in those jeans. Rob nudged him again.

“Dude, you’re staring.”

Sonny turned towards him and sighed. “Damn, I can’t help it. She’s something else.”

Rob went back to the espresso machine and began steaming milk. He smirked. “You should ask her out.”

“Nah, man. I can’t get in the habit of asking out customers. Besides, she’s probably not interested.”

“Dude, you own the place. You’re the boss. You could get any girl you want.”

Sonny shook his head. “The last thing I need is to jump back into a relationship while I’m understaffed and still trying to get this cafe on its feet.”

Rob pulled his pitcher away from the steam wand and lowered his voice to a more discreet whisper. “Whatever you say, bro, that chicks like a fucking perfect 10 and she was flirting with you.”

“She wasn’t flirting with me,” Sonny said. “Shit, I’ve got to make her food, finish her drink then cover the register real quick, Jax will be back soon.”

Sonny ran to the kitchen and got to work on Summer’s crepe, feeling a mix of excitement and

nervousness. He had never been one to get flustered around women, but there was something about Summer that made him feel like an awkward teenager again.

As he put the finishing touches on the crepe and walked up behind the counter again, he noticed Summer glancing at her phone and then looking around the cafe. She caught his eye and gave him a smile.

“Here you go,” he said, placing the crepe and mocha in front of her. “Enjoy.”

“Thanks,” she said. “This looks amazing.” She took a sip of her mocha, and Sonny watched as a sexy smile played on her lips.

"Are you new to the area?"

"Yes, actually," Summer said, perking up a bit. "I just moved into the apartments right upstairs a few days ago."

Sonny grinned and pointed his finger towards the ceiling. "Really, you're in this building?”

Summer nodded, then sighed. “I’m actually looking for a job. You wouldn’t be hiring right now would you?”


Mason Brown

Great start to what looks to be a great story! I'm intrigued!