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Mike and Autumn spent the remaining month of 2022 in a state of opulent romantic bliss that only comes with the passions and lustful exuberance of a young married couple in love.

Mike bought a new bathroom scale with capabilities up to 500 pounds and called it an early Christmas present. On Black Friday, (the same day he bought it) it was revealed that Autumn was 363 pounds. Her reaction to this shrill and strident truth, this reality that she had eaten herself deep into obesity, surprised Mike.

It surprised him because her reaction was no reaction.

She didn’t seem shocked, she didn’t seem scared or disgusted or even concerned in the slightest.

Was she really okay with it?

Mike could understand why she felt sexier as she put on weight early on in their relationship. She gained in all the right places and her growing curves only added to and complimented her stunning natural beauty; but that was back when she was still under 200 pounds.

At 363 she was far beyond the point where she could simply change a few habits, get a little exercise and get back into some sort of reasonable shape. She could hardly walk around for more than a few minutes without getting out of breath and complaining of knee and foot pain; and it seemed unlikely she would conjure the motivation or discipline to push herself into any type of regular workout routine again.

She didn’t have the time anyway. They no longer lived in an apartment building right above a gym, and the 8 or 9 hours she spent at work in front of her laptop drained most of her energy.

Whatever time she had away from work she wanted to spend with her husband, and she loved the way he loved her and made her feel so wanted and so sexy. The way he touched, worshiped and adored her expanding body, the way he fed and waited on her so attentively, and with such admiration, appreciation and affection.

With her love of food and no immediate reason to restrain her self-indulgent tendencies, new weight continued to cling to her ever-softening and now almost comically voluptuous figure.

Heavily fueled by her growing propensity for marijuana; gingerbread cookies, chocolate fudge, Swedish Kringle, cheesecake and cartons of eggnog found their way down Autumn’s throat over the holiday season in quantities that Mike found staggering when compared to what she consumed when they first started dating.

He didn’t have to try anymore. She didn’t need his encouragement.

She was teasing him and tempting him constantly. She would send him pictures of herself with a full, bloated belly after a huge lunch during the weekdays. She would brag about how much she ate, how much she was snacking and how delicious it all was. She would tell him about how she couldn’t wait for him to get home because she wanted to step on the scale for him. Everything was foreplay, everything revolved around eating and sex.

The holidays seemed to make her more relaxed about what she ate and her weight, but she was also compulsively seeking out food and binge eating on a regular basis, all on her own. She was normalizing it in her own mind, and during an event like Christmas dinner at Mike’s parent’s house, people were taking notice.

While most of the women were still having their after-dinner coffee and dessert around the kitchen table, Mike and his dad John slipped into the living room to catch some of the football game.

“Looks like Autumn’s sure been enjoying married life,” John said. “Seems like she’s having trouble putting the fork down.”

Mike turned up the volume on the TV and walked further away from the kitchen. “Excuse me?”

John took a sip from his bottle of winter ale then turned to his son. “It happens with women after they tie the knot sometimes.”

With the remote in hand, Mike crossed his arms and sighed. He had known a conversation like this was coming, and he was actually surprised it hadn’t come sooner, but he dreaded it nonetheless, especially because it was with his father a few beers deep. “Are you trying to give me advice?”

John looked across the room and into the kitchen. He watched Autumn reach for another shortbread thumbprint cookie while chatting away with his wife Debbie and his daughter Megan. “Hey I’ve been married 35 years,” John said, “don’t you think I might have a few useful tips to share about women?”

“Okay, what do you know about women dad?”

John shrugged and lowered his voice. “I know that you’ve got to get a gym membership and start exercising together. You can’t just tell a woman she’s getting fat, in fact never ever do that. What you can do is suggest working out as a couple, then lead by example and she’ll take the hint.” He took another swig of beer then smiled. “Otherwise these girls you know, they’ll just keep getting bigger if you let em.”

Mike was flabbergasted by the words that were coming out of his father’s mouth. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting to hear but it definitely wasn’t that.

John glanced at his wife then leaned toward Mike. “You know your mom struggled with her weight quite a bit in the years after you and your sister were born.”

“I uh…I didn’t know that.”

“She used to be a jogger when we started dating, but after the wedding and the kids…all that stopped and the pounds kinda crept up on her. You know how I handled it?”

Mike sighed and rolled his eyes. “How did you handle it dad?”

“I didn’t say anything about it, I didn’t criticize her at all I just bought us both some new running shoes, told her I was getting some for myself but that I got a discount if I got her a pair too.”

“Wow dad, that is very clever of you.”

“Okay knock it off you little punk.” He gave his son a playful shove in the shoulder. “Seriously though, remember what I told you.” He turned and made a gesture towards Autumn and then in a whisper said, “It’s not good to be carrying around so much extra weight like that.”

Mike looked at his wife and he found that he was smiling. His dad may have been old fashioned and a tad politically incorrect but he wasn’t wrong, and he couldn’t blame him for saying something either.

Indeed, Autumn had gained a ridiculous amount of weight in the past few years. If someone would have told Mike in December of 2019 that his curvy girlfriend of 180 pounds would have turned into his wife of 360 pounds in the timespan of 3 years he would’ve said they were crazy.

But there she was, as real as the day was long, sitting 20 feet in front of him. She was so fat that even his usually respectful and tight-lipped father, (his father that always adored Autumn’s beauty almost as much as he did) had to voice his concerns. And yet it was these awkward moments with family members, the shock on their faces, the scolding tones, passive aggressive remarks or disapproving comments that seemed to excite Mike and turn him on as much as anything had ever turned him on in his life.

He wondered if it turned Autumn on too.

With the way she had been shamelessly asking for second helpings and eating so ravenously right in front of them, he didn’t doubt it, and that thought alone turned him on even more.

By the end of December, the end of 2022, Autumn weighed in at an incredible 375 pounds. She was nothing but curves and her body had become truly a sight to behold, but as erotic as it was to see the numbers go up on the scale, with the new year looming even she had to know she couldn’t go on like this for much longer, as the results of her over-indulgences were begging to seriously effect her health and mobility.

The weeks continued to pass however and she seemed to become all the more entrenched in the habits she had formed during the pandemic. Work took over, life took over, and Autumn’s occasional bursts of motivation to quit smoking, eat less, and get physically active were often forgotten as soon as she became hungry again, or as soon as her husband returned home from work with takeout food for her, or as soon as he squeezed her arms, rubbed her belly or buried his face between her still growing tits. He’d bring her food, let her eat, sometimes feed her, rip her clothes off and fuck the shit out of her, always making her feel like the sexiest woman on the planet not despite the extra poundage but because of it.

It was no wonder that by March of 2023 Autumn’s weight was at an all time high.

Mike started the dishwasher then turned to her in the living room. “You doing alright, need something?”

It was a Saturday afternoon and Autumn was sprawled out comfortably on the sofa.

With knees bent and her calves tucked beneath her thighs, she looked at him pouty-faced. “Uhhh, (gasp) I need a cigarette but I don’t want to get up.”

She tossed the gray fleece blanket off her legs, sat up straight then began to slowly scoot herself forward.

It wasn’t easy.

It was only 2 pm and she had already absentmindedly nearly eaten herself into a food coma.

Having slept in until 11, she had her usual weekend brunch in bed, prepared and delivered by her husband. Today it was waffles with berries and whipped cream along with 4 strips of bacon, hash browns and scrambled eggs; sides which had become mainstays that always accompanied whatever she was having for breakfast on a given day.

After the late morning meal she transferred herself over to the living room and camped out on the sofa, letting only an hour or so pass before she began scrolling through her phone in search of new and interesting restaurants to try on doordash.

Online food delivery was getting too easy, too convenient, and it was now a normal thing for her to order something delicious via doordash several times per week.

Although it was one of her usual favorites, she had settled on Ezell’s famous fried chicken, and after grazing on several tender strips, a couple of drumsticks, a few rolls and a side of mac and cheese over consecutive episodes of The Office, she was completely stuffed and uncomfortably bloated.

Mike, presently still in the kitchen, watched as she struggled to move. “Baby what are you doing?” He scurried to her aid. She was wearing only panties and a t-shirt. There was so much fat in her thighs that they pressed together like pillows all the way to her knees, or at least to where her legs bent, as her patellas were now so buried in blubber they appeared nonexistent. “You shouldn’t try and overexert yourself like that, let me help.”

She gazed up at him and rolled her eyes, but let him hoist her to her feet with both hands. “Okay (pant) but you really need to stop doing this all the time.”

He pulled her close and let her belly ooze into his pelvis. “But I love doing it.”

“I know (gasp) but it’s teaching me to be lazy and I’m afraid I’ll get too used to it. It’s like my whole body goes limp when you’re around, (pant) and you’re usually around.”

“So what?” he said in a lustful whisper. “I’ll help you anytime, day or night. You are a queen, and you should be treated like a queen.”

“Well I don’t need (huff) your help to get up you know.”

Mike smiled. “I know baby, It’s just fun for me.” He put his hand around her waist, quickly snuck behind her then sat down on the sofa, pulling her onto his lap in one fluid movement. Her ass was so soft and warm and squishy and her hips looked to spread out at least three or maybe even four times wider than his own. She felt so heavy, so wonderful, so big and gushy all over. He could’ve let her sit on his lap all day if he didn’t feel like he was getting crushed.

“Hey! (gasp, huff) What are you doing?” she said breathlessly.

He pressed his face into the center of her back and started caressing her belly with his hands. He kicked her feet off the coffee table and let all of her weight sink into him. “I just need to hold you for a second, this is like medicine for me.”

She turned her head. “Ooohh, am I (pant) squishing you?”

He stared at her pink panties and the way her beautiful and perfectly round butt cheeks seemed to be sucking them into her deepening buttcrack. “Yes baby, I don’t even think I can get you off me.”

She wiggled her hips. “Oh you poor boy.”

“You like squishing me with your fat ass don’t you.”

She leaned backward, pinning Mike’s torso against the back cushion. She wiggled her hips again. “A real lady (pant) would never admit to something like that.”

He held her hips and despite his enjoyment of the moment, he grimaced from the pressure of her ass pushing downward onto his comparatively bony thighs. “Fair enough.”

She paused, savoring the power she had over him then said, “Okay now you (gasp) can help me up.”

“So you do need my help.” He placed both of his hands on the naked white skin of her butt cheeks and shoved her forward with all his strength.

With feet on the carpet she stood up straight and after a toss of her hair she turned toward him. “I just know (pant) how much you like to feel important.”

He stood. “We’re going outside yeah?”

“Yeah but…eh (gasp) I don’t want to put my pants back on.” She gave her panties a tug. “I really need to go up a size again.”

Mike grabbed the blanket from the sofa. “Just cover yourself in this.” He gave it to her and watched as she begrudgingly wrapped it around her immense hips. “No pants are the best pants remember.”

She wiggled her newly manicured toes into her fluffy Ugg slippers while holding the blanket tight to her waist. “If only I could (pant) dress like this all the time.”

“You can if you want.”

She rolled her eyes and held out her hand so Mike could help keep her balance while she navigated around the coffee table. “Come on, (pant) I’m not that lazy.”

Outside on the back porch Autumn sat down in the bowl shaped Papasan chair, her hips filling it to its capacity despite its large size.

Mike grabbed the silver case that was left on the low patio table, took out a cigarette, placed it between her lips and lit it.

“I really need to (gasp) get some exercise, baby,” she said after blowing smoke into the air. “My legs have never felt this weak before.”

He stood next to her and took a puff on his disposable THC vape pen, a habit he had picked up after Thanksgiving. He was all too familiar with addiction, as it was something he struggled with personally in his early 20’s; and while he still abstained from alcohol, he justified the cannabis to himself so long as he kept it to disposables and edibles, despite his wife having no such qualms.  “If it clears up maybe we could go for a walk around the block.”

Autumn looked up at the fascia wood of the awning that covered the patio, then gazed toward the small lawn that made up most of their backyard as the soft rain continued its calming pitter-patter from above.  “Yeah I think that would be a good idea.” She took a drag off her smoke. “I just wish (cough) I had the energy.”

Mike bent down and took one of her half-smoked pre-rolls from the table. “Try this one again.”

She took it and pinched it between the fingers of her left hand. “Is this the euphoria?”

“Yeah I think so.”

She placed it between her lips and Mike lit it with his zippo. She made a face and coughed. “Oooh (cough, cough) it's strong, burns too hot.” Drawing her other hand to her mouth, she gave a quick puff on her cigarette, then began slowly bending her knees up and down, stretching her quads and ankle muscles. “God my legs (cough) feel so sore.” She looked up at her husband. “(gasp) Is it too early for wine?”

He smiled. “It’s Saturday baby, you worked hard all week and you can have wine anytime you want.”

She took a pull from the blunt. “Uhhh, (cough) don’t tempt me.”

He crouched down in front of her and gently massaged her thigh. He gazed into her eyes. The sparse and casual makeup she wore looked perfect, and Mike would be damned if she didn’t look every bit as beautiful as she did when she was 27.

Her face still mesmerized him and radiated intense beauty.

Her cheeks had become puffier over the years, but the Kybella procedure she did before the wedding kept her double chin in check for the time being, giving her face an appearance that didn’t match the amount of weight she carried in her body at all, and yet somehow, it fit her and looked right.

He gazed longingly at her legs and hips as with that huge blanket wrapped around she looked absolutely gigantic. “You don’t tempt me.”

She looked at him expressionless for a moment, then took another drag off her Camel. “We should (pant) probably start thinking about (cough) what we’re doing for dinner.”

He smiled to himself, but looked at her blankly. “I was thinking of ordering pizza, and maybe making some cinnamon rolls for dessert or something.”

Her eyebrows perked up. “Mmmm, the kind you made last time with the (pant) cream cheese frosting?”

“If that’s what you want, I’ll make it.”

“So just stay in and be lazy all day?”

He smiled, for real this time, then stood and took a puff on his vape. “Why not? The weather sucks.” He stepped forward and gave her upper arm a firm squeeze. “Maybe we can get in a little, um…nap time too.”

She smirked. “If you’re lucky.”

He took a longer pull on his vape and looked down at her.

Fucking hell.

He needed to know how much she weighed.

Whether she realized it or not, Mike knew that she had to be creeping ever closer towards a milestone that to him would be nothing less than mind-blowing.

The more he thought about it, the more obsessed he became with it.

It was a tricky thing though. When Autumn was in certain moods she seemed to get as excited about a weigh in as he did, but those moods were sometimes few and far between and often impossible to predict or for Mike to get a read on.

It was a subject that had to be approached delicately.

He soaked her in with his eyes again.

Damn she was so big, so curvy, so sexy.

Too big, too curvy, and WAY TOO SEXY.

Fuck it.

He cleared his throat. “Maybe we could get you on the scale?”

“No no stop it.” She waved her cigarette at him and blushed. He was the only person on earth that could make her blush like that. “I really don’t want to think about that right now, (pant) and I still feel weird about it sometimes, especially because I’m always like way way heavier than I look.”

If he was disappointed he didn’t let it show. “Yeah, of course baby.”

She took a final drag on her cigarette before extinguishing it in the ashtray on the low table in front of her. “I really need to (cough) quit smoking.”

Mike quickly pulled another Camel out of her cigarette case. “Here I got ya.” He placed it in her mouth and lit it.

She sucked in her cheeks, exhaled then coughed. “(cough)Thank you.”

“Of course baby.”

When she finished her second fag and the remainder of her pre-roll she put her hands on her huge pillowy knees, still covered by the fleece and looked at her husband. “Okay (gasp, pant) so whenever I’m sitting (burp) in this chair, I definitely need your help.”

Mike raised his left brow. He didn’t remember having ever heard her say that about that chair before. “Yeah you sink pretty low in that one, comfy though yeah?”

She rocked forward and let him hoist her to her feet. “Ennhh, (gasp) yeah.” The blanket fell and Mike picked it up and rewrapped her dimpled legs and wobbling hips.  “Ooohh, (pant) thank you.”

He took her by the hand. “Of course baby, now let's get you inside so you can get off your feet. I’ll pour you a glass of Pinot, sound good?” He pulled the sliding glass door open wide so she could enter first.

“Yes, (gasp) that sounds perfect.”

The days and weeks went on. Autumn continued to excel at her job and her job continued to demand all of her mental capacity. In the evenings and weekends she wanted nothing more than to turn her brain off, relax, indulge in a little greenery, a little wine, plop in front of the TV and eat.

Whether she was willing to step on the scale or not, it seemed obvious to Mike, she was still gaining weight.



Amazing story! Ready for the achievement of that milestone!!