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Mike looked at the bookshelf in the living room of the modern suburban house. He scanned the framed pictures of the homeowners as if he didn’t live there. The photos told a story. It was a story so unlikely, if he hadn’t lived through it himself he probably wouldn’t believe it.

On the far left was Autumn in her senior year of high school, looking cute and skinny and innocent as ever. Her brown eyes were bright and clear, so full of hopes and dreams and possibilities. Next was a photo of her in India during her college days. She wore an orange head scarf and a black shirt that hung loose over lithe shoulders and highlighted a pronounced collar bone.

There was one of her and Tabitha at a kickboxing class back in 2017, both girls toned and fit. As the photos progressed in time from left to right it was easy to see the changes taking place, the softening jawline, the slightly fuller face and fleshier arms.

There was one of her with her old Linkedin co-workers at a formal dinner, her hourglass figure showcased beautifully in a shimmering crimson dress; there was one where she was on the ski slopes of Snoqualmie pass when she had bangs and blonde highlights, and then Mike quite literally entered the pictures.

A selfie of him and Autumn at a Black Flag concert at the Neptune Theater early on in their relationship, another on the ferry on their way to the San Juan Islands, Victoria and Butchart Gardens; and a snap from the New Year’s Eve party at Tabitha’s apartment in the final hours of 2019.

That was a turning point for Mike.

He remembered thinking she was so thick and curvy back then, but compared to the wedding photos at the Mauna Kea Resort in Hawaii on the opposite side of the TV, she was positively miniscule.

“Babe I need your help!” Autumn yelled from the master bathroom.

Mike turned, headed to the kitchen and put his mug of coffee on the counter. It was Thanksgiving Day, and thus far 2022 had been a very busy year.

Since their engagement, covid cases had steadily gone down and slowly but surely, containment regulations began to dissipate. Autumn had an actual in-person meeting with her boss for the first time, which almost immediately resulted in her receiving a promotion and a hefty raise.

Funny how that works.

They also went house hunting and after much deliberation settled on a single story 2 bedroom place in the Seattle suburb of Kirkland. At over 700,000 dollars it took some help from both Mike and Autumn’s parents to make a decent down payment, but after that it was within their price range, especially considering Autumn’s growing six figure salary.

Mike went down the hall, through the ivory white double doors of the master bedroom and into the adjacent bathroom where he found his wife in front of the mirror as usual.

“Yes dear, what is it?” he said.

He soaked her in. It never failed to amaze him with how good she could look in a dress.

Fucking hell she was sexy.

Applying eyeliner, she was sitting on one of the bench-like wicker bar stools that would normally go in the kitchen with the others.

She used to stand during her beautification routines. When she started putting on weight, she’d often curl her lashes with her belly resting on the countertop, but as she got heavier and heavier, chairs moved into bathrooms and makeup was done only while seated. It also seemed that as she got heavier, so too did her makeup.

With a black pencil in hand, she pointed toward the small bong next to one of the sinks. “Can (gasp) you do the thing for me?”

Mike raised his brows. “Again?”

“It’s (pant) hard with nails, and you always do it better anyway.”

“Just take it easy if you’re having wine with it.”

There was a half empty glass on the granite slab counter next to an ashtray overflowing with butts.

“I know (gasp) but I need it for my back pain, plus what better (pant) time to get the munchies,” Autumn said as she carefully lined the corner of her eye. “(gasp)I’m so looking forward to just (pant) sitting, and eating.” She put the pencil down and reached towards her husband.

Mike hoisted her to her feet and let her body press against him. “Mmm, that’s my girl.”

Fuck she felt good.

In the months leading up to and following the wedding she had continued to slowly pile on the pounds. Mike didn’t think it was a conscious thing, but he also knew that she knew exactly what turned him on, and he didn’t doubt she enjoyed teasing him.

He also knew that she didn’t exercise whatsoever, and some of her more self indulgent bad habits were getting worse or were morphing into other bad habits. What he didn’t know was how much she weighed. The last time he asked her to step on the scale she acted offended and gave him a speech about how he shouldn’t get caught up in numbers.

But damn she was thick.

What was she, 315, 320, 330 pounds?

Could she even be more than that?

After she hit 300 back in September of 2021 it was hard for Mike to tell, but he knew she was usually a lot heavier than she looked.

She wiggled her tits into his lower chest and placed her hand on the growing hardness poking tight beneath his dress pants. “Are (pant) you gonna be able to make it?”

He buried his nose in her hair. Her smell intoxicated him. He cupped her breast. “I’m sure I’ll manage somehow.”

She smiled, released herself from his grasp and stepped backwards. She stretched her arms to her sides, displaying herself in her dress. “Okay, what (gasp) do you think, (pant) this one or the yellow one?”

He looked at her starry eyed. It was a curve hugging sheath that clung to her hips so tightly it almost looked wet, before falling loose at her ankles. It was sleeveless, and the black spaghetti straps did nothing to hide the wobbly girth of her arms or the deepening cleavage between heaving breasts. “Oh that’s a tough decision.”

She spun around to show the back. “Be honest.”

Mike blinked.

Jesus fucking Christ.

It was backless and cut a large U-shape of exposed white skin from her shoulders to her ass. She now had multiple rolls of fat that dripped in downward slopes starting below her armpits until disappearing beneath the taut fabric squeezing against her sides.

Damn, that ass.

He had no idea a woman’s butt could be so huge, so wide; yet still so full and ripe and plump all at the same time.

She was bigger than ever, no doubt about it.

So big, so out of shape, but so proportionate and well put together it was just stupid.

What would her parents think now?

When he and Autumn went down to Oregon to tell them the news of their engagement, the look on Patty’s face was still burning in his mind, as were the passive aggressive comments she made during the wedding reception.

Mike’s eyes bulged and he had to remind himself to breathe as he came to the realization that just one of his wife’s butt cheeks was bigger than his entire ass. He cleared his throat. “It’s not too tight is it?”

She turned and faced him again. “No, (huff) I don’t think so. (pant) Do you think it’s a little too much boob for family?”

He leaned against the counter as if the sight of her was too sexy to take standing. He looked her up and down again and swallowed.  “I think they’ll just have to deal with it. You look amazing.”

“Okay well wipe the drool off your face and help me.” She gestured toward the bong.

Mike loaded it up with the damp pungent buds from the clear plastic container on the counter. When he was finished he handed it to Autumn, now seated on the toilet. She brought it to her mouth as he lit for her with a cigar torch.

She coughed and filled the room with smoke.

She took long wheezing breaths as she recovered then looked up at Mike. “What (cough) time is it?”

He turned the fan on. “It’s a little after 4, probably have an hour before they get here. We should clean all this shit up in case someone needs to use this bathroom.”

She let out a few more short coughs, then gave him an adorably pouty look. “But (gasp, huff) it will be so hard for me in these shoes, (pant) and I would need your help to get them off.”

He looked down at her feet. She hadn’t worn heels since the wedding, and he knew she was going to have trouble walking around tonight. He sighed, leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. Sometimes he forgot how much he loved spoiling her and treating her like a princess. “I’m sorry baby, I’ll do it, you just relax.”

She gazed into his eyes for a moment then smiled. “Okay get out of here (huff) and go check on the turkey. (pant) I need to finish my makeup.”

He helped her up then headed towards the door. He stopped. “Get your smoking done now though.”

She turned around with a lit cigarette in her hand. “Way ahead of you.” She clicked a heel into the tile floor, blew smoke into his face and smiled seductively. “As always.”



We need to know the effects of the Christmas holidays on her frame!