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Mike was flabbergasted, but a surge of euphoria rose in him like nothing he experienced before.

The whole cake?

Had she gone crazy, or was she really as turned on and intoxicated by her expanding body and unapologetic gluttony as he was? Perhaps she just loved the undivided attention, and being doted on in ways she never imagined.

As surprised as he was, Mike wasn’t about to argue.

The cake was heavy, and he held it in his arms like a baby as he scurried back up the stairs. So dense, so rich, so much frosting and an unfathomable amount of calories, it would have been an appropriate dessert for a party of 12 and yet, there was his curvy vixen of a girlfriend wanting it all for herself.

She was now sitting on the edge of the bed naked, staring at him with the eyes of an assassin. With straining effort, she stood and approached him, never losing eye contact. She paused, biting her lower lip in such a way that turned Mike’s legs into noodles. She took the cake which was still on the plastic tray that it came with and brought it to bed without saying a word. She placed it near the headboard where she had draped a light brown bathroom towel over the white sheets.

This wasn’t just the impulsive behavior of an intoxicated sex-crazed girl. This was premeditated.

She crawled into bed on all fours with her ass sticking up and out behind her like an invitation.

This was really happening.

So much for the idea of donut holes being easier to eat in bed.

Her ass wobbled back and forth as she dove head first into the cake.

Mike, now also naked, crawled up behind and cradled her hips in his arms as she went on eating the decadent dessert like a hog in a trough. She looked so amazing from the back in that position. In spite of her incredible size she was still classically curvy, and her hips, thighs and ass dominated her voluptuous figure to such a point that Mike couldn’t pry his eyes away even if he tried.

He thrust himself against her butt crack and slipped effortlessly into her soaking pussy. He cupped her white dough-like hips with both hands as she continued eating with savage abandon. He knew he could explode at any moment but he held back, saving himself and enjoying the spectacle of his now obese girlfriend stuffing herself as if she were a slave to food.

That was something to think about.

Obese girlfriend.

Autumn was now most certainly obese. There was no denying it, and yet the reality of that fact still somehow felt surreal.

The minutes flew by and Autumn kept on eating and eating and eating, She moaned and panted and her lips smacked as she made the most arousing sounds Mike had ever heard.

There was no way anyone could consume that much dessert all at once, but perhaps to the shock of both of them, Autumn ate until the cake was gone and the plastic tray was more or less licked clean.

Holy fuck.

By that point she was completely out of breath, sweating, and her body was on the brink of collapsing under its own weight.

Mike helped stabilize her by cupping her hips and clutching her love handles and he shoved himself into her, back and forth as she squealed in gasping ecstasy.

“Cum (pant, gasp) baby, cum (huff) for me,” she wailed between breaths with chocolate coated lips . “Cum like (wheeze, pant) this.. fuck me (huff) from behind!”

Spooning in the afterglow Mike had one arm beneath her gushing waist and the other on top  where hip dipped into her folding rolls of fat. With his hands caressing her belly, she continued to wheeze with her ass shoved into his pelvis. Her body was still quivering with burps and hiccups from being so stuffed.

“That (huff, wheeze) was (hiccup) fucking (gasp) amazing baby,” Autumn said in a dreamy yet strained voice.

Mike pressed himself against her warm softness. “Yes it was.”

“You’re (wheeze, huff) still hard.”

“Wanna go again?”

“Slow (huff, wheeze) down buddy, I can (gasp) hardly move.” With some effort she wiggled her ass closer against his hardness. She savored the feeling of his hands against her skin. “Aren't you curious?” she said.

“Curious about what?”

She let out a drawn out girly and breathy sigh.“How (gasp) much I weigh.”

Mike’s head shot upward. “Should we go find out?”

“Mmmm, (hiccup) yeah…but (pant) I feel (gasp) so relaxed right now.”

“Come on, let’s get you up. My arm is asleep anyway.”

After some difficult contorting, Mike managed to free his numb limb from beneath her swollen love handles and bloated gut. He stood next to the bed and wiggled his fingers to regain blood flow.

Autumn clumsily rolled onto her back and took long deep heaves of air, her overstuffed belly moving slowly up and down in the process. “Are (pant) you going to help (hiccup) me?”

He leaned forward and took her by both hands and pulled her into a sitting position, then pulled again to get her to her feet.

This task was far more difficult than it used to be.

She exhaled a great gasp of relief then smiled. “I really (pant) like this,” she said.


She stared at him with the most deliciously sensual look in her eyes. “You (pant) being home all time, taking (huff) care of me. I’ve never allowed myself to be (gasp) taken care of like this before, (pant) ever. It makes me sad to think you’ll have to go back to work.”

“Yeah, makes me sad too.”

He steadied her and led her into the bathroom and she stepped on the scale. The numbers fluttered and the springs squeaked with displeasure.

She tilted her head toward her naked breasts. “What’s (huff, burp) the damage?”

Mike looked down. “I don’t think it can decide.”

“Is it (hiccup) broken?”

“Don’t think so. What’s the limit on this thing?”

“Goes (pant) up to 350 I’m pretty sure.”

“Step off for a sec.”

She gave him a pouty look of disapproval but did as he said.

He watched as the numbers went back to zero. “Okay, try again.”

She sighed, bit her lip and carefully stepped back on.

Mike’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh my goodness babe.”

She gasped sharply and opened her eyes wide. “What?”

“You’re not gonna believe this.”

“Would you (huff) hurry up! (gasp) I really don’t want to be standing any longer than I have to.”

“You’re three hundred and nine pounds.”

She stepped off and playfully punched him in the shoulder. “Shut (gasp) the fuck up!”

“That’s what it says.”

“No fucking way!” She turned toward the mirror and gave her hips a shake. “Okay (huff) why is this making me wet all over again?”

He came up behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. It was now getting to be a bit of a reach for him to do so.  He gently kissed her pale neck before he spoke. “Because it’s really hot.”

She bent over slightly and wiggled her butt into his pelvis. “Oh my God, (pant) I’m such a chunky fatass.” She stood up straight and froze for a second, then turned around, twirling her finger in her wildly cascading hair.  “Wait, (gasp) today’s only the 29th right?”

Mike seemed unable to stop smiling. “Yep, almost September. Pumpkin spice latte season is right around the corner.”

“That was (pant) the fourth of (gasp) July when I was 285?”

He thought for a moment. “Ummm, yeah, yes it was.”

“Soooo, I gained what…24 pounds (pant) in less than 2 months?”

He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her close.

God she was really getting wide.

“Well you have been a very greedy indulgent princess.”

Her lips parted in sexy bliss as she bounced her belly against him. “Ohhhh, (huff) God baby I’m (pant) such a pig!”

He bent forward and kissed her on the stomach, still aghast by how incredibly big it had become and how much cake was packed inside. “You are the sexiest woman I have ever seen.”

She smiled deviously. “I better be.”

“You are.”

“Holy shit, (pant) I can’t believe how fucking huge this thing is.” She took a step back and lifted her belly up with both hands, then let it drop down with a heavy jiggle. “Ooohh…I don’t (huff, wheeze) feel so good. I can’t believe (gasp) I ate the (hiccup)whole (pant) thing.”

“Let’s get you back in bed baby. It’s not good for you to be on your feet for this long.”

She nodded sheepishly. “Yeah, (pant) be gentle with me, and maybe get me another gummy and…ooooh…(pant) something to drink.”

“Okay baby.”

In the following days and weeks Autumn continued to indulge her growing appetite without a qualm, yet she didn’t pull off a feat such as eating an entire cake in bed while being fucked from behind again.

Mike kept on hinting that she might need to set a new goal, as she prematurely passed the 300 mark well before her birthday, but she seemed reluctant to do so. Although she found gaining weight exhilarating and wildly sexy, the reality of being over 300 pounds was proving to be more difficult than she had initially realized.

She was constantly out of breath, often overheated and she had developed nagging pains in her feet and lower back from carrying around so much more weight than her naturally delicate feminine frame was designed for.

Her belly made it almost impossible for her to paint her toenails and even putting shoes on had become a challenging chore. Also, because the majority of the most recent 40 or so pounds went to her lower half, taking a bath, which aside from wine was one of her favorite ways to decompress before bed, had become a tight squeeze for her hips and butt, so much so that there were a handful of times where she had nearly gotten stuck.

These problems became all the more glaring as Mike had started to go back into work in September and he wasn’t around as much to dote on her every need.

“Oh God (huff) baby, (gasp) I think that this is just too much weight,” Autumn said as she slowly wiggled into the living room.  “I think I (pant) felt a lot more comfortable when I was in the 280 range.”

Mike set his coffee down and looked at her from his spot on the couch.  She was dressed in skimpy loungewear that was clearly too small.  Her boobs and belly were causing her undersized gray top to ride up her bloated torso and her massive gut was exposed and spilling over her matching elastic boy-shorts. “Ohhh no!” he said with an exaggerated whine. “But you look soooo fucking hot.”

She collapsed on the sofa next to him and placed both hands on the bare skin of her belly. “Oooff, (pant) I wish I could take all this and put it in my boobs.”

Mike leaned towards her and tenderly kissed the upper part of her left breast. “But your boobs are already so big.”

She made a face of displeasure. “It’s (pant) this belly that makes it so hard for me to move around, especially hard if you’re going to be gone all day.”

“I can get up early and make you breakfast before I head to work, every morning if you want.”

“What are you gonna get up at 5?”

He smiled lovingly. “I wouldn’t mind one bit.”

She sighed then reached forward and grabbed one of the chocolate glazed donut holes that Mike had expertly placed in front of her on the coffee table. She plopped it in her mouth like it was and M&M. “It’s okay, (chew, chew) I think my body could use a break (chew) from all this eating. I really do not want to get diabetes, and I’d like to be able to wear jeans again.”

Mike ran his fingers over the silk-like skin of her thigh as she finished chewing. His shoulders slumped. “But no pants are the best pants, remember?”

She wiggled her hips in her seat with the feeling of his touch.“God babe (pant) don’t look so sad! I’m still going to be extra curvy for you.”

“Yeah I know. It’s probably terrible to say but I’m sad that all this pandemic stuff is ending, sad to be away from you.”

She gazed at him, looking seductive as hell. Her face was simply mesmerizing. “Well we sure had fun while it lasted, and honestly (pant) it lasted a hell of a lot longer than either of us thought, so there’s that.”

“It was fun wasn’t it.” He lowered his head into her lap, gave her belly a quick kiss, then looked up.  “I just wish you could lay in bed all day and I could stay with you and take care of you all the time.”

“Mmmmm, you and me both. I always said I’d love to have Samson’s life, just be a lazy house cat.” She reached forward again and grabbed another donut hole.

“Maybe someday.”

She looked at him with raised eyebrows before taking a bite. “Oh (chew) really?”

“Well, yeah.”

“If that’s (chew) what you want (chew) you’re going to have to make some serious commitments.” She wiggled the fingers of her left hand directly in his line of sight, emphasizing her lack of jewelry.  “And I don’t know if you’re capable of that.”

His lips drew a smirk. “I just might surprise you.”

She leaned forward and took yet another donut hole. “Actions (chew) speak louder (chew) than words.” She finished chewing then gently slid the bowl of donut holes toward the edge of the low table with her newly pedicured foot. “Okay (pant) you need to get these things away from me, you know I can’t stop eating when there’s food in front of me.”

He gave her thigh a squeeze. “But I love watching you eat.”

“I know you do, (pant) but I also know that you don’t want me to get diabetes so please get these out of my reach before I eat them all.”

He gave her a hyperbolic look of despair. “You know just how to break my heart.”

Her eyes brightened and she squished her full lips together in the most adorable way. “Mmmhmm, I know exactly how.” Mike began massaging her belly and breasts before she pushed him away. “Okay stop it, (pant) don’t be needy, it’s not attractive. Besides, I feel crampy and my ovaries are hurting.”

“Okay baby. Let me grab you an edible so you feel better.” He rose and went to the kitchen, then came back and plopped an Indica gummy between her lips.

“Mmm, (chew, chew) thank you baby,” she cooed. “God I’m gonna get addicted to these things.

“It’s just THC and CBD, it’s probably better for you than Midol.”

“Yeah (pant) I guess that’s true.”

Mike watched as she finished chewing and thought about what she told him.

She said she felt better when she was 285?

He wondered about that and he wondered what would happen when he went back to work full time.

Would she revert to the way she was pre-pandemic?

He had a hard time imagining that, although he also had a hard time imagining her getting any fatter than she already was.

But would she actually be able to lose 20-30 pounds and get back into the 280’s?

It seemed unlikely.

She actually liked gaining weight and from where Mike stood it appeared that she already passed the point of no return. Her world totally revolved around food and her personality and lifestyle had changed completely from the way it was when they started dating over two and half years ago.

She was kind of a fat hot mess, and he was really in a committed relationship now.

He couldn’t leave her. He didn’t want to leave her.

Was she going to use her absence of a wedding ring against him or something?

Or perhaps if he made the commitment official they could really dive into their fantasies and see just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Love does carry a lot of weight, and Mike could feel the weight of love affecting him in more ways than one.



Wow!!! Incredible chapter and incredible story!! We are ready for the engagement and the lovelly effects in Autumn's body!! Please update chapter 17 soon!