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He went to work the next day with a newfound happiness and purpose that he wouldn’t trade for anything in the world and as soon as he was off he wanted to see her again. She said she was at Little Woody’s, the burger joint that was only about a block away from where they lived. He found it interesting that she went ahead and got dinner on her own, and he liked it. Autumn was always that way. Independent, self-sufficient, she didn’t need to wait for anyone. If she wanted to do something, she would do it.

Mike walked into the small casual restaurant and found her sitting at a table by herself, with a half-eaten cheeseburger and a little carton of fries in front of her. He greeted her and ordered something for himself, but she ended up polishing off all her food before he was even a few bites into his burger.

- Autumn (Chapter 4)



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