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Chapter 12

Autumn unbuttoned her jeans with a gasp of relief.  Placing her hands on her slightly exposed belly, she turned toward Mike who was driving. “Ooohhh…is it (gasp) normal to feel sexier from gaining weight?”

Mike kept his hands on the wheel but snuck a peak at his girlfriend in the passenger seat. Wearing her new size 20 blue jeans and a black tank top, she was distracting to say the least. He smiled. “If everyone looked like you it would be.”

She shifted her hips and grabbed her crumpled Starbucks bag. “I think a little fluffiness and a few extra curves is a major turn on.” She took another bite of her bacon gouda breakfast sandwich. “It makes (chew, chew) me wonder what a few more pounds would look like. Is that weird?”

He let out a short lusty sigh and shook his head in elated disbelief.

God how he loved this woman.

“I don’t think so,” he said. “ I think it’s the opposite.”

“Yes (chew) exactly. Why would (chew, chew) losing weight be sexy? I don’t understand that.”

“You and me both.”

“Gaining weight makes me feel more like, girly and feminine somehow, more powerful almost.'' She shoved the last of the sandwich between her lips with her thumb and forefinger. “It’s (chew, chew) kind of like, addictively liberating.”

“Is that right?”

“Yeah.” She nodded and finished chewing. “I don’t know. Who cares? The world as we know it will never be the same, makes me want to be more present in the moment, enjoy what we have right now.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” He put his blinker on and began merging toward the offramp. On Interstate 5, a few miles north of Vancouver, Washington; they were headed to the Oregon coast for a Christmas getaway, just the two of them; but they planned to stop in Beaverton for a quick drive-by visit with Autumn’s parents.

“Where are you going?” Autumn said.


She sighed and held up the paper bag which still contained some cake pops and a cheese danish. “Baby, I haven’t even finished all of this yet.”

He slowed as he approached the intersection and smirked. “What about all that talk about going to every fast food place we see?”

She exhaled in a relaxed and dreamy sort of way. “Were you expecting me to take that literally?”

“Um…were you?”

She let out a cute little snort giggle. “No.”

“Do you not want to stop?”

She placed her hand on his knee and noticed his erection. “I didn’t say that.” She gently rubbed his cock for a moment, then looked at him. “As long as you’re willing to explain to my dad why I’m too full to get out of the car on my own.”

He grinned. The line between sexy teasing and reality seemed to be getting more blurry. “It turns me on when you talk like that.”

“I know. It turns me on too.”

He took a left into the parking lot of a vast strip mall as a few snow flurries began dotting the windshield. “Are you nervous about seeing your parents?”

She gave him a curious look. “Why would I be nervous?”

He gazed at her blankly for a moment. “I don’t know, just because you haven’t seen them in so long.”

She giggled. “I’ve gone longer than this without seeing them before.”


“You mean my anxiety?”

He pulled the Honda into the drive-through line. “Do you even have anxiety? You always come across as tough and confident to me.”

She sighed. “Maybe on the outside, but I might try another one of those gummies. You brought them right?”

He turned toward the backseat. “There in the backpack. You want one now?”

She flashed her eyes at him sheepishly. “Umm, maybe.”

“You like them?”

“I don’t know, it definitely helped me relax.”

“Go ahead, if you can reach them.” He watched as Autumn twisted and contorted her body around, noticing the substantial rolls forming around her sides beneath the fabric of her top. She was really developing a bit of a spare tire around her waist and back. “Take two if you want, I don’t mind driving.”

“Enhh! (gasp) okay.”

“Hello!” Autumn’s mom Patty greeted them from the front door of the big suburban house.

“Hi mom,” Autumn said with a strained smile. It had been no easy task getting her jeans refastened, and they were painfully digging into the bloated doughy flesh of her waist.

“We’ll have to do pretend hugs for now,” Patty said, mimicking a fake embrace.

“Better safe (pant) than sorry,” Autumn said, walking up the wooden steps of the porch with Mike at her side. After everything she consumed on the drive down, she was so full that the act of moving under own power felt difficult, and she was breathing heavily from the simple excursion of climbing the short flight of stairs. “Where’s (gasp) dad?”

“He’s inside,” Patty said curiously. “You can come in but be sure to wear your masks.”

“Right,” Mike said.

Autumn rolled her eyes but promptly put her face covering on and Mike did the same before entering the comforting warmth of the foyer. They went into the spacious living room and found Autumn’s dad sitting on the recliner near the gas fireplace.

He put his newspaper down and rose to his feet. “There’s my pumpkin,” he said with joyous crinkled eyes and outstretched arms. Autumn drew close and they embraced.

Patty looked at them disapprovingly from the kitchen.“Gary, no hugging!”

He squeezed Autumn tighter. “The day I can’t hug my daughter is the day I can’t do anything.”

“How are you (pant) doing daddy?” Autumn said.

“Good, had a check up appointment on Monday, clean bill of health.”

“His cholesterol is still too high,” Patty said.

Gary sat back down in his chair. “I’ve cut out red meat, and am down below 200 pounds for the first time in…”

“Since I met him,” Patty said, still in the kitchen.

Autumn and Mike sat on the sofa. “Good job daddy.”

Mike's brain churned in amusement for a second.

Under 200 pounds?

He’d always thought of Gary as kind of a big guy, but if he was under 200 pounds that meant that he was significantly lighter than his young daughter and that thought somehow blew his mind.

Patty handed her husband a steaming mug then turned to Mike and her daughter. “Why don’t you take your jackets off and stay a while.”

Mike cleared his throat, feeling a little awkward and uneasy wearing his mask inside. “Well, we don’t want to stay too long, still have another couple hours of driving to do and we don’t want to get there too late.”

“At least have some coffee,” Patty said. “Mike, how do you take yours?”

“Black is fine.”

“And Autumn, a little oat or soy milk?

Autumn unzipped her coat and took it off, revealing herself in her jeans and tank top. “Actually I’d prefer half and half if you got it.”

Patty’s eyes became visibly wider at the sight of her daughter’s body. It was her thighs and hips, never before had she seen them look so wide before, and was that a belly spilling over the high waistband of her jeans? “Oh, okay.” Patty stared for a second with an expression of surprise before walking back to the kitchen. Next to the island countertop, she turned her attention toward Mike.  “Brenda next door made a pie, would you care for a slice?”

Mike looked up. “Um…what kind?”


“Yes please, that sounds great,” Mike said. Having just had a cheeseburger less than an hour prior, he wasn’t at all hungry, but he wanted to be as polite as possible.

Patty turned to her daughter with her eyebrows raised. “Autumn?”

“I’ll have some if you have whipped cream.”

“Ohhh, me too!” Gary said, sitting up.

“No dear, you shouldn’t be having pie at all, let alone whipped cream.”

“Come on mom it’s Christmas time,” Autumn said.

Patty sighed and looked at her husband. “Okay, you can have a small slice, but no cream.” She took the pie out of the fridge and began cutting it up.  “Autumn, you want big, small or medium?”

“Um, just like a normal sized piece is fine,” Autumn said.

Patty made a gesture of passive aggressive disapproval. “Well, okay, if that’s what you want.”

Autumn shot Mike a look, then whispered in his ear. “She makes me want a cigarette.”

Mike smiled beneath his mask and nodded.

Moments later Patty came into the living room and served the refreshments. She then sat down, six feet away. “So how have you two been holding up?”

After taking off his mask, Mike took a sip of his coffee then set it down. “I’m good, but she’s the one who’s been working, I’ve got it easy.”

Holding her plate and fork, Autumn finished chewing. “Mike’s been taking good care of me.”

“Yes I can see that,” Patty said. With her mask still on, her eyes fixated on the girth of her daughter’s exposed arms. “Gary and I have been going on long walks every morning and we just love it, daily exercise is just so important.”

Autumn licked a dollop of whipped cream away from her lips and placed her hand on her boyfriend’s knee. “Mike’s been making me breakfast every morning. It’s so nice having him home, makes my work days much easier. Can I have some more whipped cream by the way?" 

"Oh Autumn don't you think you have enough already?" Patty said.

"Umm, no...you only gave me a little squirt, why would I ask for more if I thought I had enough?" Autumn said. 

"Don't worry babe I'll grab it for you," Mike said, rising to his feet. "Alight if I grab it from the fridge Mrs. Murrell?"

"Yes, if you must." 

Mike returned with the can of extra creamy Reddi-wip moments later and squirted it on Autumn's pie until it was completely covered. He looked across the coffee table at Patty. “No pie for you?”

“Oh no I couldn’t possibly, have to choose my calories wisely at my age.”

“She’ll eat it when nobody’s watching,” Gary said.

“Don’t listen to him, that is not true,” Patty said, embarrassed. They continued to make small talk and Patty watched as Autumn took bite after bite of her dessert until her plate was scraped completely clean, crust, cream and all. Her eyebrows arched in amazement. “My goodness you must have really been hungry.”

Autumn set her plate and fork down and gasped in mild discomfort. The half-pound bacon cheeseburger, chocolate milkshake and basket of fries she had consumed earlier had made her full and bloated, not to mention the fact that she had also finished off the two cake pops as well as the cheese danish, but the THC gummies somehow still stimulated her appetite outside the limits of her willpower. She let out a strained breath through her mouth and tugged downward on her top, exposing a few inches of cleavage between her ample breasts. “Brenda’s (gasp) baking is always (hiccup) so good.”

Patty leaned forward, noticing the mellow redness in her brown eyes. “You look a little tired, is everything okay?”

“Yeah, (pant) I’m fine.”

“We should probably get back on the road though,” Mike said. He put his mask on and stood, then helped Autumn up with both hands.

Patty rose as well. “Okay, well it was so nice to see you both, sorry no big Christmas dinner this year.”

“That’s okay, gives us an excuse to do something different,” Mike said. “Change can be good sometimes.”

“As long as there’s not too much change,” Patty said, looking at Autumn and the way she was struggling to get her wobbly arms into her jacket. “I’m sure we’ll all be back to normal next December.”

Mike nodded. “I’m sure. Happy Holidays Mrs. Murrell, Mr. Murrell.”

“Please Mike, Gary and Patty, you’re family at this point,” Gary said.


Patty walked them to the front door. “Drive carefully, they say it might snow tonight.”

“I’ll be very careful, thanks for the pie and coffee,” Mike said.

“Of course, just let us know when you get there safely.”

Mike waved. “Will do.”

Patty and Gary went back inside after watching Mike and Autumn drive away.

“Nice of them to stop by,” Gary said.

Patty shook her head. “Autumn doesn't look like she’s been skipping any meals, I’m actually a little shocked, she’s really put on some weight”

Gary shrugged. “She looks great, seems happy.”

“I don’t know, I don’t think it’s healthy for her to be that big, and did you see the way she polished off her pie like it was nothing? It’s not like her to eat so fast like that.”

“Come on hon it’s the holidays during a pandemic, nothing wrong with a little extra winter weight.”

“She’s put on more than a little. It’s just a shame because she’s such a natural beauty, I’d hate to see her ruin her figure.”

Gary sat back down in his recliner. “That boy’s definitely in love with her.”

“I know. He worships the ground she walks on, which makes me worry because I know he'll never criticize her if she lets her weight get out of hand.”

“Come on she’s happy and in love, just stop fretting and be glad for them. They’re young, they’ll figure it out.”

Patty sighed. “I’m sure you're right.”

Autumn shimmied out of her jacket while the heater blasted warm air against her feet and chest as Mike merged onto highway 26 towards Cannon Beach.

“It’s too cold and wet to smoke outside,” Autumn said, “are you sure we can’t just crack the window and have one in here?”

Mike turned his head and smiled. Everything she did was turning him on and making him weak in the knees. He was astounded by how sexy her behavior was becoming, and how much her perfect body was blossoming and filling out in every direction. From her ass which was spreading over the edges of her seat, to the way her thighs were poured into those jeans, to her belly oozing out over her sides and jutting onto her lap. He found it fascinating that despite her growing paunch, her upper waist was still retaining its natural girly narrowness. “Yeah, go ahead baby.”


“I don’t mind if you don’t.”

She lit up, then started searching her crumbled fast food bags for something to munch on. “Are there no more snacks in here?”

“Are you seriously still hungry?”

She blew smoke out the window, exhaling deeply. “I don’t know, maybe.”

“Let me know if you see anywhere that you want to stop.”

“I’m really craving french fries.”

“Well, that’s an easy thing to fix.”

She smiled and rubbed his thigh. “You’re sweet.”

“So are you.”



Great to know about Autumn developments and ready for the explosion!


Very happy to see another part to this. Love this character