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by request, I am posting this story here for those who cannot access it on Amazon or elsewhere. 

Candii Kayn

by Jolene Dubois

Chapter 1


“At all ordinary diet and plain beverage she would pout; but she fed on creams and ices like a humming bird on honey-paste: sweet wine was her element and sweet cake her daily bread…Miss Fanshawe’s travels, gaieties, and flirtations agreed with her mightily; she had become quite plump, her cheeks looked as round as apples…she had an excellent appetite, like any healthy schoolgirl, for the morning pistolets or rolls, which were new-baked and very good…I rather liked to let her take the lion’s share, whether of the white beer, the sweet wine, or the new milk…her’s was the beauty that strikes the eye like a rose—orbed, ruddy, and replete…plump, and pink, and flaxen…I was paired with Ginevra Fanshawe, bearing on my arm the dear pressure of that angel’s not unsubstantial limb…”

-Charlotte Brontë, Villette. (1852)

Candy looked down at her plate. There were only small pools of olive oil and a smattering of vegetables left, but she felt so full she could hardly move, let alone take another bite. She had spent the last two hours gorging away on delicious feta cheese, olives, courgette balls, dolmades, tomato fritters, feta me meli, meatballs, soup, salad, and pastitsio. With glazed over eyes she finally looked up and took in the view of the slowly setting sun.

The neon blue Aegean Sea was in the background of narrow stone walkways between ancient white washed buildings decorated softly by light and shadows. If there was such a thing as heaven, then she had found it here. For the past week, her life seemed to consist of nothing but eating, drinking and looking out at some of the best views the world has to offer. The last time she had visited her father’s hometown in Greece she was a little girl, but now at age 22 she was a woman, and she appreciated it as such.

It was the food. The food was unbelievable and every meal seamed to be a multiple hour ordeal, always consisting of an exorbitant smorgasbord of the most delightful dishes and desserts she had ever tasted. She felt like she had eaten enough gyros, cheese and bread to feed an army, and drank enough wine to last a lifetime. But she still had a whole lifetime in front of her, and she didn’t want this excessive overindulgence to stop.

She put her hands on her swollen belly. She was so stuffed she looked almost pregnant with the way her stomach was jutting out in front of her and causing the fabric of her red cami sundress to pull tightly on her skin. Looking down at her belly again, and even the way her hips were filling up her chair, it was obvious that she had gained a significant amount of weight in just the 8 days since she had landed at Athens International Airport. She looked across the veranda and saw that family members were getting up now, headed out to talk and enjoy the sunset. Her younger cousins were running around playing with a miniature foam soccer ball, but she herself wasn’t entirely sure if she could actually move.

It all started with her fiancé Dominic. She remembered back when they were just starting to share their fantasies with one another. He showed her a youtube clip from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate factory. The one where this girl Violet, chews gum and her body doubles and triples in size until she is completely blown up like a giant blueberry. She didn’t quite understand why this fascinated him at first, but there was something about the expansion of the girl’s body that intrigued her. It actually triggered a childhood memory. She thought back to when she was a little girl and she used to stuff pillows and balled up clothes into her baggy shirts and pants, pretending she had a huge belly, breasts and butt. She recalled having fun with her sister, acting like she had to waddle around the house because she was so fat, it was all silly kid stuff, but for some reason she remembered it giving her a warm and fuzzy feeling that she didn’t experience again until she started getting interested in boys.  She could tell it wasn’t easy for Dominic to share himself with her, but he explained how much the loss of control, weight gain, and enlarging female body parts turned him on. Despite her childhood memories, it made her a little angry at him and self-conscious, like he wanted to change her, and she was suddenly not good enough for him the way she was.

Candy was an extremely attractive girl after all. Her Greek, Italian, and Spanish heritage had blessed her with perfect light tan skin, thick long brown hair, heart-throbbingly gorgeous dark eyes, and a classically beautiful cover girl face that never failed to drive guys wild.  She had also always been skinny. When she was younger she often had to force herself to eat. When she graduated from high school she was only slightly over 100 pounds at 5’4” tall. Although her friends envied her ability to stay so thin, Candy was jealous of girls who had breasts and curves. Despite the fact that she herself had 36” hips and a 25” inch waist, she was tiny up top, and always had been. She had the hips and butt, but not the boobs that she so coveted.

She tried her best to be understanding and sensitive towards Dominic’s kinks, despite her anger, and she shared with him the things that drove her wild. For her it was submission. She wanted to be completely dominated. She fantasized about being overpowered by a strong sexy and loving man, feeling helpless and being forced to surrender to his will.

As time went on they began to get more comfortable and familiar with their intimacy. Never in a million years did Candy think she would enjoy gaining weight, but as her relationship with Dominic deepened, and she slowly began to see new pounds sticking to her body, she started to warm up the idea. She had gone from 105 pounds to 116 pounds during the first three years of their relationship, from the age of 19 to 21, and she thought she looked damn good with a little more meat on her bones. She liked the way her fuller, rounder ass looked and felt, and she especially appreciated the added plumpness of her breasts.

It wasn’t that she was trying to gain weight necessarily, it was just happening naturally. For one thing her lifestyle had changed significantly. She was no longer the active girl she had been at Westview High. After school cheer practice had been replaced by college classes, late night studying and ordering takeout. She remembered how good it felt to be full after a large meal. She began to revel in the relaxed lethargic feeling it gave her, the tightness in her pants, and the fullness of her thighs. It made her feel sexy and extremely feminine somehow, and it always put her in the mood to let Dominic make love to her, and devour her with abandon.

There was one day in particular that she could never forget. She wasn’t sure what had gotten into him but Dominic came over with a box of donuts, grabbed her, pulled her onto his lap and started feeding her.

“What are (munch, chew) you doing?” She asked as he lovingly, yet forcefully shoved a maple bar between her lips.

“Feeding my beautiful princess,” he answered in a sexy whisper with one hand around her waist and the other holding the donut next to her full mouth.

“Ummm, omigod, i’m (chew) not even hungry,” she protested as she wiggled her butt deeper into his lap. She was a bit confused. What was he doing? She didn’t need a donut right now. She just had Taco Bell and she had an exam the next day, besides the fact that her jeans were already digging into her waist uncomfortably.

“Come on, it’s good right?” Dominic asked in an even slower whisper as he put his hand between her thighs and started caressing her in a way that never failed to make her wet.

“Oooh, oh…..yeah(chew)…okay,” she said as she let herself melt into his strong and gentle arms. He felt so good, the donut tasted so good, and she suddenly didn’t want him to stop.

“You like the donut? Are you okay with this?” He asked, as if he could sense the look in her gorgeous and bemused eyes.

“Oomm, ummm, no it’s actually really good,” she cooed as she finished chewing and a sly smirk began to form on her beautiful face. “You can keep feeding me if you want.”

“Okay,” he said calmly as he brought the donut to her waiting mouth and she took a big bite.

“Whoah, (munch, chew) what’s this?” She asked with a full mouth as she moved her butt off to the side and ran her fingers over his rock hard penis that was pitching a tent in his jeans.

“Nothing,” he answered coyly as he adjusted himself and moved her butt carefully back on top of him.

He continued feeding her the entire donut and by the time she finished chewing they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. He unsnapped her jeans and gripped her arms tightly with both hands and pulled her up off the couch. He led her into the bedroom where he frantically started stripping her clothes off before he pushed her down on the mattress. He pounced on top of her and kissed her neck, causing her to moan with pleasure while she began struggling to peel off his white t-shirt.

“Maybe princess needs another donut,” he said as he stared directly into her eyes as he pinned her down on the bed. She simply nodded in agreement and he kissed her deeply on the lips before getting up to retrieve the box of a dozen donuts, minus one. When he came back he pulled out a chocolate Boston Cream and brought it assertively to her full wet lips. He proceeded to feed her the entire thing quickly, shoving another bite into her mouth as soon as she finished chewing.

“Is my baby full?” He asked after she had eaten the entire donut, her second one in the last few minutes.

“Mmmhmm…I’m (gasp) super full.”

“Okay baby,” he said as he unsnapped her bra and started moving his fingers between her thighs.

“Ooohh…wait… I (pant, gasp) want more,” she purred as she gasped with pleasure. She didn’t know what was happening exactly, but she liked it. She was completely stuffed and her belly felt totally bloated, but for some reason she wanted yet another donut. She was surprised at herself, but she liked the way he was feeding her, so aggressively, so assuredly and so sensually. She felt naughty and she felt so wanted, and she wasn’t ready for this excessive opulence of gluttonous, sinful erotism to stop. Dominic didn’t hesitate. As soon as she said those words he reached into the box on the end-table and pulled out a strawberry frosted donut with sprinkles.

He did the same thing that he had done before. He fed her like a man that knew what he was doing. He was gentle, confident and decisive with his actions, and she found him, and the whole experience to be wickedly sexy. As each bite passed between her lips she felt herself slipping deeper into a blissful daze to the point where she was ready to surrender to his will and give herself to him completely. She was almost tempted to ask for another one, once that one was finished, but by then she was so full she could hardly move, and she wanted him inside of her so bad she couldn’t take it any longer. Without saying a word he stripped off her panties and made love to her like a man possessed, just like she always dreamed he would, and she climaxed harder than she ever had in her life.

Although she found that donut stuffing experience to have been amazingly hot, she kept her feelings to herself during the next few months. What was it all about anyway? She wasn’t supposed to like such a thing. Eating too much and gaining weight had always been cardinal sins amongst her cliquey group of high school cheerleader friends. That being said, she felt sexier at 116 pounds than she did at 105. She liked that her butt was bigger, and that her boobs were finally getting a little plumper, it made her feel deliciously feminine and womanly. Not to mention that she knew Dominic loved curvy women. Despite the fact that he assured her that he loved her the way she was, loved her for her, she knew that if she continued to fill out it would drive him bonkers. That donut stuffing sex was no accident, she had never seen him so turned on her life, but never mind him, she had never felt so turned on her whole life either. Had that experience awakened something deep inside of her that she had been keeping suppressed since she was a little girl stuffing pillows in her clothes, pretending she was so fat she could hardly walk?

“Omigod, these pants are way too tight,” Candy said with a sigh as she unbuttoned her jeans. “I’m starting to get a little belly.”

“Do you have any idea how hot you look?” Dominic asked as he peered up at her from his spot on the couch after he paused his video game. She was wearing a skimpy white tank top that was short enough to expose her beautiful tan waist. She didn’t have much of a belly at all from his vantage point. Her midsection was a little softer maybe, but she still had a very tiny waist, especially in compassion to the way her hips were flaring out to the sides, looking as wide as he had ever seen them.

“Yeah, maybe to you,” she said as she sat down next to him. “You’re the weirdo that’s obsessed growing boobs and girls that expand into giant fucking blueberries.”

“Hey, come on, you’re obsessed with your own growing boobs too, and you know I love you. I just think it’s so hot seeing you… ummm…”

Dominic trailed off as he searched his brain for the right worlds as he tried not to get distracted by the way she was sitting, and the cleavage she was displaying in that exiguous white top.

“Seeing me what?”

“Seeing you…”

“Seeing me gain weight, just say it, I know you’d probably love it if I gained 50 pounds or something, you pervert.”

“So what? That doesn’t mean I don’t love you or don’t think you’re the hottest girl in the world,” he explained as he watched her adjust her bra. “What’s the big deal anyway? Isn’t that every girl’s dream, eat whatever you want and have a boyfriend that doesn’t care if you get fat?”

“Maybe every girl’s dream, maybe even my dream, but it is not every guy’s dream! You’re like the only guy in the world who likes that shit.”

“Oh that is where you’re wrong,” he said. “Every guy likes it, it’s just most of them don’t admit it.”

“Yeah right,” she said as she folded her arms beneath her breasts and tried desperately not to get tempted by the soft frosted sugar cookies that were sitting on the coffee table in front of them.

“Why don’t you let me prove it?” Dominic asked as he sat up straight and turned his body towards her. “You love modeling and being in front of the camera, why don’t we have some fun?”

“What do you mean?” Candy asked as she got lost in his eyes for a moment.

“Let’s post some before and after photos on Reddit, i’ll prove to you i’m not the only one who finds this sexy as hell.”

Dominic knew exactly how to tare down Candy’s defenses. She had actually been a signed commercial model through the Bella talent agency in her late teens, and if there was one thing she couldn’t resist, it was posing in front of the camera. She was no stranger to dressing up and roll playing for the sake of online photos either. He had even gotten her to do a few breast expansion pictures when she was feeling especially mischievous a while back. He could tell she loved it. She stuffed two balloons filled with air in an oversized grey t-shirt to make it look like she had ridiculously huge boobs. With her makeup done perfectly and her beautiful long dark hair cascading past her shoulders, She posed with her hand on one of her fake tits and gave the camera a look that seemed to say, ‘I’m the sexiest thing on the planet and I know it and I dare you to disagree.’

“Can you imagine if my boobs were really this big?” Dominic remembered her asking.

He thought back to the sly smile on her face and the way her sexuality blossomed right before his eyes as she provocatively showcased herself like a sultry seductress that couldn't keep her hands off her own fake, air filled knockers. The online community ravished her with praise and compliments of her exquisite beauty too, and Candy was immediately hooked by the instant gratification and throng of attention, albeit from strangers.

So before and after photos it was. They put one from a couple years ago right next to a new one were Candy was wearing nothing but a bright pink bikini. It was a comparison of her at just over 100 pounds to her at close to 120 pounds. The new one showed her with fuller breasts, softer arms, and the beginnings of a little developing belly. She looked like the classic hot girl in both photos, but in the new one she had curves and contours and a roundness in certain areas that she just didn’t have in the old one. There was no doubt about it. The internet loved the fuller, curvier version of Candy, and Dominic had made his point.

“Soooo, let me get this straight,” Candy said as she sat on the couch and looked at Dominic as she held a chocolate cupcake in her hand.


“If I told you that I wanted to..mmmmm… (chew) try and gain weight, you’d be totally into it and okay with it?” She asked as she began to nibble and lick the frosting off of the cupcake while gazing at him seductively.

“Oh yeah, of course I would.” Said Dominic as he watched her every move in awe and admiration. As long as he could remember he had been obsessed with curvy women who liked to eat and as a consequence would gain weight. Although she was invariably very well proportioned and had a great shapeliness to her body, Candy had, always been skinny. She was so beautiful and sexy however that Dominic was in love with her from the moment he saw her, despite the fact that she may not have had his ideal male fantasy ultra curvy full figured body type. He loved her as a person, and he felt like they had a deep connection from the very beginning. They had hit it off so well that he really didn’t care if she was a size 2 instead of a 12. But now, to see her eating that cupcake, up at least 10 or 15 pounds from the day he met her, and talking about gaining more weight, it was enough to make him nearly explode with excitement and lust.

“What about, if it was more than just adding (chew, chew) weight, what if it was that I wanted to get like really fat, would you support me then?” She asked after taking a big bite of her cake, smacking her lips as she spoke like she was testing him. He nearly came in his pants.

“Uhh, yes baby I would absolutely love that and I would support you all the way.”

“It’s just….”

“What?” Dominic asked with unbearable anticipation.

“Something happened (chew, chew) that day that you stuffed donuts into my face.”

“What do you mean?”

“I kinda…really liked it….like a lot. I felt so..mmmm..(chew) naughty and fat and it made me imagine being…really fat and helpless, and (chew) ooooh, I got so turned on and excited,” she cooed between bites, speaking in an overly sensual voice.

“It’s so hot to hear you say that,” he said as he began to become mesmerized by her remarkable beauty and by what she was doing and saying. The way her lips moved, the way her hair flowed past her shoulders and the way she flashed her big brown eyes at him made him feel captivated and utterly transfixed.

“I’m glad you think so.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too, and I’m not saying I’m (chew, chew) actually sure about trying to get fat totally just yet, but I do want to explore my….. inner fantasies a little more,” she purred as she continued to make out with her gooey cupcake. Candy was in love with Dominic as much as he was in love with her. He seemed like such a sensible, cute boy that could fit in with her family perfectly. She wanted a good, normal and comfortable life, but she also had this sexy, devious, impropriety that lay just beneath her elegant and lovely exterior, and she needed to express it and dive into it wholeheartedly, and the fact that Dominic seemed to have similar desires, only served to make her feel closer to him.

“You know, we should open up a Patreon account, maybe it would be more fun to document your progress if you actually want to do this. Plus, if you’re good at something, never do it for free right?”

After that Candy started making a concerted effort to eat more than she normally would. She went out of her way to stop at drive-throughs on her way to, or coming home from school or work. Living in the sprawled out Los Angeles suburb of La Chuleta, there was no shortage of fast-food joints to choose from. In-N-Burger, Church’s Chicken, Chic-fil-A, Baker’s, Del Taco, Carl’s Jr., Starbucks, and Dunkin’ Donuts were among her most frequented go to staples. She luxuriated in her own indulgence, ordering extra fries, milkshakes, ice cream, and completely disregarding calories or fat content, guilt-free for the first time in her adult life. Although she had never been a big eater, she pushed herself to try and finish her meals completely, polishing off all the fries, slurping her sprites, pepsis, and carmel frappuccinos down to the end, and forcing herself to scrape out every last bite from her Blizzards and Mcflurries, even if she felt uncomfortably full.

She still kept up with her minimal exercises, wanting to maintain her youthful shapeliness and to not become totally unhealthy. She had the bigger butt workout app on her phone, and every couple of weeks she would go for a short jog in sunshine, just to uphold some leg strength and the pertness of her ass. After a few months of fast-food hopping however, she found that exercising was become more difficult. She had only managed to gain 7 pounds over a period of several weeks, putting her at 125, but on her latest jog she noticed that she was suddenly out of breath when she was only halfway through her usual quarter mile loop and she actually had to stop and walk the rest of the way home.

125 pounds on a 5’4” frame may not seem like much, but for a formerly lithe cheerleader, with a naturally petite figure that wasn’t used to carrying around extra weight, it felt like a lot. Despite her struggles with her newfound heaviness, Candy loved what the extra weight was doing to her body. She was getting curvy. Her previously round and well-formed butt, (which had always been in her mind, one of her best assets) had gotten even bigger and rounder. In fact most of the weight she had gained seemed to go to her hips, thighs and ass, and she didn’t mind exchanging her size 4 jeans for size 6’s, if it meant showing off juicier, more womanly curves and a bigger, sexier booty.

Just like with her online photos, her curvier figure didn’t go unnoticed in the real world either. Her whole life she had been used to being the most beautiful girl in the room, and she was no stranger to guys hitting on her, or staring at her a little longer than they would at other girls, but now with a few extra pounds on her increasingly vivacious figure, she began to notice that just her mere presence was having an even stronger effect on men than ever before. Guys were going out of their way to open doors for her at school, and it seemed that her male coworkers were being overly nice to her, and more helpful than usual.

Candy worked as an entry level manager at a Bullseye superstore as well as being a full-time student. She was the team leader of the women’s apparel section, which was actually starting to work out beautifully, as the employee discount helped her keep her wardrobe up to date and on pace with her expanding hips.

“Lucas, can you…eh…come here and help me,” Candy said to one of her coworkers as she stood on her tippy toes and attempted to place some freshly folded jeans on a shelf that was a bit too high for her.

Lucas turned in her direction. He’d always thought of Candy as his ‘hot boss’ but seeing her now, from behind, and in that position he suddenly felt like his heart was about to beat right through his chest. Her khaki pants, which were part of her employee uniform, looked practically painted on, and they showcased her magnificent butt in a breathtaking way. ‘Damn, was her ass always that big?’ Lucas thought to himself as he came to her rescue.

“Here, I got you,” he said as she handed him the jeans and he proceeded to use his 6’2” frame to easily put them where they belonged.

“Ooohh, thank you,” Candy said with a super cute smile as she placed her hand on his arm which instantly sent shivers up his spine and put butterflies in his stomach.

Lucas was a good looking kid. He was built like a college football wide receiver, tall and lean with broad shoulders and a defined V-shaped back. The two had developed a little crush on one another since they had started working together, but Candy had never seen him look at her quite like this before.

“Of course, it was no problem. Can I do anything else for you?” He asked as she turned toward him. Her work clothes were not exactly designed to be sexy, but the way she wore her red blouse (that looked to be a size too small) with just enough buttons undone to expose a hint of cleavage between her seemingly swelling breasts was enough to make him swoon. She looked so good. Her more exaggerated hourglass figure was obvious, especially with the way it appeared to be squeezed into her outfit so tightly, that it looked like it was ready to burst at the seams, especially through the hips.

“Ummm, no, I think I’m good, thank you though,” Candy said as she looked up him inquisitively. His skinny, carefully groomed chin-strap beard framed his strong masculine jaw-line perfectly, and she could see that he was practically undressing her with his deeply focused brown eyes.

“Are you sure? I’m happy to do anything you need, anything at all.”

“Oh, uh, okay,” she said, a bit surprised at his eagerness to please. “If you really want to make me happy, you could run to Starbucks and grab me an iced venti caramel frappucino with extra caramel.”

“Yeah, I can do that. Anything else?”

“Umm yes, maybe a chocolate croissant too, or a…no, a birthday cake pop as well,” she said as she flirtatiously played with her gorgeous hair and batted her long dark eyelashes at him.

“Right, got it, iced venti caramel frappuccino extra caramel, chocolate croissant, birthday cake pop, I’ll be right back.”

“And Lucus?”


“Make sure they don’t forget the extra caramel.”

“Okay, I won’t.”

Candy smiled to herself as she watched him scamper away like a bat out of hell. Dominic was right. A few extra pounds, a little extra shape to a pretty girl’s figure and men are ready to jump off a cliff just to bring you a few snacks. ‘God, a girl could get used to this,’ she thought to herself.

She couldn’t say she wasn’t tempted to let Lucas try and pursue her, but she thought better of the idea. She was used to fighting off boys ever since puberty, and if she was honest, she enjoyed the attention, but that was as far as it would go. Lucas may have been very good looking, but Dominic was no slouch either, and he was her best friend. If nothing else, her interactions with Lucas only lifted her confidence, and increased her comfort with her body to an all-time high.

Dominic and Candy had known each other since high school, they had practically grown up together. They didn’t start officially dating until they had both graduated, and even with him going off to USC for a degree in computer science, and her attending Cal State Fullerbum for a bachelor’s in business management, they managed to keep their relationship alive.

He had always been very much in love with her. Sometimes he couldn’t believe how lucky he was just to be with her. She may have been a bit of a flirt sometimes, but he accepted that as coming with the territory of being with an astonishingly beautiful woman, especially when she was so young.

In addition to her natural beauty, he loved how free and open she was. It was like a light breeze or a breath of fresh air entered his soul every time she would walk in the room. He was amazed at the journey that had taken place since they shared their fantasies with each other. From telling him he was weird, to appreciating where he was coming from, all the way to admitting she had a similar kink herself, and being willing to embrace it and explore it with him. She was never the jealous type because she had nothing to be jealous of, and he felt the same way. For him it was fun sharing pictures of her online, as long as it was clear that she was his alone.

For Candy, there were few things she enjoyed more than playing dress up, and showing off for the camera. She loved that she could do such things and be silly and weird with Dominic and that he could be so accepting of who she was as a person. He was a little nerdy sometimes but he was also super adorable and handsome in a boyish sort of way. She loved his dark Italian looks and his tall and slender physique, and she loved the way her soft curves seemed to fit and melt right into his hard, angular body so effortlessly.

It was right before Candy graduated college that Dominic asked her to marry him. He was originally going to ask her as a post graduation surprise, but something inside told him he shouldn’t wait any longer. Candy was an extremely beautiful girl and she was blossoming into an extremely beautiful woman. Any heterosexual male in the grater Los Angeles area would be more than happy to steal her away from him if given the chance, and he wasn’t going to let that happen.

Candy was through the moon with joy and happiness once she got engaged. She was young, gorgeous, and her adolescent self-consciousness and need for approval was wearing off, making her feel more free and alive than ever before. On top of all that, her parents were taking her to Greece for her graduation present. The only bad part was that Dominic still had studying to do and couldn’t go with her, but she assured him that it might be a very ‘fulfilling’ trip, and that seemed to instantly put his mind at ease.

“You eat well today granddaughter, very well,” said Candy’s grandpa as he noticed that she was the only one still sitting at the table.

“Oooh, (gasp) maybe too well, the food was so good!” Candy said as she jolted back to reality, scooted her chair backwards and put her hands back on her belly, her face looking flush, yet dazzling. Her body was no longer hidden by the table and her grandpa could now fully see the stunning woman his granddaughter had become. The blonde highlights in her naturally dark hair glistened in the evening sun and her red sundress glowed in contrast of the deepening blue Greek sky. The dress went tastefully down to her knees, but it split alluringly at the sides and exposed her flawless tan thigh as she struggled to cross her legs on a very full stomach.

Candy was still by no means a big girl, but since she had arrived in Greece she had eaten like a woman possessed. She had in fact, amazingly gained 8 pounds in as many days, putting her at 133 pounds, which was by far the most she had ever weighed in her life. She felt heavy, but she felt delicious, she felt bloated and uncomfortably full, but excited and sensuously voluptuous, all at the same time. Despite her petite feminine figure, her dress could not hide her developing curves, flaring hips, and the overall softer appearance of her increasingly more provocative looking body, nor could it hide the swell in her glutted midsection, bursting in defiance of her naturally tiny waist. She looked like an angel, or maybe more appropriately like the goddess Aphrodite, coming down to Earth to share beauty and indulgence with the world, and perhaps remind her grandfather of what it was like to be young again.

“Good for ee-yee-a, very good, make you so beautiful,” he said as he slowly sat down in the chair next to her. She could see the broad smile beneath his thick grey mustache and his eyes lighting up with grandfatherly love and delight as he looked at her. Candy was the only one who could make him smile like that.

“Ahh, thank you pappous,” she said as she tugged on her dress and adjusted herself in her tiny seat. A seat which was no doubt designed for the rear ends of smaller old world Europeans rather than the ample posterior of a growing American woman.

“You must try dee galaktoboureko and the dee loukoumade,” he said as he reached to his right and placed a huge plate, full of decadent looking desserts in front of her.

“Oh my goodness,” she said as she stared at the treats and bit her lip nervously. “If I eat anything more (gasp) you’re going to have to roll me out of here.”

“You are young woman, you enjoy yourself,” he said as his bushy eyebrows raised with comforting tenderness.

“Uhhh, well…if you insist,” she said as she grabbed one of the galaktoboureko squares and bit into it’s sweet custardy goodness.

“A girl who eat dessert, get handsome husband.”

“Well, (chew, chew) Dominic is very handsome,” she said as she ate. Her eyes had rolled back in dreamy delight with the first bite she took, and although she felt like she was ready to explode, the deliciousness of the homemade dessert had sent her straight back to heaven.

Before coming to Greece, Candy knew that she wanted to get thicker and curvier for sure. She was tired of being the little petite girl she had always been and she loved the idea of having a huge round ass, and seeing her boobs get bigger, and maybe exploring her fantasies with her soon to be husband more frequently, but now she was feeling something entirely different.

The feeling of being stuffed to the brim and eating without a care in the world made her feel so good she was almost aroused. If she had any doubts about wanting to gain weight before, now they were gone. Now she was sure, and it was more than just eating whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. It was eating for a purpose, eating to gain weight, eating to get fat, eating to feel as excited and sexy as she felt right now at this very moment. It was the stuffing of pillows in her clothes as a little girl, it was Dominic feeding her donuts and then fucking her brains out, it was posing for pictures with balloons in her chest pretending her boobs were the size of melons, it was all those things.

Most of all it was the fact that she had gained almost 10 pounds in the past week, and she felt so good she was almost wet. For the first time in her life she didn’t feel a trace of self-consciousness about her body. As long as she could remember there had always been a little voice in the back of head telling her to suck in her stomach, or questioning if she might look fat if she turned her head at a certain angle, no matter how skinny she was. Now she felt fearless, serene and high, this trip was the nail in the coffin that sealed her desires and she felt blissfully secured in her wants for the first time.

“You get married and you come back soon.”

“Mmmm…I (chew) would love to pappous,” she said with her mouth full as she reached over to the plate and grabbed a loukoumade.


“In the white tunic of a goddess, with her long brown hair hanging loosely over her shoulders, walked towards the footlights with a calm self-assurance…The young gentlemen in white gloves, also captivated by Nana’s curves, applauded ecstatically…Without being at all disturbed, she moved her hip in a way that revealed its curves beneath her thin tunic…Nana was so plump, so natural…each time her neck swelled voluptuously when she turned her head…all the adorable freshness of her plump beauty…She seemed to have grown suddenly larger…She slowly spread her arms to display her plump, Venus-like torso…What an impression she had made in that crystal grotto, with her voluptuous figure!…she drove the audience wild just by showing herself. A body like hers would never be seen again—those shoulders, those legs, that waist!”

-Émile Zola, Nana. (1880)

Chapter 2

July 2019

When Candy returned home from Greece, she was a girl on a mission. She was on a pink cloud of excitement and she was looking forward to sharing her heightened passions with her fiancé.

“Wow, look at you! What happened?” Dominic asked again as he feasted his eyes upon her once they were back home in the house they were renting together.

“Can you really notice a difference?” Candy asked coyly as she slowly lifted up her tan colored blouse, revealing her bloated belly and the fact that her stylish white dress pants were unbuttoned.

“Yeah, you look….fuller and more beautiful than ever.”

It was true. Her hair was down and her lipstick and makeup were on point as always, but  there was a devastating glow that seemed to be beaming out of her in a way that he hadn’t seen before. He could hardly believe that her pants were undone yet still staying up so well, not to mention how much softer her belly was compared to what it looked like just over a week ago.

“Really?” She asked as her smile grew bigger and she gave him a little spin. She was absolutely poured into those pants and her ass seemed noticeably wider and rounder than it ever had before. He was agape with surprise and lust just looking at her, and he could feel himself getting hard. They had been texting and face-timing frequently when she was away, but that just couldn’t compare to seeing her in person, smelling that familiar perfume, and feeling and tasting those soft, plump lips.

“We need to get you on the scale and see what the damage is,” he said as he took her by the hand and led her to the bathroom. He pulled out the scale and she took off her white blazer, which, like her pants, appeared to be too small. She bent down and removed her wedged heel platform sandals and carefully stepped on the scale.

“131 pounds,” said Dominic as he looked down at the number next to her aqua painted toe nails.

“What? I was 133 when I weighed myself in Artimeda! How is that even possible?” Candy asked in agitated voice.

“Different scale, body….fluctuations maybe.”

“I gotta get back on track. I really want to get to 140 by like…right now!”

“Okay, okay, Jesus…don’t worry,” said Dominic as her grabbed her hand while she stepped off the scale. He was surprised at how upset she seemed over just a couple of pounds.

“I ate so much food while I was there, it was so crazy, but so good,” Candy said as she looked at him in the eyes as a smile returned to her beautiful face.

“Well, I’ll just have to make sure you get lots of good food here too,” he said as he pulled her close and felt her little round tummy press into him.

“You better,” she said in a sly voice as she stood on her tippy toes and rubbed her breasts around in his chest seductively. “Are you sure you’re ready to have a big…fat, sexy fiancé?”

“I’m more than ready.”

“Good answer…now go get me food.”

August 2019

“My God Candy, you’re so impatient,” Dominic said, holding a plastic appetite stimulant container called ‘EatMor’ as he stood in the kitchen and watched his fiancé shove french fries in her face.

Candy had become frustrated with her weight still hovering in the 130’s during the past month and she had gone out and bought herself a 30 day supply of weight gain pills, hoping that might accelerate her progress.

“Shut up, (munch, chew) it’s not that easy for me to gain,” she said in a pouty voice as she continued to work on her bag of Monty’s Good Burger.

“Weight gain pills that improve appetite and assists the body to gain weight in the right places,” Dominic said, reading the description on the side of the container. “Holy shit, I can’t believe you’re really doing this.”

“Well, you like my (chew, much) big ass don’t you?” Candy said as she turned around and stuck her butt towards his crotch, while maintaining her steady pursuit of finishing off her fries.

“You know I do,” said Dominic as he looked at her rear end, packed so snuggly in those stylish blue jeans. Her ass had always been one of her biggest and best features. Despite her slender pettiness, she was really a naturally pear shaped girl and the weight she had been putting on only seemed to accentuate that fact.

“And you wouldn’t mind (chew) seeing it get even bigger right?”

“I wouldn’t mind at all.”

“Then shut up and help me gain faster,” she said as she turned back around with an annoyed look on her face. “It’s bad enough that I have to be on my feet all the time at work.”

“If you really want to get your appetite going you should try hypnosis,” Dominic said as he put her pills down on the counter, seemingly undeterred by her pouting.

“Omigod really?”

“Yeah….I bet you’d blow up like a balloon.”

“Oooh baby…I love it when you talk like that.”

“I love that you’ve gotten so excited about gaining for me.”

“Hey, let’s get it straight, I am not doing this for you! I am doing this because I want to, and because (much, chew) I love it!”

“Okay, I’m sorry I got it!”

“So tell me more about this hypnosis business.”

October 2019

“As long as they know damn sure you’re taken and have a fiancé its fine by me,” Dominic said as he looked over at Candy who was sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone and reading all the flattering comments she was receiving on Reddit and Patreon.

“This is so (chew) much fun!” Candy squealed as she nibbled away on her Raising Cane’s chicken strips and continued to stare at her Samsung Galaxy. “I’m actually making money.”

“Baby, I don’t think they’ve ever seen anything like you,” he said as he continued to take her in with his eyes. He knew how beautiful his fiancé was and also knew that he could not hide her away from the internet or the rest of the world. That would be like gagging the Mona Lisa to cover up her smile; or skimming over the Ode to Joy in Beethoven’s Ninth when people are dying to listen. She was wearing a black crop top that left her waist mostly exposed. He noticed the way her shimmering navel piercing seemed to be slowly disappearing into her deepening belly button, and the way her tummy was starting to protrude out over the waistband of her sexy grey leggings. Her shapely thighs and hips looked fuller and wider than he remembered, and even wider still with the way she was sitting with a slightly arched back and her butt sticking out towards the back of the sofa cushion. She was such a hottie. She looked so pretty with her blonde highlighted hair cascading past her shoulders with plenty of her flawless skin on display, but then she had always been a knock-out. She looked more beautiful then ever now though, as she was really beginning to develop some nice curves in places that Dominic loved. Since trying hypnosis and taking her appetite stimulants she had finally surpassed 140 pounds, and it didn’t appear that she’d be slowing down anytime soon, as she seemed to be constantly hungry.

“Maybe I should just (chew) become a Curvage model,” she said as she put her phone down momentarily and took another big bite of her crispy, tender and juicy chicken strip.

Curvage was a website dedicated to people who love curvy women that Candy had been aware of through Dominic for a long time. She liked it. It all seemed so positive and tasteful for the most part, and it reinforced the fact that there were plenty of guys out there who were a lot like her fiancé, and a lot of girls who were just like her, and it was a good platform for her to be herself, show off for the camera and sell clips online. It was a creative outlet that she felt she needed, and the whole idea excited her.

“I loved doing those videos with you, brings out my inner actress,” she said with a smile as she wiggled her butt in her seat. “I just wish we weren’t always working.”

“Well if you have Patreon and Curvage, we might have some extra money and you won’t have to work so much and it will help you support your…habit.”

“My habit?” Candy asked before taking a long sip from her sprite.

“Yeah, this habit,” Dominic said as he walked over and lifted up the grease stained chicken fingers bag that was on the coffee table. “How much do you spend on fast food per week?”

“None of your business,” she said defensively as she took another sip of her drink through her straw. “Besides you’re the one who’s supposed to support my so called habit.”

“I’m working on it!”

“Well, work harder,” she whined as she reached her hand back in her fast food bag for some fries. “I really need to get (munch, chew) out of my department at work. Wouldn’t it be great if I could just stay home (chew) and be a full time….feedee?”

“You’d like that?” Dominic asked as he sat down beside her with raised eyebrows. As long as he could remember he had been obsessed with the idea of a beautiful curvy woman gaining weight, taking care of her, feeding her desires and literally feeding her food. Forget that he was somehow able to land a girl as hot as Candy, and get her to accept his hand in marriage, the fact that she was so into this gaining thing and that they could share their intimate fantasies with each other, and actually play them out in real life was almost unbelievable to him. He watched her continue to eat. Her full, plump lips moving rhythmically and her stunning chocolate eyes looking straight back at him as if to say; ‘I know that you love that I love this.’

“Of course I would like that, what (chew) girl wouldn’t like that?”

“Aren't you trying to move into the HR department?”

“Yes, hopefully I can get that by the beginning of next year, at least I’d be off (munch, chew) my feet.”

“You’d just be sitting on your ass all day?” He asked lustfully as he peered down at her thicker looking thighs, which were packed so snuggling in those provocative grey leggings.

“Yep…,” she answered as she shoved a whole handful of fries between her luscious lips and playfully swung her legs over his lap, her soft little belly quivering in the process.

“Just getting fatter and fatter?”

“That’s..mmm…(chew, much) right.”

“Well, that sounds nice, I don’t like that you have to be on your feet so much.”

“I know that’s part of the…oooh..mmmm…(chew, much) reason why I quit exercising, but I still can’t gain weight as (chew) fast as I want to.”

“Okay, you definitely need to be a Curvage model,” he said as he stroked her leg with his hand and ran his fingers further up her thighs towards her hips.

“That’s what (chew) I’m saying!”

“What’s your name going to be, you know like your stage name?”

She leaned forward and grabbed the Raising Cane’s fast food bag from the coffee table in front of her and began studying it carefully, before batting her dark eyelashes seductively and looking back at him.

“How about….Candy….Cane.”

Chapter 3

January 2020

“Your ass babe,” Dominic said in amazement as he watched the video Candy had shot for Curvage. She was so nervous and self-conscious that she just went ahead and recorded it by herself while he was at work, but now that it was finished, she wanted him to see. She was wearing nothing but skin tight grey Adidas training pants and a very low-cut purple sports bra. She had makeup and lipstick on and her hair was pulled back in a seductively messy ponytail with long wisps of dyed blonde tendrils hanging down in front, adding a whole other level of sexiness to her already stunning appearance. She was doing yoga, moving her body smoothly, slowly and erotically for the camera. She was being way too sexy. Talking in a sweet, calm, and sensual voice and getting down on all fours and sticking her butt up in the air, flaunting her curvy body in the most provocative way possible. Seeing her ass on full display in those tight pants and in that bent over position, Dominic was taken aback by just how wide it looked.

“Yeah?” Candy asked, trying desperately to hold back the proud smile that was trying to form across her face.

“It’s getting huge!”

It was true. She was now 148 pounds and it seemed that almost all of the last 10 or so pounds she gained had gone straight to her thighs and butt. Her belly was getting soft, but aside from it sticking out and getting round and bloated when she was super full, her waist was still relatively tiny, especially in comparison to her expanding hips. She had managed to move into the HR department at work at the beginning of the year, which not only was a big pay raise, but it also meant that she could spend the entirety of her day sitting on her ass, which almost certainly was contributing to her added weight.

“You like that?” She asked as she pressed her juicy thighs together and shoved her butt back in her chair as if to emphasize one of her best features for her lustful fiancé.

“Oh fuck yes!”

“Get used to it being big…. cause it’s only gonna get bigger,” she whispered in an overly sexy voice after placing her soft hand on his forearm.

“You really are serious about this aren’t you?”

“Do you really need to keep asking me that?” She asked as she leaned forward and grabbed the bag of Ruffles cheddar and sour cream flavored potato chips that were on the coffee table and starting eating. “I want to recapture (munch, chew) the way I felt in Greece. I want to be…. hella (munch) thick and curvy with a fucking….ooohh…enormous ass and big fat tits, like more than anything.”

“How thick exactly…do you want to get?”

“I told you, 200 pounds by (munch, chew) our wedding, you’re the one you still needs to get your shit together (munch) and pick a date.”

“200 pounds?” He asked as gazed at her breasts, which seemed to be heaving just slightly every time she greedily reached into the bag of chips. The white spaghetti strap tank top she had on was almost as low cut as the sports bra she was wearing in the video. He had never seen her display so much cleavage before, making it obvious to him that her ass wasn’t the part of her body that was getting bigger. “You know you’re not going to be able to do yoga like this if you get that big.”

“Oooohh…It’s only a matter of time (munch, chew, munch) before I can’t do any of those poses,” she said between bites while she stretched her back and stuck out her chest from her seated position. “Holy shit, I love that, remember that so we can put it in the description of this video.”

She did end up putting that little blurb in the video, and the yoga clip turned out to be even more of a hit than she could've imagined. She wasn’t big and overly voluptuous like some of the other Curvage models, at least not yet, but she was more naturally beautiful then they were, and her sexy demeanor and extreme sensuality, as well as her enthusiasm and openness about wanting to gain weight, easily transmitted through the video screen and into the hearts of everyone who watched her. She ended up spelling her name Candii Kayn, with two i’s at the end of Candii, and Kayn with a ‘k’ as other ways of spelling were taken, and her online persona was born. She liked the name. It made her feel liberated to be herself ironically, and to be as sexy on camera as she felt she was in real life. She had just turned 23 years old, and had never felt happier or more excited for the future.

February 2020

Not having had a vacation since her family trip in Greece the previous summer, Candy and Dominic decided to take some time for themselves during their much needed President’s day weekend. As soon as she finished work and changed, they drove straight to Las Vegas in Dominic’s 2012 Chevy Camaro.

“Okay, you get gas, i’m gonna go grab some snacks for the road and go pee,” Candy said after they pulled off the 15 into a truck stop in Barstow, about halfway to Vegas. She headed inside and used the restroom, then scanned the store for her favorite treats, realizing she was basically the only customer there. She wasn’t wearing anything fancy, just a tight pair of blue jeans that showcased her thick, shapely thighs beautifully, and a skimpy white camisole, but she looked dressed to kill. Her hair was down and looking fabulous, her makeup and lipstick were impeccable, and her sexy shirt showed perhaps a little more than a hint of cleavage. She looked so hot, so curvy, so drop-dead gorgeous. She must have seemed like a fish out of water to the 2 clerks at the front counter, and when she came towards them to pay, her high heels clicking with each step and her hands full of twinkies, snoballs, ho hos, ding dongs, doritos and a bottle of sprite, they were especially amused.

“Will that be all?” The man asked in a gruff voice as he looked at her with his eyebrows raised, clearly taken aback by her rare beauty as well as the amount of fattening snacks she was purchasing.

“Ummm, yeah, oh wait,” Candy said as she quickly turned around and grabbed a pack of reese's peanut butter cups on the rack behind her for good measure, giving the cashier a perfect view of her magnificent widening ass in the process. “There, now that will be all.”

“Would you like a bag miss?” The other younger employee with a horseshoe mustache asked.

“Umm, yes please,” Candy said as she flashed them both a smile, while the younger guy put all of her junk food into a paper bag.

“Okay, you’re all set,” said the older guy.

“Thank you,” she cooed sweetly as she took her bag with both hands and strutted her way out the door. The 2 guys couldn’t help but watch, as that big, round, heart-shaped ass of her’s, packed so snuggly in those high-waisted jeans, bounced and swayed away in a heart-attack inducing fashion.

“God damn, that’s one fine ass woman,” said the older guy after she exited the store.

“Fuckin’ a,” said the younger guy as he stared longingly at the door. “Who’s the lucky son-of-a-bitch that gets to wake up to that ass every mornin’?”

After another 2 hours on the road Dominic and Candy arrived at the strip and checked into their hotel suite which they had booked for 3 nights. Although it was after 10pm, and they already had dinner at a Chick-fil-A back in Glendora, and Candy had consumed much of her snacks during the second half of the drive, they managed to snag a table at Wolfgang Puck’s Spago, to help fulfill her seemingly unappeasable appetite.

Dominic watched her fill up on bread and burrata cheese as well as slurp down two Mai Tais before her entrée even arrived. She went on to have a huge bowl of parsnip ravioli and she ate everything while still having room to consume a decadent chocolate soufflé for dessert. Dominic himself could barely clean his plate of his seared salmon, and he continued to be amazed at his fiancé’s passion for food and ability to eat, especially in the past few months.

“Mmmm, that was soooo good,” she cooed once she finally finished eating.

“Yeah it looked like you enjoyed it.”

“You know what (gasp) we should do?”


“See that dessert case?”


“Let’s go over there so I can pick out some more snacks for when we get back to our room, I want to make a video tonight.”

“Tonight?” Dominic asked in a surprised voice, as he gazed at her in that stunning low cut top. All he could think about right now was getting her in bed and ripping that thing off of her beautiful body. “But its pretty late, and you already bought a bunch of snacks.”

“Come on it will be fun, I really feel like (gasp) totally pigging out tonight, besides I already ate most of those snacks in the car.”

They arrived back in their suite equipped with the treats Candy had picked out, which consisted of 3 fancy, mini cakes and a big, long chocolate eclair. Dominic set up the camera and Candy dove into the desserts and played for her growing online audience beautifully. It was amazing for Dominic to see that since she had gained weight and gotten bigger, she seemed more confident and less self-conscious in her own skin. She had stripped out of her dress and changed into just a skimpy pair of panties and a black tank top that didn’t leave much to the imagination, and perhaps, in part thanks to the cocktails she had earlier, she appeared free as a bird. She sat perched on the king sized mattress, right in front of the camcorder and she ate. She annihilated the eclair first, and then slowly munched on the other 2 cakes until everything was gone. She chewed slowly and sensually and she lifted up her shirt and rubbed her belly with her delicate manicured fingers, and she had never felt so stuffed in her life.

The following day she picked up right where she left off. Starting off with a breakfast at the buffet that ended up lasting 2 hours. She sampled and ate everything she could get her hands on, from a delicious cheesy omelette to crepes with pears, and pancakes drenched in butter and syrup to fruit and hash browns, and she even managed to eat a maple bar and a Bavarian cream donut on top of all that. By the time she was finally finished she could barely get up, and she could no longer button her pants. She went right on stuffing herself throughout the rest of day, and Dominic documented as much as he could with the camera. By the time she had taken her last bite of chocolate cake before bed, she noticed for the first time, stretch marks forming around her hips and waist.

The next morning was a repeat of the previous morning at the buffet as Candy couldn’t seem to get enough of those crepes, and she left totally stuffed with her pants unbuttoned just like before. For lunch they went to the Cheesecake Factory at Caesars Palace where she got two fried chicken sandwiches plus appetizers and a big slice of Oreo cheesecake. For dinner over at Montecristo she had the Cornish game hen, baked potatoes, bread with warm bone marrow butter, and a couple of beers.

Dominic was astonished by the degree to which his fiancé was binging during this trip. She had been eating a lot before, but she had been actually trying to gain weight in a somewhat methodical and healthy way, or so she said, but on this weekend she ate and drank with utter abandon like a woman possessed, making him think that perhaps the appetite stimulants and the hypnosis had worked better than he thought.

By the end of the day she was thoroughly bloated, and her belly was so swollen that she was struggling just to move around. She peeled off her clothes down to her bra and panties and collapsed onto a wooden chair, ready to tease the camera once more. Dominic had never seen her look so huge. He swore her thighs had grown in just the last couple of days and he noticed how her exposed hips were spreading so wide that they were going past the edges of the chair and making her waist look tiny, despite the way her belly was sticking out in front of her and looking bigger than ever.

“My boobs have definitely gotten plumper and rounder,” Candy purred as she cupped her breasts with her hands in front of the camera. “I’m just so soft and jiggly all over….I definitely feel heavier……I love getting fat,” she added as she continued to show off her growing body for her growing online audience. “You have to see my ass in these panties too…..soooo….big.”

She got up, turned around and stuck her butt right at the lens and gave it a shake, causing Dominic’s jaw to hit the floor.

When they finally arrived back home in La Chuleta, Candy weighed 154 pounds.

Chapter 4


“The other was certainly Georgiana, but not the Georgiana I remembered—the slim and fairy-like girl. This was a full-blown, very plump damsel, fair as waxwork, with handsome and regular features, languishing brown eyes, and ringleted dark hair. In each of the sisters there was one trait of the mother…the blooming and luxuriant younger girl had her contour of jaw and chin—perhaps a little softened, but still imparting an indescribable hardness to the countenance, otherwise so voluptuous and buxom.”

-Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre. (1847)

March 2020

“Hey you know Ashley’s Mom is selling these healthy meals, they’re only 7 dollars each and they feed two, do you want to sign up for the subscription with me?” Candy’s Mom Luciana asked.

Candy was over at her parent’s house with her friend Tahlia, as the two were on their way to go shopping, but Candy’s fuller looking figure did not go unnoticed by her Mom.

“Oh…ummm, no thank you Mom, Dominic and I are fine, he likes to cook anyway,” Candy said politely.

Luciana’s eyebrows raised and her face couldn’t hide her disappointment. She had spent many years trying to get Candy to eat enough, but as she looked at her daughter now it seemed obvious that she was eating a bit too much. In fact her now 156 pound overly curvy figure was slightly alarming in her motherly eyes. Candy was dressed in her stylish ripped distressed jeans and they looked so tight that Luciana almost wondered if the holes in the front were by design or because her daughter’s hips and thighs had gotten so big that she was literally bursting out of them.

“Have you thought more about law school?” Luciana asked as she continued to look at Candy disapprovingly. “Your father and I have talked about it, and we are willing to help pay for it if that’s what you decide to do.”

“I don’t know, I was actually thinking about maybe getting a real-estate license,” Candy said as she opened a 20oz bottle of sprite from the fridge.

In the past Candy had considered law school, but over time she thought maybe it would be easier to become a real-estate agent, and now she was even starting to question if that was a good idea. She just didn’t know, and lately, since she opened up her Patreon account and became a Curvage model, the idea of being lazy and working from home sounded more and more appealing.

“Does your Mom get on you about your weight too?” Tahlia asked after they got their food from the drive-through at Del Taco and parked for a moment.

“Yeah, I guess she does some times but I really don’t care,” Candy said as she dove into her fast food bag and unwrapped her crispy chicken and guac burrito. “God these burritos are so bomb.”

“Good for you, I wish I had your confidence,” said Tahlia as she looked over at Candy and noticed that her butt was nearly filling up the entire driver’s seat to its full capacity.

“Well, for me, since i’ve put on a few, it’s all kind of (chew, chew) new and exciting,” said Candy between bites. “I’ve actually gained (chew, munch) almost 20 pounds since last October,” she said as she continued to eat. “I find that my (chew) ass is like… knocking things over at work, I guess that my ass is so big, that….I don’t know (chew) I’ll just like bump into things,” she added as she started giggling.

“Well, I wasn’t going to say anything……but yeah, what’s been going on with you girl?”

“I don’t know, Dominic….likes me curvier….and I discovered that I like it too.”

“So what are you like trying to gain weight?” Tahlia asked inquisitively.

“Ummm…well…” Candy said as she stopped chewing for a moment and looked at her friend nervously.

“What the fuck you’re actually trying to gain weight?”

“Yeah, no I am,” Candy said in a more assertive tone. “I’m serious, I actually like it.”

“Ummm….okay,” Tahlia said ponderously. “Well that sounds,,,,fun.”

“Omigod it’s so much fun, I love that I really don’t have to (munch, chew) worry about eating healthy…like I can just eat all the junk food that I want.”

“You know….that could really take a toll on your body….I don’t think you should do that.”

“Ummm…I know, but I’m willing to take the risk,” Candy said as she put her burrito down and took a sip from her drink. “I mean I’m trying to do it….quickly, but also slowly, like I’m trying to gain at a good speed to where it’s not like a health risk.”

Candy took note of what her friend was saying, but she also knew that Tahlia probably didn’t fully understand where she was coming from. She didn’t know about all the love, affection and praise that she was getting from people online, not to mention the extra cash she was making from Patreon and Curvage, nor could she comprehend how incredibly hot and turbocharged her sex life with Dominic had become since her body had gotten curvier.

Thankfully Candy did have other friends who could relate to her better. There was a site called Feabie which was a social network for people that find gaining weight sexy, a site for feeders and feedees, and for fat admirers in general. It was so nice for her to meet up with her Feabie friends so that she could actually talk to people who got her, people that understood her completely, because many of her friends, her parents and her co-workers certainly didn’t.

“Omigod, my pants are getting way too tight,” Candy whined to her coworker Gaby in the HR department offices at work.

“Well, you’re always getting postmates and door-dash delivered to you, how can you even afford that?” Gaby asked as she looked over at Candy who was sitting at the desk across from her, digging into a big fast food lunch as usual.

“It’s my fiancé, he sends me food because he knows that (munch, chew) I get super hungry throughout the day.”

“Is he trying to get you fat, like why is he sending you so much food?” Gaby asked with a friendly giggle.

All Candy could do was smile and shrug as she tried like mad to keep from laughing herself. ‘If she only knew…’

Chapter 5

July 2020

“Omigod babe, I can (chew, chew) barely even fit in this thing anymore,” Candy said as she collapsed into the swivel office chair at home in front of the computer, as she methodically shoved twists of strawberry Twizzlers into her month by the bunches.

“Looks like those armrests could be a problem,” Said Dominic as he gazed upon his beautiful fiancé. She was dressed for comfort, (as was her new normal) in burnt orange leggings and a matching long sleeve crop top, and it appeared that she had outgrown the outfit 20 pounds ago by the way it clung to her soft skin and looked ready to burst at the seams. It was true about the chair as well. It looked like she had outgrown that too.

“Ooohh…If we ever get to fly again, you’re (chew, chew) gonna have to buy me a first class ticket.”

The last several months had been interesting ones for Candy, and for everyone really. With the outbreak of the Coronavirus back in April, she had been forced to quarantine at home for 2 weeks like so many other people. Thinking she would need to go back to work after that, she tried her best to make the most of it and enjoy herself to the fullest, pun intended. Left to her own devices at home, there wasn’t a whole lot she could do except eat, and that’s exactly what she did.  When she didn’t work all day, she ate all day. She had stopped taking her weight gain pills because they didn’t always make her feel great, but she made up for it during shelter-in-place, with a heavy cream weight gain milkshake every evening after dinner.

At the end of those two weeks she had gained almost 5 pounds, but with COVID still spreading in southern California she was not called back to work like she thought she would. Her home became her world, and the internet became her outlet and her community. She kept right on eating and posting pictures on Curvage and Redditt, and carried on updating her Patreon, and she continued to gain weight as the internet extended their praise and encouraged her with each new pound. She didn’t need to dress up in work clothes anymore, in fact she really didn't need to get dressed at all. She spent her days using Postmates and Ubereats to have food delivered to the house, and she did nothing but sit on her ass and watch TV, play video games and eat.

She dyed her hair completely platinum blonde and got more creative with her sexy video clips for Curvage. Getting dolled up like Harley Quinn from the Batman comics, playing a former model who got fat, or even getting totally decked out like a chubby Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, which she could actually pull off with surprising accuracy. As the days and weeks passed by, the weight continued to pile on, and her popularity online grew along with the circumference of her hips, which was approaching a heart-throbbing 45 inches. Her appetite was changing, her body was changing. She felt hungry all the time, and she no longer had to force herself to eat, it was happening naturally. When she used to get stressed out she wouldn’t eat at all, now whenever she felt a hint of stress she would just stuff herself with comfort food until she was so full she couldn't remember why she was stressed in the first place. By the time the calendar said July, she was still stuck at home and the bathroom scale said a whopping 171 pounds.

“Baby would love to buy you a first class ticket to anywhere you want to go,” Dominic said. She really had gained a lot of weight in a short amount of time, and her increasing size was always most noticeable when she was sitting down, which she usually was at this point. Most of her weight still went to her lower half, and Dominic could hardly believe how huge her thighs looked as she sat in that seat and updated her Curvage status on the computer. Her thighs were like pillows and they were spreading out wide and totally filling up her chair with no room to spare. Her hips looked enormous, she really was wedged in there between those armrests in such a way that Dominic had to do a double take, and to him she looked like a total smoke show.

Candy had often been worried about her face getting too round and chubby looking as she gained more weight, but honestly, Dominic thought that her face was more devastatingly gorgeous now than ever. It was softer and a little fuller for sure, but it was still beautiful and it certainly wasn’t the big circle face that she feared it might turn into. She was so well put together and well proportioned, and so effortlessly beautiful that she really did seem to gain weight in all the right places. She actually had objectively big boobs for the first time in her life, and while her ass had always been big, it was now shifting into the massive category, while still maintaining its perfect heart shape and bouncy youthful pertness. She was getting a pretty cute belly as well. It was beginning to stick out in front of her and it was spilling onto her lap as she sat, despite it being covered and held in check by her tight high-waisted leggings. She had also developed some back fat and some pretty substantial love handles in the past few months, giving Dominic the impression that perhaps her body was transitioning from thick and curvy, straight into flat out fat territory.

“Tell me I’m fat,” Candy cooed as she rotated her chair towards Dominic who was leaning against the wall staring at her. Her platinum blonde hair flung back in the process of her movement and she slid her hips further back in her seat causing them to look wider and curvier than they already were, as well as making her bulging belly stick out even further.

“You are fat.”

“Tell me I’m (chew) way too fat,” she purred in a pouty and seductive voice that nearly made Dominic lose his mind as she continued to shove Twizzlers in-between her sumptuous lips.

“You are way too fat, look at you, you can barely even fit your ass in this chair, you can’t stop stuffing your face full of candy, you’re out of control!”

He spoke in a masculine and commanding way that turned her on, and he leaned into her and began caressing her huge thighs, digging his fingers between them carnally.

“Oh Dominic,” she gasped with delight as he touched her.

“Get up, if you even can anymore,” he demanded as he watched Candy’s face melt into sensuous bliss, as she was loving his sexy little game of domination.

“Oh God.”

“You’re a total cow, you’re so fat you’re probably still hungry, even after all those Twizzlers,” he said as her turned around and quickly grabbed the plastic container full of frosted sugar cookies that was laying on the dresser behind him. He opened them up and brought a cookie towards her lips. “Here, I know you want this.”

“Mmmmm…oh…oooohh, (chew) Dominic,” Candy moaned with enchantment as she took a bite. She was relishing this so much. Her added weight and the more exaggerated curves of her body made her feel incredibly sexy, and seeing her fiancé love it too only served to amplify the erotism and her arousal.

“You’re ass is so big you can’t even fit in these pants anymore,” he said as he teased her, tugging at the waist of her leggings.

“Take them (chew) off baby,” she cooed before he hoisted her up with both hands and pressed her into him, letting her feel his rock hard penis as it rushed towards her pillowy belly. “And get that shirt of yours off too.”

“Keep eating!” Dominic yelled as he shoved another cookie in her face and deftly freed himself of his shirt. “You’ve gained so much weight lately, I can’t believe how big you’re getting.”

“Ohh, take me (munch, chew) Dominic, fuck me!”

Chapter 6


“Her figure was a little fuller than it used to be, but her movements were as soft and sinuous as ever…the harmonious colours of her dress, and her slow and graceful movements, had something of the same soothing effect upon his nerves that a cat’s purring has upon some people’s.”

-Elizabeth Gaskell, Wives and Daughters. (1864–66)

October 2020

“Have you seen Candy yet?” Lucas asked his coworker Josh as he pushed a pallet jack through the back warehouse area of the giant Bullseye megastore.

“Yep,” said Josh with a sly smile on his face.

“She got fucking huge, did you see her ass,” whispered Lucas.

“I know but she looks hotter than shit,” said Josh as he walked by the office rooms towards the loading dock.

“Oh shit,” said Lucus under his breath as he noticed Candy emerging out of the lady’s restroom.

It was Candy’s first back at work in person, and the incredible changes that had taken place during her quarantine and work from home time had become the water cooler gossip of the day. It was understandable. She had in fact gained 20 pounds during the last 6 months, putting her weight at 176, and for many people at work, this was the first time they had seen her since the virus hit, Lucas included.

“Shouldn’t you boys be working?” Candy asked as she sauntered towards the vending machine against the back wall, her high heels clicking rhythmically with each captivating step she took.

“Umm, yeah,” said Josh, who was a little taken back by how hot his former boss looked. Candy was dressed in a stylish black blazer that looked much too small for her, her upper arms alone made the sleeves of the jacket look inflated to the point where one might wonder if it was cutting off her circulation. Josh and Lucas both watched as she slowly bent over to grab her snack from the bottom of the vending machine, noticing how her blazer rode up and exposed her huge round ass which looked like it was about ready to explode out of her super tight, light blue designer jeans. They were in complete awe of just how wide her hips looked, and how much bigger her beautiful ass was than the last time they had seen her. “We’re just..uh…waiting for the delivery.”

“Well, if you’re waiting for a delivery maybe one of you will wait for Doordash, I ordered some Wendy’s for lunch,” Candy said as she stood back up, flipping her gorgeous long hair in the process. She turned towards them holding her packaged cheese danish, and she shifted her weight to one hip, making her butt look even bigger than it already was.

“Umm, yeah I can do that,” Lucas stammered as he gazed at her lustfully. He could see an ample amount of cleavage bursting out of her V-cut white top, which she wore under her tight jacket. Her boobs looked so big that it seemed obvious to him that she wouldn’t be able to come close to buttoning that blazer even if she wanted to. He also noticed the way that the waistband of her jeans was digging into her soft belly, and the top button looked like it was on the brink of popping off and hitting him in the face. He could hardly believe that this smoking hot, voluptuous, full figured woman that stood before him, was his formally petite boss that he had had a crush on since as far back as he could remember. He watched closely as she tore through the wrapper of her pastry and took a big unapologetic bite.

“Thank you, mmm…(chew, chew) just bring it to my desk please,” she said between bites before spinning around and wiggling back to the HR office. All Lucas could do was watch in astonishment as her huge butt jiggled and gyrated away in those revealing jeans.

“Holy shit,” he murmured under his breath. “She’s gained a shit ton of weight.”

“She’s fuckin’ hot,” said Josh.


December 2020

“I just, I don’t know…I feel like I’ve hit a plateau again, it’s no fun,” Candy said to her friend Avery as she looked down at her plate of decadent french toast, eggs and bacon that she had ordered for brunch. Avery was a friend that Candy had met online, from the feeder/feedie website Feabie. As mentioned earlier, she loved hanging out with her Feabie friends because she could actually talk to them about gaining weight, and they always understood exactly where she was coming from and what she was going through.

Candy’s weight gain had slowed down as of late. She had only gained 4 pounds since October, and the bathroom scale had held at a steady 180 for the past week, and she couldn't figure out why.

“You know what you should do?” Asked Avery.


“This is gonna sound weird, but do some cardio,” Avery said before taking a sip from her mimosa. “It will burn some calories, but you’ll end up being so hungry afterwards that you’ll just like eat everything in site.”

“Really?” Asked Candy as she dug into her opulent meal.

“Yeah, trust me….you can’t just eat junk food all the time and sit on your ass anyway, sometimes you do have to work at it, this way you can stay healthy too.”

“Maybe its good though, I probably should (munch, chew) slow down so I can get fitted for my wedding dress anyway.”

“Well, again exercise can’t be a bad thing.”

Candy did own a treadmill at home, although it hadn’t been used since her petite commercial modeling days when she was represented by the Bella talent agency, way back when she still lived with her parents. She squeezed herself into blue leggings and a matching sports bra, tied her hair back into a ponytail and stepped on the workout machine for the first time in forever and started to jog. From the second she broke into a running motion she was shocked by just how much bouncing and jiggling was going on. She actually had to stop the machine for a second to keep from laughing. She wasn’t used to her breasts being as big as they had become and she was amazed at how much movement and flopping was happening with her now DDD cup boobs, despite her sports bra.

She composed herself for a moment and then started the machine again. This time she really tried, but even with serious effort she couldn’t even last a minute. She was just so much bigger than she was the last time she attempted real exercise, and her petite bone structure was in no way prepared to be carrying around so much weight, especially when forced into quick movements. Aside from her muscles not being able to handle the extra pounds, her lungs were suffering as well. Her pampered body had become so accustomed to a stationary lifestyle that just the slightest exertion left her completely breathless and gasping for air. She felt so heavy, so lethargic and so hot that sweat was dripping down her forehead. She stepped off the treadmill and put her hands on her knees as she continued to try and catch her breath, just as Dominic walked through the door.

“Woah, what were you doing, workin’ out?”

“Yeah, I just….(gasp, wheeze)I just, thought it might (pant, gasp) be good for me, and, uh, get my appetite going again.”

“Looks like you overdid it.”

“Yeah…well, no,” Candy stammered as she stood up and brushed a wisp of hair out of her eyes. “I barely even did anything, but I just feel so heavy, and my boobs have gotten so big they wouldn’t stop bouncing.”

“So did it work?” Asked Dominic, who was beginning to get mesmerized by the way her huge tits were heaving with every labored breath she took.

“What do you (gasp) mean?”

“Did it get your appetite going?”

“I don’t know, right now i’m just (gasp, pant) super thirsty, can you go get me a sprite please?” She asked in a pouty voice as she shifted her weight provocatively, and watched as Dominic walked over to the fridge.

“Here,” he said as he handed her an ice cold 20oz bottle of soda.

“Thanks,” she cooed as she twisted it open and took a sip. “I guess I didn’t realize how (pant) out of shape i’ve gotten.”

“Oh but you have a perfect shape,” said Dominic as he ran his hand down her side. She did have a perfect shape. Even at 180 pounds she looked more…ultra thick and almost comically voluptuous rather than sloppily fat. Her belly stuck out a lot and she was getting chunky, juicy love handles, but her boobs were sticking out as well, and her hips and thighs had gotten so huge that she was still able to maintain that pear-shaped/hourglass figure that she always had, it was just bigger.

“Haha…thanks,” she cooed lovingly as she enjoyed the feeling of his touch on the bare skin of her soft waist. “I need a shower I think, I feel so hot,” she added as she fanned herself with her hand.

“You are hot,” said Dominic as he tried to pull her closer before she quickly pushed him away.

“Okay are you gonna just keep staring at me (pant, gasp) or are you going to order me a pizza?”

Chapter 7

March 2021

“Okay babe we get married in 3 months, I really need to get fitted for my dress,” Candy said as she stood in nothing but her bra and panties before she stepped onto the bathroom scale.

“194 pounds,” said Dominic as he bent down to read the numbers.


“You still have a ways to go,” he said as he looked up and got an eyeful of her enormous ass displayed in a racy thong, bulging out right in front of his face.

“Do you think, maybe I’m getting too big?” She asked as she stepped of the scale and turned towards him, now giving him a face-full of her squishy, protruding belly.

“Hell no.”

“You really think I should get to 200 pounds by our wedding? I mean now that we’re getting so close I just can’t imagine how that’s going to be.”

“Are you kidding me, you’re almost there,” said Dominic as he stood up. “Besides I think I remember you saying you actually wanted to be 215.”

“I know, i know….I just feel so heavy and tired, sometimes I get scared that it’s too late to get back into any kind of decent shape. I can barely even dance anymore, when I went out with Tahlia and Morgan last weekend I got so winded I had to just sit down, even the stairs in this house gets me out of breath.”

“That’s hot.”

“I know, it is a little isn’t it,” she said as her worried frown quickly turned into a sexy smirk.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you,” he said reassuringly. “You just need to increase your calories, and then a month before the wedding you just tone up for your dress, trust me.”


“Yeah, that’s what you want isn’t it?”


“Try this,” he said as he rummaged through the medicine cabinet and pulled out a glass pipe.

“Omigod, I still don’t even know if I totally approve of you smoking weed.”

“It will increase your appetite,” Dominic said in a sexual tone as he moved his body right up against her. “It will make you just want to be lazy and eat all day and your ass will keep getting bigger….and your boobs will become enormous.”

“Mmmm…stop it,” Candy said with devilish grin as she flirtatiously pushed her hand against his chest.

“Here I’ll load it up for you….just try it,” he said as he grabbed a small bag of medical grade marijuana from the counter drawer.

“Okay…maybe just this once.”

June 2021

“Jesus Candy, I wish I could eat like that,” Gabby said as she watched Candy reach for another donut from the box on her desk at work. Gabby had been flabbergasted at the way her coworker had been gorging herself during the past 10 months or so, since they had been back to work. Was she eating totally for pleasure or to just make the days go by more quickly? Didn’t she realize that she was getting fat, like really fat?

Gabby had been an almost daily witness to Candy’s transformation from her shapely 176 pound form last October, to her now enormously voluptuous and hefty 208 pound body that consisted of nothing but curves.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me (chew, chew) I can't stop eating,” Candy said with a little smile as she continued to work on her maple bar.

“Wedding stress?”

“Yeah…maybe,” said Candy as she rolled her chair over to Gabby’s desk with the already half eaten donut in her hand. “I’m actually supposed to be..mmm.. (chew) trying to tone up though.”

“Didn’t you already get a dress?” Gabby asked as she stared at her beautiful coworker’s growing body. She looked completely wedged in her chair. Her huge ass was actually spilling out over the sides and the armrests were digging into the upper part of her hips. Her stylish back dress pants looked painted on her massive thighs, and Gabby noticed that they were in fact unbuttoned at the waist, and the only thing keeping her protruding gut from gushing out and being exposed was the thin white fabric of her shirt, which she was constantly pulling on to stay covered, as if no one could tell what she was doing. It pissed her off because the more Candy tugged on her shirt, the more cleavage she uncovered between her jumbo sized breasts, which made her even more popular than she already was with the opposite sex.

“Yeah I did, it’s (chew) so beautiful, I just hope I can still fit into it,” Candy said with her mouth full of donut as she adjust herself in her chair, causing it to squeak and groan under her immense weight.

“Not if you keep eating donuts.”

“Well then get them away from me!” Candy squealed as she pushed the box towards Gabby, her thick fleshy arms jiggly madly in the process. “There’s no way I can (chew) stop eating if this box is on my desk.”

“Ok,” said Gabby as she grabbed the box and moved it towards the other side of the computer.

“Wait no! I was just kidding, leave them here,” Candy said as she quickly jolted to get up before she noticed that her chair was getting up with her.

“Omigod Candy!” Gabby gasped in disbelief as she covered her mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

“Ooooh! Omigod, holy shit…ehhh, fuck,” Candy stammered embarrassedly as she subtly put both of her hands on the armrests and pushed down to unbind her overly bodacious booty from the confines of her too small chair.

“You know there’s chairs with no armrests in the conference room,” Gabby said as she began to giggle uncontrollably.

“Okay, even I’ll admit that that’s kind of funny,” Candy said as her chagrin quickly turned into a bashful smile.

“You still want these donuts?”

Candy and Dominic got married at the beautiful Shandin Hills Golf Club on a warm Saturday afternoon. It was an outdoor ceremony and they whole thing went by perfectly, Candy could not have been happier. She looked more stunning than words could describe in her ridiculously sexy, lacy, open keyhole back, white wedding dress. She did have to get the dress altered as she ended up finding it impossible to keep her weight in check, and if she was honest, even after the modifications the dress still felt like it was a size too small, but if anything that just made her look all the more beautiful in it. It hugged her wide hips and clung snuggly to her huge, round ass and instead of hiding the extra pounds on her expanding, ever more voluptuous figure, the gown rather accentuated it. The girth and fluffiness of her bare upper arms were on full display and the low cut french lace bodice gave no false impressions as to the size of her breasts.

Despite how wonderful it was and how beautiful she felt, by the time Dominic and her escaped to their hotel suite later that night, Candy couldn’t wait to release herself from it’s confines, especially after all the food, cake, and champagne she had consumed. When Dominic opened the door to their room, he thought momentarily about the old tradition of carrying his bride over the threshold. When he had first started dating Candy he could easily lift her, and he remembered being able to just pick her up in his arms and toss her on a bed like it was nothing. Looking at her now however, oozing with exaggerated soft curves, breathing heavily from the just the short walk, and practically bursting out of her revealing wedding gown, he knew he couldn’t begin to even get her feet off the ground, let alone carry her.

“Ooooh…omigod that feels so much better,” she gasped after Dominic helped her shimmy out of her dress, before she collapsed down on the bed. He leaned in and unsnapped her bra, and she let out another gasp as her breasts exploded out freely in front of her and she let her body lay down on the mattress in exhaustion.

“More champagne for the most beautiful wife in the world?” He asked as he stood above her and grabbed a glass and a bottle. She looked like a perfect, voluptuous angel lying on her back naked like that. Her makeup and hair looked elegant, exquisite and impeccable. She had gone back to her natural dark brown hair color before the wedding, and the way it cascaded  passed her shoulders and around the pillows made the sight of her look so beautiful it was almost magical. Her boobs were so pert and so big they looked like they were about to suffocate her in her horizontal position, and it was all Dominic could do to not rip off his clothes and devour her right then and there.

“Why of course my dear husband,” she cooed as she peered up at him in a blissful daze.

“And perhaps some more wedding cake for the bride?”

“Omigod you didn’t!” Candy squeaked as she quickly came to life, surprised that he was able to find a way to sneak the leftover cake all the way to the hotel without her knowing.

“Yes I did.”

“I knew there was a reason I married you.”

“Come on, sit up.”

“Help me,” she purred as she reached her hands out like a princess. He did as she asked and propped the pillows up behind her so she could eat. “Put your hand on my tummy,” she cooed sensually as she played with her bulging belly fat. Again he did as he was told. Her belly had really gotten big and pudgy over the past few months, it still hadn’t blown up as much as her ass and tits, but it wasn’t far behind. “You like that?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“I do too,” she gasped in a whimsical tone. “I love how big it’s getting…omigod, I never thought i’d ever say that, it just slipped out,” she added in a surprised voice.

“Then it must be true,” he said as he poured her a big glass of champagne and then opened the box that the cake was in.

“Yeah it must be,” she said after taking a sip from her glass with one hand, while continuing to play with her belly with the other. “You know what this means?”

“What?” He asked as he cut her a huge slice of the creamy white cake and handed it to her on a dessert plate.

“No more wedding dress to fit into, now I can just get..mmm.. (chew, chew) as fat as I want,” she said as she quickly dug into her cake, which was probably her second or third dessert of the evening.

“Oh…isn’t that what every bride thinks but is too afraid to say?”

“Maybe…but I (chew) really mean it,” she said with her mouth full before putting the cake on the night stand and looking up at him with sex in her eyes. “Grab my ass.”

Dominic leaned into her naked body, which was laying so angelically on the bed. He kissed her frosting covered lips and lowered both of his hands down to her shapely, voluminous butt and began caressing it.

“My hands just aren’t big enough anymore,” he said as he lowered his body deeper into her cushy breasts and belly, and moved his fingers all over her backside as if he was inspecting it for the first time.

“Too much (gasp) ass for your hands?” She gasped in rapturous felicity. “Squeeze it..ooh..baby, now feed me (gasp) and then show me how much you love me.”

Chapter 8

October 2021

“It’s cool that you love your body and want to gain weight sis, but you do need to make sure you’re being healthy,” Candy’s sister Chloe said, after they got out of their cars and met up at the Bulging Rock Canyon trailhead. Candy had always been pretty honest with friends and family about gaining from the beginning, and everyone was for the most part, respectful and supportive of her desire to do so, as long as, like her sister said, she stayed healthy. Of course nobody in her family would've thought in a million years that she’d be weighing in at 224 pounds at just 24 years old.

She had been piling on the pounds at a faster rate than she ever had before since her wedding day. Her body had gotten so accustomed to her high calorie diet, that unbeknownst to her, food was becoming like an addiction. She loved her extremely indulgent lifestyle of course, especially after getting married, but she didn’t quite realize the snowball effect that was taking place, and that as she got bigger, the less active she was, and the less active she was, the bigger she got. She had become so immersed in her and Dominic’s sexy, kinky post marital bliss as well as getting lost in her world of online encouragers, that before she even knew what happened, she realized that just getting up of the sofa and walking around the house was becoming a chore.

“I know…I am,” said Candy as she took a sip from her sugary iced coffee beverage and heaved her body across the parking look towards the trail. Candy had finally took up her sister’s offer to get some outdoor exercise, in an attempt to get a little more physically fit, after months of family pressure.

“Oh really?” Asked Chloe with a raised eyebrow as she watched her sister wiggle towards her with some effort. Chloe was not quite as naturally beautiful or as glamorous as Candy was, but she had always been more athletic and she had gotten pretty into fitness since she graduated college, running herself into a toned 118 pounds on her 5’5” frame.  “When’s the last time you got some physical activity or worked out?”



“Well, I agreed to (chew) go on this hike with you!” Candy said after taking a bite from her tiramisu cake on a stick from Starbucks.

“Yeah, but you freaking showed up with a Caramel Frappuccino and you’re eating a cake pop!”

“Well I didn’t think I should do something (chew) like this on an empty stomach.”

“Why don’t you try eating something that’s actually good for you for a change?”

“Hey I drank a whole bottle (chew) of orange juice in the car too, I don’t eat that unhealthy, but point taken,” Candy said as she finished her cake pop and threw the stick and the empty Starbucks cup in the recycle bin before they headed up the trail.

“So you do this every morning before work?” Candy asked as they began the gradual walk upward on the rocky, dusty path.

“Yeah, it’s so close and it’s how I wake up now,” Chloe said as she walked at an excruciatingly deliberate pace so she could stay with her ridiculously slow sister.

“Omigod, I can’t imagine,” Candy said as she looked at trail ahead, and felt the warm morning sun beating down on her.

They continued to dawdle upward, and Chloe continued to be frustrated by how sluggish Candy was. She had been shocked at how big she looked from the moment she saw her step out of her 2018 Outlander. They saw each other fairly often and Chloe was certainly aware that Candy had gained a lot of weight over the past few years, but looking at her now, dressed in black yoga pants and a black spaghetti strap camisole, the full scope and shape of her figure was more than evident. She watched as Candy’s giant butt wobbled and swayed back and forth with each girly step she took. The way rolls of back fat were visible through her skimpy top and the way her pillowy upper arms jiggled like crazy with every arduous move she made.

The strange thing was that even after all the weight gain she hadn’t really thought about how big her sister actually was until she compared her with her own body. To Chloe, Candy always looked good, always looked pretty, she just thought she looked like a softer curvier version of the way she always did, but up close it was clear that Candy’s butt had to be at least twice as wide as her own, and just one of her thighs looked as big around as her own waist. It was no wonder she was struggling so much to complete just this short walk.

In reality it wasn’t even that she was over 220 pounds, it was the fact that it was new weight, and her muscles weren’t necessarily strong enough or used to the extra poundage yet. She watched as Candy stepped daintily over the big rocks, with her arms at her sides as if to keep her balance. There was sweat forming around her forehead and she was breathing heavily.

“Come on Candy, we haven’t even gone half a mile yet,” Chloe said as she waited for her sister to catch up.

“Yeah, well…I’m (gasp, wheeze) thirsty and my feet hurt,” Candy whined in a breathy voice.

“God, no wonder Mom is worried about you.”

“Hey so (gasp, pant) what, just because I’m not (pant) the hiking type….”

“This is not even a hike, its like a short walk, you should be able to do this.”

“Yeah maybe 20 pounds (gasp, wheeze) ago I could,” pouted Candy.

Candy felt like her entire body was on fire, including her lungs. She was getting heartburn, and her stomach was screaming with hunger pains. She wanted nothing more in the world than to get back to her air-conditioned car and speed off to the nearest drive-through. Maybe get a huge ice cold sprite, ice cream, and a big order of french fries. Maybe a big melty, greasy, double cheeseburger from In-N-Out, or a deluxe sandwich from Chic-fil-A, or both. Her mouth was watering just thinking about it.

“Dominic really likes the…ummm…fuller figure though huh?” Chloe nervously asked after giving her sister water from her backpack and allowing Candy to take a much needed break from walking.

“You know he (pant) does, but I really like it too,” cooed Candy as sat on a rock, looking exhausted. “I love food and I love to eat. We’re part Greek, we come from a whole line of feeders, it’s probably in my genes or something.”

“Yeah, but you’re not feeding anybody, you’re just eating.”

“Well, Mom always said I had (gasp, pant) the princess gene too,” Candy said with a little giggle.

After resting for a few minutes Chloe helped her sister to her feet and they continued walking at a creeping pace towards the top of the small hill.

“Your lucky, sometimes I really envy you,” Chloe said in a more somber tone as they finally neared their destination.

“Come on (gasp, pant) Chloe, just be you…I really just made (gasp) a decision to love myself despite what other people might think.”

“That’s easier said than done.”

“I suppose, maybe…but you (pant) can do it,” Candy said as she caught up with her sister who was leaning against a railing at a lookout point.

“Look at this view,” said Chloe as she pointed at the vast valley of palm trees, houses, freeways, and rock formations below. “If you come here when the sun sets, the shadows from the rock looks like an eagle taking flight. It makes me miss Greece for some reason, maybe it’s the way the sun hits the cliff.”

“Me too, I need to go back (gasp) and visit pappous.”

“Yeah, if you can even fit your butt on the plane!”

“Hey…shut up!” Candy said as she gave her sister a push and started giggling. They both laughed, before Chloe suddenly paused and got quiet.

“Do you really think its possible to be completely satisfied with yourself?”

“Yeah, if you stay (pant) true to yourself.”

“Roman used to always say that I would look just like Emilia Clarke if a wore my hair a certain way,” said Chloe.

“Roman was an asshole.”

“Yeah, but you remember when I did that with my hair, I hated it, but did it because I needed his approval.”

“Yeah, that’s when you got all into (gasp) running too,” said Candy in a still breathy voice as she looked at her sister and the backdrop of the vast valley below.

“Right, I had to be skinny enough for him, pretty enough for him, everything for him,” Chloe said as she looked Candy over a bit more closely. She found herself marveling at the voluptuous lady that her sister had become. She noticed the way Candy’s ample cleavage was busting through her skimpy top, and the way her face looked flush and yet, still very beautiful. ‘God Candy…you may have gotten super out-of-shape, but I wouldn’t mind having your boobs,’ she thought to herself.

“That’s the thing, you have to be yourself, (gasp) nobody will ever be as good at being you, than you will, and nobody is perfect,” Candy said as her mind began to wander. The burning sensation in her throat was getting worse, and she knew that feeling would easily be cured by a stack of big buttery waffles covered with strawberries and whipped cream, with bacon and cheesy scrambled eggs and hash browns on the side. She could actually see the Ihop that was calling her name from right where she was standing, she could almost smell it.

“That’s so true.”

“Speaking of which, I’m hot and (pant) tired and hungry, let’s get out of here (gasp) and get something to eat.”

“Okay,” said Chloe as she rolled her eyes at her sister.

“Omigod, i’m gonna be so sore tomorrow!” Candy said in a whinny, pouty voice as they slowly headed back down to the parking lot.

Chapter 9


“Eustacia Vye was the raw material of a divinity. On Olympus she would have done well with a little preparation. She had the passions and instincts which make a model goddess…She was in person full-limbed and somewhat heavy; without ruddiness, as without pallor; and soft to the touch as a cloud. To see her hair was to fancy that a whole winter did not contain darkness enough to form its shadow: it closed over her forehead like nightfall extinguishing the western glow…Mrs. Yeobright remained for some time silent and shaken, as if she could say no more. Then she replied, ‘Best? Is it best for you to injure your prospects for such a voluptuous, idle woman as that?’”

-Thomas Hardy, The Return of the Native. (1878)

February 2022

“You’ve been going pretty hard with that weed lately,” Dominic said as he got home and noticed his wife sucking on his glass pipe while curled up on the couch.

“Is (cough, cough) being fat really…hhhuh.. so wrong?” asked Candy after blowing smoke into the air and filling the room with the familiar smell of marijuana. “I mean it’s my body and I love (cough) it so why is everybody (gasp) acting all worried about me?”

“I’m not, I’m supportive.”

“Yeah but, you know how Mom is,” said Candy as she grabbed another slice of pizza from the coffee table, dipped it in ranch dressing and took a bite. “She’s the only one that (chew) I cave too. I feel like I’m so confident with (chew, chew) everyone else in my life except her.”

“You still want to get to 250?” Asked Dominic as he looked his wife over. Candy’s weight had continued to creep upwards during the past few months and the extra pounds were very much obvious. She was dressed in tight cotton pajama shorts that were skimpy enough to barely make it past her ballooning butt cheeks. Her exposed tan thighs looked like jello and stretch marks and dimples were becoming more glaring, despite the healthy bronze glow of her still beautiful skin.

“Yeah, totally,” she cooed after taking a sip from her 20 oz sprite bottle, her fleshy upper arms wobbling like pudding in the process. “And I can slow down after that and (gasp) at least start exercising a little, and get in some kind of (gasp, hiccup) decent shape.”

“That sounds good to me, healthy,” said Dominic as he returned from the kitchen with a bottle of water and sat down on the couch beside her with a peculiar smirk on his face.

“Right,” she said as she went in for another bite of greasy pepperoni pizza. “But not until I reach (chew) my goal.”

“Well, when you do reach your goal, maybe we should just fly to Greece,” Dominic said as he looked at her with a coy smile on his face.

“Yeah, but it’s..mmm…(chew) so expensive.”

“Guess who just got hired by GumGum?” he asked nonchalantly as he stared directly in her alluring dark eyes.

“You didn’t!” Candy gasped as she put her pizza down.

“Yep, and it’s going to be quite a significant lifestyle change.”

“Omigod!” She gasped again as she struggled to shift her weight towards him.

“And…so were flying to Athens in July, just you and me..so get ready,” Dominic said, no longer able to hide his smile. “Call it a honeymoon, it will be our anniversary anyway.”

“You didn’t!” Squealed Candy again. “Is it really that much of a pay raise? Oh man I need to ask for time off work.”

“Fuck…. you can just quit, we can afford it,” he said as he crawled on the couch towards her and gave her a soft kiss on the lips while his hand began caressing her massive thigh. He worked his way up to her thick soft love handles and started squeezing her back fat as he pressed himself deeper into her warm pillowy body.

“Ohhh I love (gasp, pant) you so much!”

July 2022

“Why are you quitting again?” Gabby asked Candy as she sat at her desk at work.

“Because I want to, and because (munch, munch) I can I guess,” said Candy as she systematically munched away on a family sized bag of sour cream and cheddar potato chips.

Candy was on cloud nine with excitement. She was leaving her job, she was going to Greece and she had finally reached her self imposed goal of getting to 250 pounds, and in fact had unintentionally surpassed it, as she was currently tipping the scales at 258. She had put the old joke about wedding cake being the most fattening food to shame, having gained an incredible 40 pounds just her first year of marriage, and she had never felt sexier in her whole life. That being said, she was finding it pretty difficult to move around at the size was at now, and she was ready to start making some healthier lifestyle changes.

Despite how much she loved her exaggerated curves, she found little things…or big things, such as her belly and boobs being so large and cumbersome that simple tasks like painting her toenails and shaving her legs were becoming complicated. Also, she found that she was having to adjust the steering wheel in her car just to make room for her thighs, and the seatbelt had almost completely run out of slack after reaching around her ever-expanding hips and protruding belly. While a part of her was turned on by these newly discovered, ‘curvy girl problems’, another part of her was a little nervous that she was sneakily heading towards health issues like diabetes and hypertension, if she wasn’t careful.

“We’re going to miss you around here, well the boys especially,” Gabby said with a smile as she adjusted her eyeglasses. ‘Yeah, it’s probably good for you to get out of here, if you get any fatter you’re gonna break that chair,’ she thought to herself, as she caught a good glimpse of Candy’s massive heaving breasts and bulging belly, practically bursting out of her low cut Banana Republic wrap top, that she had no idea how she was able to squeeze into.

“Oh, that’s (munch) nice of you to say.”

“Actually they’ll probably get a lot more work done without you around to distract them,” said Gabby in all honesty. Even she had to admit that in spite of all the weight she put on, Candy did nonetheless look amazingly beautiful. She still had her bottom heavy hourglass figure, albeit at mammoth proportions, and was somehow able to maintain that stunning face of her’s, even her double chin looked cute, if anything she just exuded femininity, and sumptuously opulent voluptuousness.

“That’s silly,” said Candy as she attempted to adjust herself in her seat. She no longer used chairs that had armrests, for obvious reasons, but as Gabby looked at her billowing boobs and belly, she wondered how she could even scoot herself close enough to her desk to reach the computer.

“So what are you going to do?”

“Well, I’m going to Greece for a (munch, munch) week and I’ve got some things, some personal projects I want to focus on….but really I (munch, chew) kind of just want to be a housewife for a change.”

“Dominic would probably love that.”

“Yeah, he’s been doing super well at his new job, and I (munch) just want to be there to you know, bake cookies, make dinner, be sexy for him when he gets home… all that old-fashioned stuff,” Candy cooed dreamily and she went on devouring her chips like they were going out of style.

“That sounds nice.”

“Yeah, I think I got addicted to that (munch, munch) quarantine lifestyle a little, but I would also like to try and lose some of this weight, just to feel a (munch) little healthier.”

“Well, Greece sounds amazing too.”

“I know I can’t wait,” Candy said as she finally crumpled up her bag of Ruffles, set it aside and took a big swig from her sprite bottle.

“Probably excited to see fam-”

“The food there is unbelievable.”

The flight from LAX to London was over 10 hours, and Dominic was grateful that he had splurged for first class tickets. The problem was that for the 4 hour flight from London to Athens there were no first, or even business class seats available. COVID-19 was over, and the airports and planes were crowded as everyone was eager to travel again. This posed a problem for Candy, and potentially for Aegean Airlines.

“Here you take the window seat,” Dominic said nervously as he stood behind his wife in the center aisle of the Airbus 220. Candy was dressed sparsely as she didn’t want to take up anymore space than she had to, wearing only a yellow cami-strap chiffon sundress that clung tightly to her body and accentuated her overly curvy figure beautifully. He stared, anxiously yet lustfully at her round shapely butt as it bulged out behind her like it was testing the limits of her dress’s fabric. He knew that even the first class seats had been a snug fit for her oversized derrière, and he could only imagine how tight these 17 inch coach seats would be, or if she would even fit.

“Ooooh…omigod, (gasp) I’m so exhausted,” said Candy as she fanned herself with her hand and carefully scooted herself towards the seat next to the widow. It was true. After all that walking, going through security, taking her shoes on and off, Candy felt like she was ready to collapse from overexertion and utter fatigue.

“Hold on, let me get that,” said Dominic as he quickly reached behind her and flipped up the armrest. He watched as she clumsily lowered herself into a sitting position as he finished putting their bags in the overhead compartment.

“Okay, you good?” He asked after he squeezed himself into the seat next to her. Her hips were squished up against the side of the plane yet still spilling over significantly onto his seat on the other side. He pressed and wedged himself right up next to her as firmly as he could and he thought he might actually need to put his seatbelt on, just to prevent him from getting bounced into the aisle.

“A little…ooo.. (gasp) crammed, but I’ll be okay.”

“How’s the seatbelt?”

“Ummm…I guess, let me (pant) see,” Candy said as she searched around and under her giant ass for the strap and buckle. Dominic ended up having to move and dig it out from behind her booty so that she could try to stretch it across her belly and hips. “Ehhh, ohh, shit…hold on, yeah, it’s pretty (gasp, pant) snug but I think I’ll be able to manage,” she added after she fought like hell to finally click it in place.

“Are you sure?” He asked as he noticed the way the seatbelt was sinking into her belly and squeezing into her inflated hips.

“Yeah, i’m just (gasp) happy to be sitting down,” she said in a still breathy voice. “This is definitely not like the last time I flew coach, it really does suck that they practically make you pay extra for your curves, at least if you want to be comfortable.” ‘Oh my goodness I definitely need to lose some weight, this is just too much, I can’t believe i’ve gotten so big that I almost needed to ask for a seatbelt extender,’ she thought to herself while she squirmed around with a worried look on her face.

“Hungry?” Asked Dominic as he pulled out a double chocolate brownie from the Starbucks pastry bag that was in his backpack under the seat.

“Omigod, you’re the best,” Candy said she grabbed it from him and took a big bite as quickly as she forgot about her weighty inner monologue.

“I kind of like being this close to you,” Dominic said after he watched her devour that brownie in a matter seconds and felt the warmth and softness of her hip and thigh mushed up against him.

“God, please (chew) tell me you have more snacks, (chew) my blood sugar feels super low.”

“I have another brownie,” Dominic said as he held up the pastry bag with the remaining brownie in it that he was saving for himself, only to see her snatch it right out of his hands.

“Ohhh, thank you baby, (chew, chew) oh God, I could really go for a drink.”

By the time they finally pulled up at Candy’s uncle’s place in their rented Nissan Micra, they where both exhausted. Dominic was tired from hauling around all the luggage, and Candy was sluggish and a little tipsy from the 2 drinks she had on the plane.

“Ya sou!” said Candy’s aunt Dimitra who was there to greet them at the front door.

“Geia sas auntie,” said Candy as she went in for a hug. “So good to see you.”

“Fainesai kala!” said Dimitra as she looked her niece over. Her eyes gave away her shock in regards to Candy’s appearance. Her yellow dress did not hide an ounce of the weight she had gained since Dimitra had last seen her, but with that being said, as she stood there with the soft moonlight illuminating her beautiful dark hair and eyes, smiling brightly, Candy looked nothing short of stunning.

“This is Dominic,” said Candy as her uncle Christos came to meet them as well.

“Ah, hi Dominkos,” said Christos in his distinctive accent.

“So nice to meet you both,” Dominic said politely.

“Italian huh…look like you take good care of Candace…hoodri yoonayka,” said Christos as he and his wife Dimitra started laughing.

“Yes, well she takes good care of me,” Dominic said as he tried to figure out what was so funny.

“Eesee o mor fee Candace,” said Dimitra with a warm smile on her face.

“Come, come you must eat!” Said Christos as he helped grab one of their bags and led them inside.

They were welcomed to the sight of a smorgasbord of food spread out everywhere on a huge dining room table. There were meaty siscabobs, pita bread, different kinds of olives, salad, tzatziki sauce, rolls, fried cheese, pasta, eggplant, fish, meatballs, baklava, and it all looked homemade and it all looked delicious. Candy’s family didn’t hold anything back when it came to hospitality, especially when it came to food.

“You gain, a lot of weight Candace,” Dimitra said in what Candy couldn’t decipher was a scolding or a praising tone, as she sat down next to her. “You know what that mean?”

“Ummm, what does it mean?”

“It mean you must be very happy!” Dimitra said with a smile.

“Well, I am…very happy!” Candy said as she returned her aunt’s smile.

“Eat, eat, please, we don’t let go to waste,” Dimitra said as her mood suddenly turned more serious.

Candy didn’t need to be told twice. After all that traveling she felt absolutely famished and she couldn’t wait to try a little bit of everything.  She plowed through a big dish of cheesy pasta, multiple skewers of lamb and beef siscabobs, 3 whole pieces of the saganaki fried cheese, as well a little bit of all the other delectable things on the table and 3 glasses of red wine to boot. She ate until she was full and then she ate some more, and everyone at the table seemed more impressed than concerned with her blatant display of overindulgence, and they even got on Dominic for not eating as much as his pretty wife.

“You look, more beautiful than ever granddaughter,” Candy’s grandpa said as he spoke from across the table.

“Ah, thank you pappous,” said Candy.

“Your beauty inspire, art, and… music,” he said as the sound of a stringed instrument began to play somewhere in the distance. “You become like…ahh…lavouto.”

“What is that?” Candy asked.

“He trying to say that your body has become like music, like shaped like a guitar, I think is what he say,” said Dimitra, who was speaking animatedly with her hands.

“Yes, beautiful,” said grandpa.

“Thank you, but this,” Candy said as she ran her hands along her sides and down to her expansive soft hips in an almost sexual manner. “Is all his fault!” She added before poking her husband in the chest.

“Hey, what did I do?” Asked Dominic as he put his wine down.

“Ah, remember I tell you, girl who eat dessert, gets handsome husband,” said grandpa as a smile began to form across his face.

“Yes, I remember that, so let's have dessert, I bet my handsome husband would love that!” Candy said as she gave Dominic a knowing gaze.

Dominic awoke the following morning to the sight of Candy’s white thong panties and beautiful ass staring him in the face. She was laying on her side with her back towards him. Somehow during the warm summer night they must have taken the blankets off because the sheets and comforter were laying in a heap on the bedroom floor. He put his arm around her and felt her huge soft belly moving in and out with each sweet breath she took. She was so curvy. The mountain that was her hips fell steeply into thick love handles at the small of her back, then worked up to her opulent billowing arm which was mostly covered by her freely tumbling caramel highlighted dark brown hair, falling in romantic waves. She looked like a full-figured seductress and Dominic felt no other want but to worship her like the deity she was. She was so luxuriously proportioned. The morning sun bounced off her smooth light tan skin and radiated with reflected light, giving her an almost ethereal quality.

“I’m hungry,” she purred dreamily.

“I’m sure there will be a big breakfast, if last night was any indicator.”

“I told you they..mmm.. really (gasp) feed you well here, they (yawn) basically make you eat.”

“All right then, better get up,” Dominic said as he crawled on top of her and gazed at her humongous breasts and then into her alluring eyes, and then back to her breasts.

“Mmmmm, rub my belly,” she cooed in an exceedingly sensual voice. “Squeeze my tits.”

Dominic did as she asked, gently, strongly and firmly while she moaned with pleasure. Her belly was so big and so soft. He could knead it, grab it, jiggle it and dig his hands into it. As much he loved her at 140 pounds, he could not, back then, do the things he was doing to her right now. He found himself wondering why anyone would not prefer this. Why would anyone not want a woman of such soft epic proportions, a woman of such substance and opulence, of warmth and softness who beamed femininity. He kissed her soft supple lips and caressed her gargantuan breasts, which had almost gotten too big even for his large masculine hands. He grabbed her by her pillowy arms and struggled to maneuver her and roll her on top of him. She felt so heavy and excessive and cumbersome in the best way possible. He savored the feeling of her weight pushing down on him, her fluffy fleshy lushness oozing all over his hard, strong, yet much smaller body. He kissed her and grabbed her and played with her fully, yet there was so much more to be desired, there always was with Candy.

“Let’s save this (gasp, pant) for later, I really need to eat,” she sweetly gasped as he buried his face between her tits.

They ate a big breakfast made by aunt Dimitra of rich omeletas, made with spinach, peppers, cheese, prosciutto and loutza pork tenderloin. The saw a few of the sights later on, got some amazing greek pizza while they were in town, and Candy snacked and grazed throughout the day. They ate dinner late, and it was pretty much a repeat of the night before, although Dominic didn’t think he had ever seen his wife eat so much in one sitting than she did on that night.

The wine flowed as the family gathered out on the veranda to enjoy the summer evening under the stars after dinner. Candy was working on her third glass of Athiri and her forth triangle of baklava when her grandfather came to join her and Dominic at the table outside. Candy really did look like an overly voluptuous version of the goddess Aphrodite in her low cut, pure white maxi dress, eating grapes and dessert and drinking white wine. Just due to their incredible size, her boobs looked borderline inappropriate for a family gathering, with the way they were practically spilling out of her size 20 dress and with the amount of cleavage she was showing, but it wasn’t something she did consciously. It was just the way her body was shaped now, and her grandfather didn’t seem offended.

“Ooo…i’m so (gasp) glad we came here and got to see you pappous,” Candy sighed as her amazing breasts heaved with the sharp intake of air in her lungs on an exceedingly full stomach.

“I am happy to see you, and what a woman you have become,” said grandpa as he looked her over.

“Thank you,” cooed Candy before taking another bite of baklava. “I probably (munch, chew) look a lot different now,” she added with a mix of humor and sheepishness.

“You become the Aphrodite Kallipygos,” said grandpa in his broken English as he looked down and then up again, while aunt Dimitra came to join them.

“He says you umm, how to say…” Dimitra started to say as she searched her brain for the right words. “He’s talking about the famous statue of Aphrodite, called Aphrodite of the beautiful…uh.butt, he mean you have very well-endowed proportions,” she added before looking at grandpa, her father, scoldingly. “Stop it bambus.”

“Ooohh, I guess I’ll take that (pant) as a compliment,” Candy said with a giggle and smile.

“So happy you have each other,” said grandpa.

“I am very lucky,” said Dominic as he placed his hand on Candy’s thick soft thigh which was spreading out wide underneath the table, and completely consuming her chair.

“Yeah,” said grandpa. “So what you do in US?”

“He works with (gasp) computers, but I actually quit my job, so I guess I will be (munch, chew) just enjoying myself and trying to think of what to do next,” Candy said as she watched the wheels in her grandfather’s head begin to turn.

“Every heart sing a song, incomplete, until other whisper back. Those who wish to sing, always find a song,” grandpa said with a sweet and ponderous look on his well-weathered face.

“Omigod, that was beautiful,” cooed Candy as she felt a wave of sentimentality sweep over her. Being barely able to fit on the plane had been a bit of a sobering wakeup call for her, but now that she was here, feeling completely stuffed and as happy and satisfied as ever, it all seemed so stupid. She felt so sexy and so curvy, she didn’t need to lose weight, not really. Feeling sexy is better than feeling healthy anyway. She was reminded of the way she felt when she visited Greece 3 years ago. So full and joyful and constantly aroused by her own body and her own excesses. Even her old world, European family seemed to agree with her sentiments. She had been receiving nothing but praise and compliments from them since they moment they saw her. Why lose weight, why be so hard on herself?

“Enjoy the night…eat, eat!” Said grandpa as he pushed the plate of baklavas closer.

Chapter 10


“A plump, soft-skinned girl was standing in the doorway…her candid eyes, that always looked a little sleepy under their long lashes, kept straying about the cheerful rooms with naïve admiration…Until that morning no one…had realized how pretty she was, or that she was growing up. The swelling lines of her figure had been hidden…Lena moved without exertion, rather indolently…When we passed a candy store her footsteps would hesitate and linger. ‘Don’t let me go in,’ she would murmur. ‘Get me by if you can.’ She was very fond of sweets, and was afraid of growing too plump…”

-Willa Cather, My Ántonia. (1918)

November 2022

“Didn’t you talk about wanting to get in shape?” Dominic asked as he walked in the room to find Candy scrolling through her phone and eating McDonald’s on the couch with the TV on. There was an empty full size carton of Dreyer’s double chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream on the coffee table, next to 2 empty bottles of sprite, a box of sugar cookies, and Dominic’s freshly smoked glass pipe.

That blissful feeling she had experienced in Greece had not left her since returning home. Her appetite for burgeoning in her own excesses had grown and the idea of slowing down felt like depravity and it scared her. She did try, maybe half-heartedly but she found that she just couldn’t stop eating, and the more she ate, the lazier she felt, and the lazier she felt, the more she ate.

“Uhhh, yeah, and (munch, chew) I will…soon,” she said without looking up as she shoved fries in her face like a zombie.

“Did you have a good day?”

“Yes, I did.(chew) That Catwoman video is selling (munch, chew) like crazy, and it already got 15 reviews,” she said in reference to the latest video that she posted on Curvage. Her internet popularity had increased in size in the past several months, like her waistline, to epic proportions. Since quitting her job and staying home all day, she had more time to connect with her fans, of which she had many. She had become so beloved by her online devotees, that she was actually starting to make real money, as people seemed to become more and more infatuated with her as her weight continued to creep up at a faster pace than ever before. She was already plus another 14 pounds since July and she showed no signs of slowing down. Her routine consisted of sleeping in, and plopping herself on the couch and grazing throughout the day until Dominic got home from work. They would then usually have a rich and heavy takeout or Doordash-supplied dinner, followed by snacks and a lavish dessert, followed by more snacks, every single night.

“You priced that $18.99 right?” Asked Dominic as he glanced at the screen on her phone, noticing the image of Candy dressed up in her Catwoman costume. He didn’t know how she found it, or how she was able to fit into it, but in that outfit she looked like the epitome of temptation in the form of a woman, a total seductress, and it was obvious why the clip was so well reviewed. In her shiny black faux leather corseted jumpsuit that she looked absolutely poured into, the mere sight of her was hot enough to start a California wildfire.

“Yep, and they’re (chew) buying it,” she cooed as she moved on to her double quarter pounder with cheese without hesitation. “It’s already one of the (chew) best selling clips of all time.”

“Wow,” Dominic said as he gazed at the way his wife was looking now, all 274 pounds of her. Dressed in nothing but lacy purple panties and a matching purple crop top, (that wasn’t designed to be a crop top) she looked nothing short of…huge. Her exposed tan belly was getting enormous, and it was oozing onto her lap and overflowing at her sides. It pushed its way out, just underneath her swelling breasts and poured onto her soft silky, naked thunder thighs. Despite the massive size of her boobs, she was getting more and more bottom heavy, as it seemed that most of what she ate continued to go straight to her ass. If she had been barely able to squeeze in her seat on the flight to Athens back in July, there was absolutely no way she would be able to come close to fitting now.

“That’s not much incentive to slow down and get in shape,” Dominic said in a slightly nervous tone.

Although he was incredibly attracted to his wife, and thought that she looked more beautiful than ever, he couldn’t help but be slightly concerned about her progressively overindulgent habits, and the effect it might be having on her health.

“Ahhh, I know, but I (chew, munch) still will,” she said between bites of both burger and fries. “Ooo…mmmm….it’s just that gaining (chew) weight, is soooo much fun,” she added with a sigh as she reclined back in her seat and placed her dainty little hand on her oversized belly.

“Poor baby,” Dominic said as he came to her and gently kissed her breast.

“I just can’t (chew) stop myself,” she said with angelic giggle as Dominic began lustfully squeezing and fondling her ever softening, excessively pampered body.

‘Neither can I….’ He thought to himself.

September 2023

“What can I get started for you?” Asked the voice at the order box at the drive-through.

“Ummm, yeah can I get two 4 by 4’s with..ooo.. no onions, and um, 2 orders of fries, animal (pant) style please,” Candy answered in a breathy voice. As the months of being a stay at home housewife continued on, Candy’s weight had progressively gotten more out of control.

“Okay, anything else?” Asked the voice.

“Yeah um, one (gasp) large 7-up, and..umm.. a strawberry shake.”

She looked at the center console of her Mitsubishi Outlander. She’d have to finish off her cookies and cream milkshake from Chic-fil-A in order to make room for her upcoming drinks, but the whole car was a mess of napkins and fast food wrappers. There were empty boxes of Chic-fil-A nuggets and chicken strips, as well as the remaining pieces of lettuce left in the container on the passenger’s seat from her spicy deluxe crispy sandwich. She definitely needed Dominic to vacuum out her car soon.

She didn’t know what was wrong with her. She was already completely stuffed from all the chicken and fries she had consumed just 30 minutes earlier, not to mention the Panda Express she had at the mall, but as she had gotten closer to home, she found herself pulling straight into the In-N-Out drive-through line as if she was on autopilot.

Shopping always made her hungry though, especially lately, as she found retail therapy wasn’t working as well when it was becoming more difficult to find anything that fit. Not that she was complaining, looking for cute outfits and buying clothes, was, aside from eating, her favorite thing to do.

“Woah, that super hot guy over there is totally checking you out,” Candy remembered her friend Camila saying when they were walking around in the Montclair East shopping center earlier that day. Candy turned so she could see. She was used to guys staring at her when she went out in public, and with the way she was looking, it was just to be expected. Her hair was down and flowing and looking gorgeous, her makeup was done up to perfection and she was wearing skin tight grey leggings and a black long sleeve shirt with laced up shoulders and tie front.

“Yeah, I (gasp) get that a lot, guys kind of get like (pant) obsessed with my butt, the bigger it gets,” Candy said as she flashed Camila a smile and continued her slow, sexy, breathless wiggle through the mall. Camila couldn’t help but notice how much Candy’s gigantic ass was on display in those super revealing tights, and just how huge and round it was, and the way it swayed and jiggled in such an ultra feminine manner with each laborious step she took. It was no wonder she was getting so much attention.

“Soooo…you’ve really been like trying to gain weight this whole time?” Camila asked nervously, still amazed at how incredibly big Candy had been getting over the past few years. In her eyes she had turned into a complete whale, but Camila was dumbfounded and actually a little jealous of the fact that she still looked…well, hot, and truthfully and astoundingly, objectively beautiful.

“Well, (gasp, pant) honestly…yeah…I mean, I’ve stopped (wheeze) trying, it just seems to happen naturally now, but I do still think it’s (gasp) super sexy,” Candy cooed, in her usual breathy voice, as even walking around had become a struggle for her.

“Omigod, I can’t believe you,” Camila said as she noticed the way Candy’s body wobbled and jiggled like mad with every little movement she made. “I wish I had your confidence, you ummm.. wear your weight so well… you’re like my hero.”

“You can do (gasp, pant) do it too you know,” Candy said as she turned to her friend with a kind smile.

“Yeah, I guess,” said Camila as she bit her lip, trying to be careful with her words, knowing that she would just die if she ever were to let her weight get so out of control that she got as fat as Candy. “Hey want to go into Zara? I need some new….ummm, jogging pants.”

“Uhhh, I doubt (gasp, pant) they’d have anything in my size,” Candy said with a sigh and an eye roll. Despite her hesitation, Candy followed her friend into the store and looked around. They had some cute stuff in there, but like she thought, most of it seemed to be designed for people that were 6 feet tall and 100 pounds. Camila tried on some trendy cotton athletic pants in a size small, and noticing how stretchy they were, and the fact that they did surprisingly sell them in a size XL, Candy decided to see if she’d fit into them. The were meant to be loose and baggy, which is how they looked on Camila, but when Candy put them on, they pulled tight around her thighs, and stretched snuggly around her hips and butt. Camila was shocked when Candy went ahead and purchased them, knowing they were designed for runners, and not for sex appeal.

“I can’t believe you bought those, they’re so cute, so does this mean you’re gonna start exercising or…” Camila asked once they finally walked out of Zara with shopping bags in hand.

“Yeah right,” Candy said sarcastically. “I just think their super comfy, and they’re so stretchy, it’s so hard (pant) to find pants that actually fit my butt.”

“Do you want to go to H&M?”

“Actually, my blood sugar feels (pant, gasp) super low, and I really need to get off my feet,” Candy said weakly. “Want to go to the food court?”

Camila wasn’t really hungry, but she could see that Candy looked tired and uncomfortable, so she decided to appease her friend.

“Omigod, are you really going to eat all of that?” Camila asked once Candy finally collapsed into her seat at their table in the center of the food court.

“Umm, why (gasp) wouldn’t I?”

“Oh…uh…I…I don’t know?” Camila asked in bewilderment as she looked at Candy’s huge meal of orange chicken, chow mein, egg rolls and cream cheese rangoon.

“I freaking love (munch, chew) Chinese food, the only problem is that it just doesn’t fill you up,” Candy said as she dug into her lunch like she hadn’t eaten in weeks.

“I haven’t had Chinese in forever, we always do Thai, or Korean,” Camila said somewhat arrogantly as she picked at her salad.

“I’m just happy (chew, chew) to be sitting down,” Candy said between bites. “I forgot how much walking (munch) there is at this mall.”

“It’s decent exercise I suppose,” said Camila. “It’s good for you.”

“Yeah..I know I really should (munch, chew) try to exercise at some point, but it just seems so dumb.”

“Why?” Asked Camila curiously. “It’s important to stay active.”

“But it’s just so hard, and who (munch, chew) wants to get all gross and sweaty…i’d much rather take the couch and (chew, chew) Netflix and Ubereats over the freaking gym any day.”

Just as she had said about Chinese, Candy polished off all of her food and still felt hungry. She did a little more shopping with Camila but really, she couldn’t wait to get back in the comfort of her car, so she could relax and eat how she wanted to, how she needed to.

She pulled ahead in the drive-through line to pick up her In-N-Out just as she sucked down the last of her milkshake from earlier. She put the empty paper cup in the pocket of the driver’s side door to make room for the two new drinks that she had coming. The lacy shoulders of the shirt she was wearing seemed to be straining to contain her huge, flabby arms and the way it was cut way below her neckline caused it to show off a salacious amount of cleavage, and this did not go unnoticed by the drive-through window, paper-hated employee.

She was finding it more difficult to get into her car, let alone drive. Her butt was so big that it was flowing over the seat on both sides, causing her to have to scoot her hips over just so she could place her beverages into the cup holders. Her thighs barely fit under the steering wheel at this point, even when it was adjusted to it’s highest possible position, and her belly and boobs weren’t making things any easier.

After she finally got her order, she drove into a parking spot, turned the air-conditioning up a few notches and took a deep breath. She felt hot, bloated and nauseous from fighting all the traffic on the 210. The food smelled so divine and even though she wasn’t hungry in the slightest, after all the Chic-fil-A she had just after she left the mall, she couldn't wait to dig in to her hot, greasy cheeseburgers, her third lunch in the past 2 hours.

She was somehow able to stretch her lips around that first 4 patty cheeseburger and methodically consume the entirety of it while listening half-heartedly to her Radio Cherry Bombe podcast. She felt the way her belly was swelling tightly, and the way she had felt heavier, almost like she was sinking deeper into her seat after each bite she took. She started on the fries, and worked her way through her milkshake, until both were nearly gone.

The more she ate, and the fuller she got, the sexy she felt. It made her ass seem bigger and weightier and it did the same to her breasts. All these feelings of arousal just made her want to eat more. It made her want to stuff herself senseless and get home to Dominic and let him take advantage of her in such a bloated, helpless and almost intoxicated state. This was more than just drive-through hopping, this was a full blown binge, and Candy was loving it. She reached for her second 4 patty burger and tried her best to keep on eating, despite the fact that she was so full she thought she might pop. She moaned with pleasure as she ate and wiggled her hot ass around in her seat as she found herself getting so turned on that she felt wet.

She noticed a couple of young men that looked like body-builders gawking at her as they waited in the long drive-though line. She felt a little uncomfortable, but she decided that she couldn’t blame them. She knew the amount of cleavage she was showing and she knew looked ridiculously hot. She suspected that she must look like a girl in a Carls’ Jr. commercial with the way she was eating her enormous burger in a somewhat sexual manner. Who doesn’t love seeing a beautiful woman pig out on fast food anyway?

‘Oh, am I turning you boys on with the way I am eating? Do you really think it’s okay for you to just stare at random strangers? It’s okay boys, I’m sure you see this wedding ring, I’m taken, sorry. Enjoy your gluten free lettuce wraps.’ Candy thought smugly before spritzing herself with a little Coco Chanel perfume and then flopping her jiggly arms back on the steering wheel and heading for home. She was so stuffed that she was actually sweating as well as seriously out of breath. She felt so wedged in the driver’s seat that she thought she may need Dominic’s assistance just to get out of the car, but she was ready for his help. Help out of the car, help out of her clothes and help with satisfying her womanly needs.

Chapter 11


“I went down into the garden and soon found myself in front of an admirable statue. It was indeed a Venus, and one of extraordinary beauty. The upper part of her body was bare, just as the ancients usually depicted their great deities…It is impossible to imagine anything more perfect than the body of that Venus; nothing could be more harmonious or more voluptuous than her outlines…What struck me most of all was the exquisite truth of form, which might have led one to suppose that it had been moulded by nature herself, if nature ever produced such perfect specimens…Disdain, irony, cruelty, could be distinguished in that face which was, notwithstanding, of incredible beauty…‘If the model ever existed,’ I said to Monsieur de Peyrehorade, ‘and I doubt if Heaven ever produced such a woman, how I pity her lovers! She must have delighted in making them die of despair. There is something ferocious in her expression, and yet I have never seen anything so beautiful.’”

-Prosper Mérimée, “The Venus of Ille.” (1837)

December 2025

“Oooh, (chew) Omigod (pant) I can’t… I need help,” Candy gasped while she ate and rocked herself forward on the sofa, as she attempted to stand up, only to fail pathetically. She set her half-eaten gyro down on the coffee table, and held out her arms. Dominic hoisted her up with quite a bit of effort, noticing from above that her ass was significantly bigger and wider than the couch cushion. Once she was on her feet, she quickly bent down to retrieve her gyro before he led her towards the bathroom.

Almost 3 years had passed, and Candy appeared to have turned into a full blown food addict. She was eating constantly. She had become so fat and lazy that Dominic had to seemingly do everything for her, and despite her sexiness; her helpless, princess-like behavior was really starting to worry him, as well as wear on him.

“Come on what are you doing? Finish that or set it down or something,” Dominic said, slightly annoyed as he watched her continue to eat her ‘snack’ while lazily wiggling down the hallway.  Her buns and hips had become so broad that she actually had to turn somewhat to the side to maneuver herself through the bathroom door, and after she entered, she took one more huge bite of her delicious Greek sandwich wrap before placing it on the counter, and then stepped on the scale.

“363,” Dominic said as he looked down at the numbers on their brand new FitTrack smart scale.

“Ohhhhmigod,” Candy said nervously as she brought her hand to her chin in shock, still with her mouth full of food. “That is soooo (chew) fucking big. Why aren’t you filming (chew) this for my fans?”

Dominic had been beginning to get bothered by all the talk about her fans in the past several months. It seemed that Candy had become obsessed with them. It was true that she was now by far the most viewed, and highest rated model on Curvage, and she was pulling in several thousands of dollars every month, between Curvage and Patreon alone, but her fans didn’t really know her, they didn’t really love her, at least not on an intimate level like he did. He was the one who adored her and took care of her, and the explosion of her internet fame was beginning to make him feel left out.

“Jesus…Candy…don’t you think…”

“I can’t believe you (munch, chew)made me walk all the way (gasp) over here and (chew) we didn’t even film it.”

“Don’t you think maybe, you should, you know…slow down?” He asked, noticing the way she was breathing heavily from just the slightest amount of effort, and the way she couldn’t seem to stop stuffing her face.

“Why…..don’t (gasp) you like it?” She asked in an overly sexy voice as she placed her hands behind her ass and provocatively shimmied her massive body in a back and forth swivel-like motion as if to tease him. She was wearing only panties and a white camisole top. Her belly was jutting out in front of her and it was so big that it was hanging down and making her panties disappear. It was so huge that it caused her shirt to ride up, which only served to expose her ballooning gut even further. It was all so confusing to Dominic, because Candy, at the age of 28, still looked stunning, and perhaps even more beautiful than ever, even at this monumental size. She still had her gorgeous face, her blossoming double chin only serving to enhance her rich sensuousness, rather than deter from her glowing allurement.

“Umm, yeah, but what about like health and all that?”

“Oh don’t be (gasp, wheeze) such a dork, you sound like my Mom,” she said as she reached forward and picked up her gyro and promptly finished it off in one bite. “Can you (chew, chew) load the pipe for me…..and bring (gasp, pant) me that box (chew) of donuts please,” she added as she began her admittedly sexy, labored waddle back to her place on the couch.

Dominic followed behind her, watching her amazing, yet almost disproportionately large tan butt, nearly completely exposed in just that thong. He stared at the way it wiggled and swayed back and forth as she sashayed, jiggling uncontrollably with each thunderous step. She had a smattering of dimples in her upper thighs, and stretch marks on her hips, and her panties were so tight that they were digging deeply into her soft jello-like flesh, and becoming enveloped by her wobbling fat. Despite its size, and because of her youth and because her hips were still so much larger than her waist, her ass had maintained it's mesmerizing feminine heart-shape, roundness, pertness and symmetry, and it was nearly impossible to look away from.

“We should probably try and eat a little healthier though,” Dominic said, after doing what she asked before sitting next to her on the sofa, just in time to watch her blow the smoke of marijuana into the air.

“Oh…(cough, cough)why?” She asked as she batted her big brown eyes at him seductively. “Don’t you, mmm…(gasp) (chew) love all this?” She added as she quickly took a bite of a Bavarian cream donut while stroking her free hand along her huge pillowy thigh.

“Well, yeah but…”

“And uh…I (chew, chew) know you love this…” She cooed as she rotated her hips in her seat to tease him with the beauty and enormity of her ass. She then, with great struggle, heaved her butt towards him, until she finally found enough strength to plop herself in a sitting position on his lap. “Ooo, mmmm… (gasp, wheeze) what’s that in your pants?” She purred, as she felt his raging boner fighting for room beneath her, and working it’s way between her monstrous butt cheeks. She handed him what remained of her donut. “Ehh…(gasp) feed me baby.”

Dominic felt her astonishing weightiness pressing him further down into the sofa. She was so big and heavy and wide that he could hardly breathe, and he found himself wondering if the couch beneath them would break under all that pressure. He held the donut in his hand and looked at her full, plump lips as they waited for their next taste. He slowly brought it to her mouth and she ate and wiggled deeper into his lap as she felt the pleasure of the sweet food instantly elevate her mood.

“It just used to (gasp) be… that you said you wouldn’t go higher than 250 and…”

“Mmmm…I can’t (chew) stop though, I don’t want (chew) to stop, I just feel too sexy and (gasp) this is too much fun,” she said, smacking her lips as she ate, before opening her mouth again. Dominic then placed all of the rest of the donut inside her mouth. “I want (chew, chew) you to take me tonight and..mmm.. (chew) stuff me until I can’t move…(gasp) like you used to (hiccup)….mmm.. come on, your pretty little (chew) wife is so…mmm… fat and helpless, and she…ooo…(gasp, wheeze) needs to be fed and dominated by (gasp, pant) her husband.”

Dominic was getting incredibly turned on by everything she was doing, despite his concerns about her health and the fact that he felt like he was being crushed from underneath her hefty, excessive curves. Suddenly, that feeling of being left out by her preoccupation with her online admirers was dissipating. None of her fans got to experience what he was experiencing. Nobody else had the honor and privilege of holding her in their arms and feeding her, kissing her and making love to her the way he did. Nobody else got to wake up spooning her beautiful body every morning.  She made him feel like a man. She made him feel like there was nothing in the world that he couldn’t do.

He took another donut, this time a maple bar from the box and brought it to her lips, and watched as she bit into it like it was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. He thought back to the tiny little girl she once was. Her breezy, airy scamper now replaced by a slow, laborious, sultry, ultra feminine sashay. He thought back to the appetite enhancing hypnosis, the weight gain pills and all the sexy feeding games. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think that it would all result in her getting this big.

She smelled so good to him, a mix of maple donut, vanilla floral perfume, and marijuana. He couldn’t wait to get her into bed, pin her down and pounce on top of her spoiled, weakened, vulnerable body. He wanted to punish her for being such a naughty, overindulgent, greedy girl. He wanted to ravish her with all the love that was in his heart and all the aching yearning lusty desire he was feeling seething through his manhood. He wanted to grab her belly and arms and shake them, he wanted to smack and slap her ass and squeeze it as hard as he could, he wanted his hands all over her melon-sized breasts, and his lips all over her soft neck. He wanted to be inside of her and hear her moan in ecstasy as he did all of these things.

“Mmmm…where (chew) did you (gasp) go just now?” She asked with her mouth full of maple bar.

“Let’s go to bed and I’ll show you,” he whispered as he gazed in amazement at how enormous her exposed tan thighs looked, and the way they thoroughly encompassed his lap and spread out wide in all directions.

“I’m only going to get bigger you know,” she cooed in an overly sexy voice as she sat, curled up in his lap like the spoiled princess she had become. He placed his free hand on her gigantic bloated belly and felt the way it slowly moved in and out with each labored breath she took. He looked into her big beautiful brown eyes as they glowed back at him. She smiled that brilliant smile of hers.

“I know,” he said.

“Mmmm…give me the rest (gasp, wheeze) of that donut and then (gasp) I’ll let you do anything you…ooo… want (chew) to me.”


“She looked down at her arms: no arms could be prettier down to a little way below the elbow—they were tan and plump, and dimpled to match her cheeks…It would be the easiest folly in the world to fall in love with her: there is a sweet babylike roundness about her face and figure…he could glance at her continually as she bent over the fruit, while the level evening sunbeams stole through the thick apple-tree boughs, and rested on her round cheek and neck as if they too were in love with her…neither is it a weakness to be so wrought upon by the exquisite curves of a woman’s cheek and neck and arms, by the liquid depths of her beseeching eyes, or the sweet childish pout of her lips…It seems to be a far-off mighty love that has come near to us, and made speech for itself there; the rounded neck, the dimpled arm, move us by something more than their prettiness…the great dark eyes and the sweet lips were as beautiful as ever, perhaps more beautiful, for there was a more luxuriant womanliness about Hetty of late.”

-George Eliot, Adam Bede. (1859)

The End


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