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“It’s ok, it’s ok baby come on.” I took her by the hand and helped her down off of the scale, even though it was only an inch off the floor.

“Phewww! (gasp) I need to sit down (gasp, wheeze) I need to sit down,” she said in a suddenly panicked voice as her body began to teeter like it was off balance.

“It’s all right, come on, let me help you.” I led her back into the living room.

“Get me (gasp) another drink!” She pushed me away and collapsed on the sofa. She seemed genuinely upset, making me wonder how she would have reacted if I had told her the truth. I went over and mixed her a strong Long Island Iced Tea and delivered it to her moments later while she continued fanning herself frantically.

She took a huge sip from the icy beverage. “I can’t (gasp) fucking believe it, that can’t be real, (pant) that number is wrong, it’s not real!”

I placed my hand on her shoulder. “Calm down.”

She pushed my hand away and took another long pull from her straw. “No I don’t (cough, cough) want to!”

I found it to be interesting, how her mood and attitude toward her weight could often change on a dime. I knew that she loved her curves and I knew how turned on she got when I fed her and jiggled her belly and tits in bed; but when confronted with a number from a scale, all that confidence and notions of body positivity could crumble like a wooden chair beneath her growing butt. “Here.” I placed a cigarette between her lips and lit it for her, trying my best to comfort her and calm her down before she hyperventilated.

“How could you (pant, cough) let me get this big? This is your fault! I could’ve just divorced Brian on my own, (pant) that was the only reason I got fat!” she said as she filled her lungs with smoke.

“You look gorgeous, you love your body, what's the problem?” I asked like an idiot.

“The problem is (pant) I need to lose weight! After tonight I am on a diet.”

“Look, I told you I'd help you get in shape if you wanted to.”

“Well I (cough, cough) want you to.”

“Okl… whenever you’re ready I am more than willing to train you, I just thought you were happy with the way you are.”

She took another sip from her quickly disappearing drink and the fierceness in her eyes softened. “I am, I just, (gasp, huff) I just never thought I would get this big.”

“Ok then I will help you get wherever you want to go.”

“Ok, you’re right…you’re right (gasp) I'm sorry, you’re sweet.”

“It’s alright.” I planted a long and delicious wet kiss on her full, pouty lips and all the tenseness in her body melted away..

We released and the look on her face quickly turned back to haughty and smug. “Now (gasp) I need you to get me something to eat, I need to eat something right now, give me dessert!”

“Are you sure about dessert?” I was somewhat confused by her scatter of demands.

“Yes, (pant, huff) I said diet starts tomorrow, right now I really need to eat!”

- Dangerous Curves



Rich Johnson

Got a feeling she’s about to get much bigger