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I led her into the master bathroom and pulled out the scale from the cabinet beneath the sink. We didn’t use the scale that much, but I made sure that we kept a quality one around as it was nice to have for purposes such as this. Steph stood there in her skimpy pajamas looking like a teenage boy’s wet dream and stepped on the scale barefoot. Her dainty little pink toenails led their way up to her still somehow tiny ankles, up to her shapely, silky smooth calves, to her enormous blubbery thighs and then to her even bigger hips and pudgy tummy. The scale creaked, and the numbers danced as Stephanie held her breath until finally, the red digits settled on 338 pounds.

“What is it I can’t see!” she said with girlish impatience, frustrated by the fact that her own boobs and belly were blocking her view of the scale. Although I'm sure if she really wanted to she could bend over and see.

I cleared my throat.  “318 pounds.” I said, immediately wondering to myself why I had just lied. Perhaps it was just instinct.

- Dangerous Curves



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