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Autumn slept at Mike’s place that night, but they did not make love. They just laid in bed spooning and she fell asleep in his arms. Mike loved the way she felt sleeping next to him. The way her ass dominated his pelvis and filled up his crotch, the way her waist was soft and supple against his hands.

He went to work the next day with a newfound happiness and purpose that he wouldn’t trade for anything in the world and as soon as he was off he wanted to see her again. She said she was at Little Woody’s, the burger joint that was only about a block away from where they lived. He found it interesting that she went ahead and got dinner on her own, and he liked it. Autumn was always that way. Independent, self-sufficient, she didn’t need to wait for anyone. If she wanted to do something, she would do it.

Mike walked into the small casual restaurant and found her sitting at a table by herself, with a half-eaten cheeseburger and a little carton of fries in front of her. He greeted her and ordered something for himself, but she ended up polishing off all her food before he was even a few bites into his burger.

She was wearing blue jeans and her thighs spread themselves out wide and full in her seat. They were thick and substantial and along with her hips they made her waist look quite narrow, especially with the way she was perched so proactively on that chair. She had a style that Mike was loving more and more. Everything about her from the way she dressed, to the cool, sexy and unapologetic way that spoke, to the way that she ate.

Mike’s ex would never eat a huge greasy burger on her own like that, and even if she did she would never finish the whole thing. Autumn on the other hand seemed to just eat because she wanted to, and never once did she appear self-conscious about it.

They strolled back to her place afterwards as rain began to trickle down from the grey sky. Once inside her apartment Autumn turned her kitchen fan on, took out a cigarette from her fancy little case and lit up. Mike lit one too.

“I think it might be time to do these dishes,” he said, gesturing toward her sink.

Her eyelashes fluttered as she stared at him expressionless. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll do them eventually.”

“No way, I would love to do them for you and keep you off your feet.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not helpless you know.”

“I know, but I’m still going to do them.”

She took another puff on her cigarette, then coughed a few times. “God I really need to quit smoking.”

Mike leaned forward in his seat. “Why?”

“Are you serious?” She raised an eyebrow. “It’s so bad for you.”

“It’s just a simple pleasure.”

She scoffed. “That’s one way of putting it. More like a compulsive addition that turns your lungs black and gives you cancer.”

He smirked. “Cigarettes are old fashioned and romantic.”

“Right, if that’s what you gotta say to make yourself feel better.”

After they were done smoking, Autumn went to lay down in bed and watch TV. Mike, being true to his word, did her dishes and cleaned up her kitchen, even disposing of the cigarette butts and taking out the trash. When he was finished he laid down next to her.

“We should get something for dessert,” he said.

She was lying on her side with her head on one of her many pillows. “Dessert?”

“Yeah is there anything fun around here?”

She propped her hand against her head and sat up a little. “I usually try to stay away from sugar, especially at night.”

Mike stared at her with a yearning that was palpable. She looked like a beauty queen posing for a photo, with her torso slightly bent and her ass sticking out behind her. “I’m still a little hungry, I should go grab something,” he said. “When you do eat sugar what do you get?”

She gazed at him lazily. “There’s Cupcake Royale.”

“Where is that?”

She yawned cutely. “I think it’s on like…10th and Pike I wanna say.”

“What’s your favorite cupcake?”

“I'll go with you.”

“You sure you’re up for walking that far?”

“It’s not that far,” she said. “Besides, it will be good for me.”

“Are you doing physical therapy or anything?”

“I was, but not anymore.” She curled her feet beneath her thighs and sat up. “I’m on my own now.”

Mike rolled over to her side of the bed and gently took her hand. “Okay, let’s go, sounds like it stopped raining.”

Having Autumn walk with him was not what he had in mind, as he would have happily ran there and back just to let her relax, but she seemed insistent. When they reached the place Mike noticed the store’s slogan: ‘Cupcake Royale. Does a booty good.’ He couldn’t help but wonder if this cupcake bakery was part of what contributed to the growth of Autumn’s rear end, but he kept that thought to himself. She liked chocolate and he bought her a cherry chocolate cheesecake and a salted caramel. He got a donut for himself, took it all to go and then they headed back.

She made him a cup of tea and they ate and talked and smoked in the kitchen. They couldn’t keep their eyes off each other and before too long they found themselves back in bed laying next to one another.

“Mmmm, come here,” she cooed. She lazily ran her fingers up his arm and underneath his shirt. “Do you work out?”

“Sometimes, a little bit.”

“You have a nice body.”

“Thanks, so do you.”

She rolled onto her back, her head elevated by two pillows. She sighed as if she needed to get something off her mind. “One of my best friends always wants me to go to the gym with her. She’s got like, basically a six pack, and super toned arms and everything, I’m just like, yeah…no, that’s just not really my body type anymore.”

Mike scooted himself closer, finding it fascinating that she felt the need to tell him that. “I love your body type.”

She ran her hand over his chest. “Well that’s good.”

He pressed himself against her and gently caressed her thigh. “I am obsessed with your body.”

“I’m glad.”

He unbuttoned her jeans, crawled on top and lovingly kissed her belly. She had a mostly flat stomach but it was also soft and slightly pudgy, especially in the area around her deep set belly button. He kissed her lips and began fondling her waist, slowly working his way up towards her breasts.

She stopped him. “Do you want to…”

“I don’t have any condoms.” He tilted his head and kissed her neck, just below her ear. He looked back up into her eyes. “Should I go get some?”

“It’s up to you.”

“Umm, okay so…” He gazed at her with a longing that seemed to burn and throb through his entire body. She felt so soft and looked so voluptuous with her jeans undone and her blossoming breasts pushing against her low cut v-neck shirt. “I’ll just go do that.”

Her brown eyes glowed. “I’ll be waiting.”

He sprang out of her apartment like a rocket, ran over to the corner mini mart and was back in no time. He kicked off his shoes and pounced back on top of her, picking up right where he left off. He kissed her lips, her neck, her chest, her breasts, and began peeling off her jeans, which turned out to be tighter around her thighs than he initially realized.

She sat up and took her top off with her legs hanging over the side of the bed and her back facing him. He was completely inthralled by her raw natural beauty. Her hips looked so wide and feminie and her weighty ass sank deliciously into the push mattress. She was wearing a black thong and she had small and cute little love handles that poured slightly over the sides of the fabric. He leaned forward and unsnapped her bra. She gasped with delight and turned around with her boobs hanging free. She flopped them in his face and savored the feeling of his stubble rubbing gently between them. He stripped himself of his clothes then let her crawl back on top. He grabbed her ass with both hands. He shook and jiggled it. It felt so big and moved and wobbled as if it was somehow separate from the rest of her body.

He had never been with a woman this curvy before and his hands could not keep up with the nagging lust that had taken over his mind. He slipped off her skimpy little panties, tossed them on the floor, pushed her off and kneeled erect on the mattress. He straddled her with his thighs on either side of the narrowest part of her body, her waist. He took the condom, opened it, then handed it to her with his raging boner on full display. She slowly unrolled it onto his rock hard and magnificent penis, her pussy getting soaking wet in the process.

“I want you,” she said. “I want you inside of me.”

Mike collapsed himself back on top of the warm softness of her body. He smelled her sweet perfume and kissed her neck again. For a short moment his nerves overtook him. He was falling in love with this woman. In the past his attraction to Autumn was merely physical. It was only her bossy personality and arrogant know-it-all attitude that caused him to keep his distance. Now he didn’t give a shit. He wanted her and he wanted her more than anything, and not just for one night. He wanted to please her and his nerves only came from the fear of not giving her the most amazing sex of her life. He blocked those feelings aside and let his unrelenting carnal desire take over. All it took was one more look into her seductive dark eyes and sensuous full lips. He squeezed her with his strong masculine hands and he slipped inside. She moaned and gasped as he thrust rhythmically back and forth. He grabbed her ass and went in deeper and harder until her moans and gasps turned to squeals and screams. He waited patiently for her orgasm, before he finally unloaded himself.

They smoked a few cigarettes in the kitchen with the afterglow shining from their eyes. She was naked and her body looked flawless and perfect. It occurred to Mike that he had never seen a woman this curvy in the nude before, and watching Autumn moving around with her soft wide hips, big round ass and full breasts, only served to reinforce what he’d been missing out on his entire life. They crawled back in bed together and he noticed that she had a bit of a lingering cough.

He kissed the bare skin of her upper arm. “You alright?”

“Yeah I’m fine,” she said defensively. “I cough sometimes when I’m sleepy, don’t worry about it. My blood sugar feels a little low though.”

Mike didn’t hesitate to get up and grab the salted caramel cupcake he had bought for her earlier. “Here you go.”

“Oh god, that’s not exactly what I meant.”

“Do you want me to get you something else?”

“No, this actually looks pretty good right about now.” She took it out of the small box and sheepishly licked some frosting off the top. She turned to him like she was looking for approval. “Sorry. I eat in bed sometimes, it helps me sleep.”

“I don’t mind at all, I do the same thing.” He rested his head against her shoulder and lightly caressed her breasts. “Sleep is important and you gotta wake up pretty early right?”

She took a bite of her cupcake, this time more unapologetically. “I do (chew) tomorrow, need to get up for east coast time.”

“We better get some rest then.”

She finished chewing. “Can you do me a favor?”


“Can you go to the fridge and grab me one of those orange sleep drinks?”

Mike sat up. “Neuro sleep drinks?”

“Yeah, how’d you know?”

He got up and headed toward the kitchen. “I drink those too, thought I was the only one.”

“Guess we have a few things in common.”

“Guess so.”

He brought her the drink and held her as she ate the rest of her dessert. Mike let her fall asleep in his arms before he drifted off himself.

They were together nearly everyday during the following couple months. Mike would wake up early, and, rain or shine, ride his motorcycle to work, then head back to her place every evening. She liked having him around. He cleaned, he did the dishes, did laundry, and happily went on grocery runs for her whenever she needed anything. He even cooked for her, although most of the time they would order take out, which Mike would usually go get himself to avoid delivery and doordash expenses. He had always known Autumn to be a bit of a foodie. Perhaps the reason she was always so dedicated to the gym was because it allowed her to eat what she wanted while still maintaining a svelte size 6 figure. With her injury however, working out the way she used to was out of the question, which was why she had graduated to a size 10 by the time Mike came back into her life. Now that they had begun a relationship, and had been together for two months, she was finding that she was having trouble squeezing her ass into even some of her largest sizes.

“Have you been washing my clothes on hot?”

Mike put his phone in his pocket and turned her way. She was standing next to the bed struggling to fasten the top button of her jeans. “Umm, I don’t think so, I usually just do the normal cycle. Why?”

“Because these pants (gasp) used to fit.”

He stepped forward and inspected her. The short sleeves of one of her favorite black shirts looked even shorter as the plushness of her upper arms seemed to be pushing them further towards her shoulders. Her jeans looked painted on, and the seams of the denim were pulled tight over her long legs, especially in the hip and thigh areas.  “Did they shrink?”

She turned to face him and showed him how she could no longer close the gap of the fly over her softening midsection. “I don’t know, you tell me.”

Mike shrugged, acting clueless. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I did anything. I usually just throw stuff in the washer and press start.”

She glared at him like he was stupid, then sighed. “It’s okay, I probably just need to get back in the gym.”

“You think your leg is ready for that?”

“Yeah my leg is basically healed, I just need to ease myself back into a routine at some point.” She tried to button her jeans one more time but failed miserably. “Okay these pants are not happening today.”

“What’s wrong with that dress you had on earlier?”

Autumn had been taking to wearing dresses most of the time during the work week because a lot of the stuff she owned was stretchy and comfortable while still being presentable enough for video calls.

“Did you like it?”

Mike’s eyes widened playfully. “Did I like it? You looked incredible in it.”

“Really? I thought it was a little revealing.” She gave him a little smirk as she started to peel her jeans down towards her thighs. “But then, I guess that’s why you like it.”

He glanced at his phone again. “Well put something on, Uber will be here in 20 minutes.”

“You know we could just walk.”

“In heels?”

“Okay, good point.” She sat down on the edge of the bed and continued to undress. “Just give me a sec.”

Mike went outside for a smoke to let her get ready in private and when he came back in his jaw nearly hit the floor.

“Jesus Christ, you look amazing.”

“It’s not too tight right?”

“Does it feel too tight?”

“I mean it’s stretchy but….” She tugged on the straps and gave him a little spin. “It’s not like it’s leaving much to the imagination.”

That was an understatement. It was a knee length body-con little black number that clung snugly to every alluring curve of her womanly figure. Mike was surprised. Although he had been with her nearly everyday, or maybe because of that, he hadn’t quite realized that her body had changed since they started dating. She looked, well, bigger, and it wasn’t his imagination. It made perfect sense. Her lifestyle consisted mainly of sitting in front of her laptop, whether it be in bed or at her desk. As far as Mike could tell she got almost zero physical activity throughout her work weeks, especially since he had entered the picture and started doing her chores and errands.

She hadn’t stepped on the scale since her last doctor visit, but if she were to weigh herself now she would’ve found that she was in fact 168 pounds. Her thighs had become thick and untoned, her cute feminie knees were less defined and slightly dimpled. Her breasts were larger and her bras were tighter. It was her rear end however, that Mike could not pry his eyes away from. She had great genetics, great bone structure and was a very well proportioned girl but it was clear that most of her weight was continuing to settle in her hips and butt. Mike had never before seen her ass look so big, so round, or so spellbinding.

He was speechless for a moment and blinked his eyes a few times to bring himself back from his lust fueled stupor. “Just, um, throw a jacket on or something.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah I’m sure.” He drew closer and took in the beautiful sight that she was one more time. She was such a hottie and such a knock-out, and even though he could see the outline of a softer waist and a deeper-set belly button through the thin fabric of her dress, he wouldn’t change anything about her. She was absolutely perfect, and suddenly the idea of her wanting to get back in the gym saddened him. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek so he wouldn’t smear her lipstick and his hand drew to her hips as if beyond his control.  “I mean I can’t wait to strip it off you later tonight, but I’m sure.”

“Uh, whatever.” She pushed him away playfully as her phone buzzed. “You're in for the softball game tomorrow right?”

“Yep, I’ll be there. You gonna play?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think it would be smart for me to test my leg like that just yet, but I want to see you play.” She took her white bomber jacket off the coat rack. Mike noticed there was a little more jiggling happening when she moved than there used to be.

“Alright, let’s go,” she said. “I’m starving.”

He smiled, gazing at her deepening cleavage and then into her eyes. “Me too.”



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