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(Stephanie is sitting much higher than Tom even though she is shorter than he is, simply due to just how much more mass she carries in her lower half) 

I was made to feel very welcome as the new guy to the family and we ended up having a very nice Christmas Dinner later that evening. Stephanie’s stepfather Alan deep-fried a turkey and there was twice baked potatoes, stuffing, gravy, biscuits and sausages wrapped in bacon among other things and it was all delicious. I met Stephanie’s older brother Brent and his wife Abby as well as Steph’s older sister Kristen and her husband Torian and their two kids. It was a little awkward at times considering it was basically the first family gathering since the divorce, but overall it went fine. I got the feeling that Steph’s family was more fond of me than they were of her ex-husband anyway, and I took much of the focus away from Stephanie’s rather obvious weight gain. I think Stephanie’s siblings however, were all a little fascinated that I helped people get in shape for a living while their sister seemed to be more out of shape than ever.

“That was delicious Tracy, I want more but I’m stuffed.” Kristen said as she pushed her half full plate forward on the dining room table. Kristen was a stunning woman in her own right, but she wasn’t on the same level as Stephanie when it came to pure natural beauty. She was an inch or two shorter, probably 5’4” or 5’5” and even after 2 kids she looked to have kept her weight below 140 pounds. She still had very nice perky breasts which seemed to run in the family, and don’t get me wrong she was very pretty, just not ‘model pretty’ like her younger sister.

“Alan the turkey was perfect, best I've ever had.” Said Torian.

“I am definitely going to need to hit the gym tomorrow, that was just way too much good food.” Said Abby.

- Dangerous Curves



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