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“Oh my God you have no idea how glad I am to see you.” Stephanie said as I hopped in her Mom’s Audi A4 at airport arrivals. She had driven down to pick me up as I had just flown in from seeing my parents for a quick Christmas Eve visit.

“I am happy to see you too.” I said as we gave each other a quick kiss on the lips.

“My Mom is driving me crazy!”

“That bad huh?” I asked as I eyed her enormous thighs packed snuggly in those tights, spreading their way across the entirety of the driver’s seat. Her hips had gotten so wide that they almost seemed separate from the movement of the rest of her body. When she leaned over to kiss me, her ass stayed firmly planted in the seat and it made me instantly aroused.

“She just pries her way into every little thing I do, I can’t take it!”

“Well I am here to the rescue.”

“Oh you have no idea.” She said as she put her hand on my crotch noticing my erection and giving me a more sensual kiss in the process. “Somebody’s happy to see me.”

“I’m hungry too, you already ate?” I asked as I noticed the crumpled bag of Carl’s Jr. in the center console and the huge, still icy beverage in the cup holder.

“Yeah sorry, I just needed to eat something away from her judgments.” She said as she took a sip from her drink. “What do you want? I feel like I need to pig out a little before we head back.”

“I don’t care, something that’s open. I’d be fine with Ihop or red robin or whatever, something easy where we can sit down.”

“Oh yeah Ihop sounds good, there’s one close by, and I need a cigarette bad.” She said. She never ceased to amaze me, how could she possibly be hungry after eating what looked to be a pretty good sized meal from a fast food place. Was she really that unaware of how big she was getting or had she just grown to enjoy food that much? Whatever her thinking was, her behavior turned me on to no end. It didn’t hurt that she was still a total knock-out either.




Oh boy, she might outgrow the Audi, soon lol.