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“Ok, um do you need me to go to the store?” I asked as I looked down at her from the kitchen. Her belly had really gotten huge and it was spilling out onto her lap. Her thighs were exposed and they looked absolutely enormous. They were spread wide across the sofa and I, for the first time, noticed that her knees had practically disappeared beneath a layer of fat and dimples were developing. It was pretty obvious where the latest 30 plus pounds had gone, and for maybe the first time I realized that she was no longer just a super curvy girl but rather just, well, huge. She wasn’t just soft anymore, she was a big girl.

“Yes please.” She said as she lit a cigarette with her soft squishy arms jiggling spellbindingly in the process.

“Ok, well there is some leftover cheesecake if that will hold you over?”

“Ok yeah, I’ll have the rest of that.” She said as I brought the remaining two slices over to her on a plate and set it on the coffee table.  “Thank you honey, wow that’s a lot.”

“Should I take one back?” I asked while still holding onto the plate.

“No!” She said as she slapped my hand. “Just leave it!”

She quickly picked up the plate as if she was protecting it and began eating, still with a cigarette in hand. “So you want to go ahead (much, chew) with the house? It’s nice and big, but it’s only one floor (chew, chew) which I like because you know how I hate stairs. It has a big garage and big bathrooms and a nice walk-in closest.”

“Hits all your checkmarks huh.”

“Yeah it does, and I really like that location.” She said as she continued gorging herself on the cheesecake.

“Yeah, it’s nice.”

“You gonna talk to Larry?”

“Are you giving me the go ahead?”

“I think so, I think we’ll love it there, it’s smaller than what i’m used to but that’s ok, less distance that I have to walk I guess.” She said as she wiggled her way into a more comfortable position on the couch.

“Yeah and it’s a brand new neighborhood, for a brand new start.”

“Sounds wonderful don’t you think?” She said as she took another big bite of her dessert. “Now hurry up, go get me something to eat, maybe something chocolatey and cakey, oh and ice cream too.”

- Dangerous Curves 



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