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I was completely stuffed. It had been quite a day for me, even by my standards. I ate half the menu at Starbucks, and then had a couple sausage egg and cheese croissant sandwiches at Dunkin’ Donuts, and picked up a box of a dozen donuts, cause how could I not? I went to Ralph’s and picked up a few bags of potato chips, a few cartons of peanut butter chocolate ice cream, a pack of a dozen chocolate cupcakes, some Godiva chocolate, Pepsi and two bottles of white wine. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I'm kind of a chocoholic, and I really was like a kid in a candy store. Not only did I not have to worry about my weight, I actually was supposed to gain weight, I loved that, and I was going to take advantage of the situation to its full extent.

At home I worked my way through the donuts throughout the late morning and then ordered a large Papa John's pepperoni pizza and cheese-sticks for lunch. I could only eat so many sweets before I needed something savory. I gorged myself on the pizza eating four slices and half the cheese sticks before I needed to stop.

-Dangerous Curves



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