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Chapter 10

Sammy’s weight gain progression was unbelievable to me. I’d always wondered how big she’d get, but to see her actually eat herself to over 300 pounds made me feel like I was living in some sort of fantasy world. Bridget and I had to work extra hard on the photo shopping for her IG account, but we also resorted to doing a lot of reposts of her in her slightly slimmer days just to save face. Sometimes I wondered if what we did was wrong. We were completely maniplationing people’s perception of what Sammy really looked like. The big issues came from Youtube. A video can be well lit and shot with flattering angles, but it cannot be photoshopped the way a still image can and I think the stark contrast of Sammy’s appearances in videos compared to her photos, caused a lot of backlash and confusion amongst the world of the internet.

I was sipping coffee at the kitchen table early one morning, scrolling through the comment section of one of Sammy’s latest videos. I suppose what I read was predictable.

‘This is sad. She’s obsese. Her heart won’t make it past 40. This isn’t body shaming. It should be a wake up call to lose weight and get your BMI within normal range.’

‘Girl in video "I hate fat shaming "Also girl in video "I'm going to Facetune my photos to be 12 sizes smaller than I am in real life"....??? Yes, you fit right in with the Kardashians.’

‘There's a fine line between confidence and overconfidence…’

‘She is delusional and in denial.  Learn to love who you are!’

‘Her pictures are heavily edited like bro you're double the size in real life.’

‘Kim K on donuts.’

‘Shes beautiful!! what really bothers me is, if you are proud of the way you look, why edit 50 plus pounds off in your pictures. Come on now you look amazing just the way you are dont over edit your pics like that.’

There were a lot worse ones too, but even so it was hard to argue with any of them. Part of the problem I think was Sammy’s ego. She would always talk about how she didn’t want to be skinny, but based on the way she demanded herself be presented to the world and the images of herself altered, I don’t think she wanted to be fat either. However, she had already developed a persona of a girl who didn’t need to diet, a girl who was proud of her curves, and to admit that she needed to make some changes in her ever more indulgent habits, would go against what she stood for.

“Where’s breakfast?”

My head shot up from my computer and saw that Sammy had just jiggled and wobbled into the kitchen. She was exploding out of pink boyshort pajama bottoms and a matching camisole, looking as thick as ever. On second thought, she looked more than thick, she looked, well, fat. “Just about to make waffles now,” I said. I closed my laptop and sprang to my feet. I checked my phone. “Hold on, looks like the Doordash just got here, I’ll be right back.”

I hustled to the front door and grabbed the caramel frappuccino and Starbucks bag that was left on the mat and brought it back inside. I handed Sammy her drink as she sat down and I placed the bag of treats on the table in front of her. Her hips and thighs made her chair look like it was designed for a child, and I could hear its wooden joints screaming for mercy beneath her shifting weight, as if the thing was a fart away from collapsing into splinters. I peeled my eyes from the alluring exposed skin of her legs, pulled the waffle iron out from the cupboard and focused my attention on making breakfast...well, making a second breakfast really.

“What do you think I should wear tonight?” Sammy said after a long sip from her drink.

I cracked an egg into a bowl and looked her way. I shrugged. “Depends if you want to go in the hot tub I guess.”

“I doubt I will.”

“Then you should wear a dress.”

“Yeah, something tight,” she said arrogantly as she investigated her Starbucks bag and pulled out the bacon gouda and egg sandwich. She unwrapped it and wiggled her enormous hips in her seat. “I swear it’s like the bigger my ass gets, the sexier I feel.”

I watched as she took a big bite. “And the more you drive me crazy.” This was venturing into insane territory. There I was making her waffles while she was diving into a substantial and high fat, high calorie fast food breakfast that would be an indulgent weekend meal for most people, but for her had become a daily routine.

She finished chewing and gave me a sexy stare. “We’ll just have to see if you can handle me.”

I stirred the now thick creamy waffle batter with a whisk. “Oh I can handle you.”

“Then next time don’t make me wait for my waffles.” She arched her back and took another big bite of her sandwich. I looked back at her in awe and disbelief.

Sammy touched up her makeup in front of her vanity. Her milky tan skin glowed and her body oozed sexiness. Instead of the dress that I suggested, she was wearing tight maroon drawstring leggings and a skimpy matching camisole that didn’t go much lower than her growing boobs and she looked every bit the show stopper that she was. She also looked enormous. With proportions as monumental as her’s, weight can sometimes be deceiving, but seeing her up close it became clear how big she truly was. Make no mistake, she carried a lot of fat, and a lot of weight on her body. 300 pounds is 300 pounds, no matter how curvy or how much of an hourglass figure you have.  Just one of her ass cheeks was wider than the entirety of most women’s hips, and together they could fill up a doorway.

She finished up and reached out her hands so that I could help her up. I wondered if she did this because it made her feel like a queen or if the effort of rising to her feet under her own power was becoming too much of a struggle. Once standing, I looked her over. Her leggings were high, stopping just below her belly button which was now encased and surrounded by so much fat that it was nothing more than a deep slit. Despite the high-waisted design of the pants, they couldn’t hide a developing fupa and girthy lower tummy. Her belly was really getting round, billowing out in a large curve that seemed to push her medium sized boobs off to the sides as it bulged out in front of her like it was over-inflated with air and ready to pop.

“How do I look?” she said in a breathy voice.

It was a hell of a question. She looked like a Barbie doll swelling out in all the right places like she was blown up from bicycle pumps. She looked like some kind of fantasy woman that had suddenly added 50 pounds of fat in each butt cheek and another 50 in each one of her floor shaking thighs.  “Um, amazing, incredible, stunning beyond belief.”

Her puffed up lips and heavily made up face seemed to attempt to express happiness. “Ooo, good answer.” she said.

I wrapped my arms all the way around her wideness and pulled her close. I cupped her ass with both hands and squeezed while she let out a breathy gasp of delight. I inspected her gigantic overfilled cheeks. There was so much surface area that my hands didn’t know where to go. It seemed a journey from the sides of her hips down to the creases of her upper thighs to the small of her back. Her ass was so big that it seemed I could spend an hour fondling it and still leave vast areas unexplored.

“I’m ready for my pre-funk, how bout you?” she said.

I gently kissed her neck. “I’m ready to rip these clothes off and devour you whole.”

“Patience bae,” she said in a whisper. “You can take advantage of me later tonight if you’re a good boy.”

“Oh but I don’t know if I can wait that long.”

“Well, you’re just going to have to.” She pushed me away and bumped me with her soft hips. “I’m hungry.”

People came to the house in droves. Some of them I knew, some of them I didn’t. I wasn’t sure how how it happened or where the connection came from but fucking Charles Barkely, the former Phoenix Suns basketball star, showed up with his entourage of hangarounds. It was amazing the number of high profile guys that put a chance to see Sammyy02k in person at the top of their priority list, and it made me feel pretty surreal that she was with me. I was the one who lived with her and I was the one who slept with her every night and spooned her monstrous ass, while all the rest of these guys could do nothing more than dream about it.

“I’m craving a funfetti cupcake,” Sammy said as we sat on the back patio while drunk models and drooling guys splashed and frolicked in the pool behind us. It was getting late and the excesses of marijuana and cognac had been taking their effect for hours.

“God, don’t tempt me. I still need to get back in the gym and lose the like ten pounds I've gained in the past month,” Sammy’s friend Steph said with an exaggerated eye roll.

“You still go to the gym Sammy?” another friend and IG influencer named Danni said.

I could see the way Danni was looking at my girlfriend. It was the same look that I had seen from many people throughout the night. It was that wide-eyed stare of shock addressing the elephant in the room that was Sammy’s extreme weight gain.

“Sometimes,” Sammy said haughtily as she brushed her long ponytail over the exposed skin of her shoulder. “But I usually just just sit on the leg curl machine, relax and watch Keith do the work and try not to fall asleep.”

Steph laughed hysterically. “Omigod, you’re the best.”

“I thought you worked out all the time,” Danni said.

Sammy fluttered her long eyelashes with no expression on her face. “I used to. I’m like over it now.”

Danni smiled and passed the blunt to her left. “You are my hero.”

Sammy made a face. “Uhh, being skinny is overrated.” She reclined deeper into her seat that seemed to be grossly undersized. She fanned herself with her hand and coughed a few times. “I like food too much.”

I closed my eyes for a moment and sighed long and slow. It was all too good to be true. The way Sammy was speaking, the words she was saying and the way she looked. I had no idea that I could be so attracted to such a big girl, a girl who was fucking...let’s be honest, clinically obses at this point. In the past I would have thought that if my girlfriend ever got that big I would drop her like a bad habit or at least try to get her to stop eating and lose weight, but that wasn’t how I felt at all. Instead it was the complete opposite. I don’t know if it was because Sammy was such a hottie and so goddamn beautiful or what, but I found myself getting very aroused just thinking about her continuing to get bigger. She had already come so far, but she showed no signs of slowing down. I couldn’t help but wonder how big she would get, and I couldn’t help wanting it, more than anything I had ever wanted in my fucking life.



Whoa, the line "The bigger my ass gets, the sexier i feel" is so arousing ! Great chapter !