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A true story...

When Leandro first laid eyes on Natalia, he was enthralled. Her long light brown tumbled and curled well past her shoulders and her smile instantly lit up the room, as well as his heart. Finally there was some eye-candy at work and suddenly his job became much more interesting.

“Leandro, come here, I want you to meet Natalia,” Ella said. “Natalia is our new Hilda.”

“Nice to meet you,” Leandro said. He looked her over, up and down. She was even more beautiful up close. She was tall (5’9”), and while she wasn’t fat (160 pounds), she had some heart-stopping curves. Wearing blue jeans and a somewhat loose fitting drapey black tank top, the plush softness of her upper arms were revealed and the alluring shapliness of her figure was on display.

Natalia smiled at him brightly. “Nice to meet you too.”

“Leandro is who you’ll notify about patient arrivals, and he’ll be helping a lot when it comes time to do the office inventory,” Ella said to Natalia. “So feel free to ask him anything if you have questions.”

Leandro nodded. “For sure, anytime.” He couldn’t seem to turn away from her twinkling brown eyes. She seemed so young and innocent, bubbly and most importantly to Leandro, single.

He watched with interest as she turned around and followed Ella to the back of the front desk. The looseness of her tank top could not hide the roundness of her well-filled ass, and the very sight of it made Leandro gasp with deep longing.

As the weeks went by Natalia became more comfortable with her job at RT Medical Center, and she settled into the office life nicely. Leandro looked forward to seeing her walk in every morning, and he noticed that she almost always had a Starbucks frappuccino in her hand.

“Getting the hang of it?” Leandro said after Natalia plopped herself in her chair.

“Yeah I think so,” Natalia said. “Just feels like I’m here all the time, haven't had the energy to do much else.” She brushed a curly wisp of hair away from her face and then took a long sip from her drink.

“Is this your first job?”

“Basically yeah.” She sighed and looked up at him. “I was going to college for a little bit, but I still don’t know what I want to do so I dropped out. Figured I’d just try and save some money before I decide what’s next.” She took another sip from her frappuccino.

Leandro looked down and couldn’t help but notice the way her thighs filled out her chair. Her hips were actually rubbing against the armrests on both sides. “Not a bad plan, I guess I’m doing the same thing.”

She smiled then looked down and adjusted herself in her seat. “I’m worried that I’m going to get fat though, I just sit on my butt all day and when I get home I’m too tired to go to the gym.”

“Yeah, welcome to office life,” Leandro said, trying to hide his arousal. “Don’t worry about stuff like that though, you look great.”

They locked eyes for a moment and then she turned away. “Thanks…”

Leandro was more than intrigued. From what he had observed from her eating habits, and the way she always seemed to be snacking and drinking high calorie beverages at her desk, and now with the knowledge that she had been skipping the gym, he couldn’t help but wonder if she was gaining weight.

As the weeks turned into months Leandro no longer had to wonder. The signs of Natalia’s softening figure became very obvious. The tight jeans she used to wear were replaced by stretchy leggings or flowy dresses, and her formally perky bouncy saunter had changed into a slower, more swaying wiggle that Leandro found most alluring.

She had only been with the company for about six months, but already her weight had gone from 160 pounds to around 180 or maybe even 190. Most of her co-workers didn’t take much notice because they saw her almost everyday, but Leandro was the exception. He noticed everything. From her fleshier upper arms, to her fuller breasts to just her overall wider look, he saw it all from the eyes of man infatuated, and her increasing weight only heightened his throbbing crush.

“Phewww!” She said after she plopped down in her chair and fanned herself with her hand. “Out of breath.”

“Good weeked?” Leandro said.

“Yeah. Maybe a little too good. Probably had a few more drinks than I should’ve last night with my girlfriends. Definitely will be needing another one of these later.”

She held up her caramel frappuccino and then took a sip.

“I hear you,” Leandro said. “That’s why I bought these.” He turned around and grabbed the box that he had put on the edge of the reception desk earlier. He opened it up in front of her, revealing a dozen fresh donuts. “Here take your pick, or have two I don’t care.”

“Omigod Leandro how dare you tempt me with these things,” she said, giggling. “You know I’m not going to be able to resist.”

Leandro shrugged and smirked. “Well then don’t resist.”

She flashed him her beautiful eyes, they were glowing. “Yeah but I need to go on a diet, I told myself I would cut back on sugar starting today.”

Despite her words she reached inside, picked out a chocolate long john and immediately took a big bite.

“It’s just a donut, besides, you deserve it.”

“Thanks, (chew, chew) you're sweet.”

He stared at her as she ate with greedy abandon, her full lips moving with sensual undertones. “Well, so are you.”

Leandro noticed that at the end of the day Natalia had eaten four donuts. ‘So much for cutting out sugar,’ he thought.

It wasn’t until he saw her return from the Christmas holiday in January that Leandro noticed Natalia had transformed from a sexy girl of more or less average weight, to a full blown voluptuous seductress. She bounced into the lobby smiling big and friendly, with a caramel frappuccino in her hand as usual. There was a lot more bouncing going on though. Having already taken her jacket off due to the heat of the building being too high again, she showcased herself in a sleeveless white tank top and skirt set that probably would have fit her better 15 pounds ago. The outfit hugged her hips and butt so tightly it looked as though it could burst at the seams at any moment. The top was low cut and it flattered her growing boobs but it also didn’t quite go down far enough to cover her swelling midsection. Her belly was where perhaps the most significant changes had taken place. Gone was the soft yet flat stomach and in its place was a pudgy wobbly gut. No doubt the result of months of inactivity coupled with overindulgence on rich food and wine over Christmas.

“Welcome back,” Leandro said. “Good holiday?”

Natalia wiggled over to her chair and sat down with a huff.“Yep really good.” Her seat groaned and rolled backward with her added weight. She fanned herself with her dainty little manicured hand and continued speaking in a somewhat breathy voice. “But now it’s definitely time to get back into the gym.”

Leandro leaned into the desk, directly across from her. “New year's resolution?”

Her lips curled upward in a sheepish manner. “Yeah, need to lose all this weight I’ve gained since I started working here.” She turned away from him and sighed. Her eyes drifted to the other side of the lobby. “It's so hard because I can smell all the food cooking in the restaurants down the hall and I’m like staring at the vending machines all day.”

Leandro shrugged and gazed at her belly, which had spilled into rolls and was beginning to protrude over her lap. He wanted more than anything to grab that big belly with both hands, shake it, kiss it and make it bigger. He wondered if her goals and resolutions would actually stick.

In spite of her words, and to his delight, Leandro noticed that her indulgent habits didn’t seem to change as time went on. Her measurements however, did. A year into her job at RT Medical Center she was clearly over 200 pounds, 2 years in she was pushing 230 or 240. She tried going to gym, but she’d always end up getting discouraged and burnt out until she quit all together. Her so-called diets never lasted long either, and she’d often splurge and gorge on fast food during her lunch hour. The whole process was mesmerizing and unbelievable to Leandro, who had a first hand view of the whole thing, and he also heard the comments from his co-workers.

“Yeah, she was such a hottie when she first started, but she just blew up like a fucking blimp,” Chad from marketing said.

“I think the poor dear has formed some bad habits from just sitting at that desk all day. Weight gain can happen to the best of us I suppose,” Martha from HR said.

“Did you see her ass dude? Fucking huge!” Tony from recruiting said.

“I’d still hit that,” Chad from marketing said.

“I don’t know bro, she’d probably crush your scrawny legs with that fat ass,” Tony said.

By the time Natalia was an RT Medical Center veteran, having been there for over three years, she had completely transformed. She had gone beyond curvy and voluptuous and moved straight into the fat girl category, but Leandro found her to be more beautiful than ever. He watched as she huffed and puffed her way down the hall, toward her place behind the reception desk. He witnessed her bending over as she lowered herself into her seat. Her ass had become truly gigantic. Her hips were wedged between the armrests, and the armrests were digging deeply into her soft fleshy sides. What a difference from when she first started as the new girl just 3 years prior.

“Doing okay?” Leandro said as he leaned against the desk.

“Oh...yeah,” she said hesitantly.

Leandro noticed that her eyes didn’t seem to have their usual sparkle. He also noticed that her upper arms were getting so fat that looked only a few cheeseburgers away from swallowing her elbows whole. “What’s wrong?”

She sighed deeply. “Nothing. I guess I’m just a little nervous because my best friend from high school just got into town and she wants to meet for lunch.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

She turned to him and her stunning eyes widened. “She hasn’t seen me in over 3 years.”

Leandro shrugged. “So.”

“So?” She rolled her chair forward, unconsciously squishing her tummy into the desk’s edge in the process. “So I’ve gained a shit ton of weight in the last 3 years. What is she going to think?”

Leandro gazed at her belly for a second. It had become so big that it folded into two huge rolls and enveloped her lap. “Come on, you look amazing.”

“Please Leandro even you can admit that I’m a lot bigger in certain places than I was when I started.”  She drew her head down and ran her fingers over her now massive thighs.

It was true, she was so big now that she couldn’t even push her chair as close to her desk as she needed because her belly and tits got in the way. “No you look…”

She glared up at him. “Leandro, I’m not stupid.”

Leandro twiddled his thumbs nervously. “Well, so what, you're still amazingly beautiful.”

“Thanks.” She sighed again, then shoved her enormous ass backward in her seat, at least as far as it could go before getting blocked by the armrests. She looked at him and let out a subtle smile. “Why are you always so sweet.”

He smiled back. “You make it easy.”

“Would you maybe go to lunch with me, just for support?”

“Umm, yeah, of course.”

“Thanks.” “And by the way, my blood sugar feels super low, you wouldn’t happen to have any of those donuts around would you?”

Natalia saw her friend Maja in the restaurant first. Maja was looking slim and as perky as ever, much the same as she did in high school.

“Omigod, hey!” Natalia said with a squeal of delight as she threw her arms in the air causing them to jiggle madly.

Maja stared at her for a long moment. “Natalia?”

Natalia, still catching her breath from the walk, stared back as the smile disappeared from her face. “Yeah.”

Maja glanced at Leandro, then looked Natalia up and down. Gone was the athletic sporty girl she once knew and in her place was a girl who had eaten herself into obesity. She couldn’t believe how wide she was, how big and bloated her belly was and how huge her tits and how flabby and fleshy her arms had become. “Oh...wow, I didn’t even recognize you.”

Natalia stammered nervously. “Oh..well, ummm…”

Maja glared at her with a look of disgust. “What did you do to yourself?”

Natalia’s chubby face went white. “What do you mean?”

“You’re huge!” Maja said.

Natalia cleared her throat. Her heart sank and her appetite raged. Whenever she got upset lately, all she wanted to do was comfort herself with food, although come to think of it, whenever she was happy she wanted to celebrate with food too. “Yeah, well, I mean no more high school sports I guess….”

Maja scrunched her nose. “What have you just been stuffing your face for the past few years?”

Leandro squeezed Natalia’s hand for moral support. He looked Maja straight in the eye. “I think she’s beautiful,” he said.

Natalia turned toward will as color streamed back into her gorgeous face. “You do?”

“Yes,” Leandro said. “The most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”

He put both of his hands against Natalia’s cushy waist and pulled her close. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips, feeling her enormous breasts pressing into his chest like giant water balloons. He held her tight, all 240 delicious pounds of her was finally in his arms. Natalia kissed him back, slowly, gently and passionately.

Maja made a face. “Eww…”

Leandro and Natalia released their lips and looked at each other lovingly.

“Let’s eat,” Leandro said.

“Yeah, I’m starving,” Natalia said.

With that, Natalia turned and walked toward the front desk of the restaurant. Leandro watched with admiration as her huge ass gyrated and wobbled heavily with each sexy step she took.


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