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Here's an early release of the Akaneia x Animelee crossover pack!

Comes with:

All 3 bonus Akaneia Characters
- Diddy Kong
- Wolf
- Charizard

New CSS design with Akaneia Characters
- HD Textures for the character icons

All of the Animelee Complete Edition characters
- Model fixes for Ice Climbers (fixed Popo/Nana skins)


This is an early release - there are still a few additions missing to the pack including:

Skins for the extra colour slots for every character (usually White and Yellow)
(The bonus characters have already been completed)

Animelee render CSPs for every character

Minor fixes/tweaks - please provide feedback!


The bonus characters only work locally and in direct mode - you will need to play against somebody who also has the Akaneia pack!

I've made a new channel in the server specifically for people to find each other to play the bonus characters with - head over to #matchmaking in the patron channels!


Have fun out there and stay tuned for next month's releases!

Now that I've learned how to use m-ex, there's a lot I've got planned for characters including adding capes, hair and other physics-based add-ons to my skins!



will this work on console?