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Hey everyone!

Due to the Slippi update breaking all m-ex builds, I've made a "normal" version of the M22 Full Release for everyone to enjoy in the meantime.

- Every character except Kirby
- Animelee stages
- Full DTW compatibility



I have corrected/edited every single skin based off of Fizzi's new desync detection update. All the skins have been tested and should never cause desyncs!

Enjoy the skins and stay tuned for Animelee Tournament Edition, coming out later this month, which will include:

- All cell shaded textures
- Improved console compatibility
- Bug fixes etc.

Let me know if you run into any issues with this pack so I can incorporate it into the next release!






This is really cool but it doesn't include the M22 version of FoD. It has the original Animelee "Moon Fountain" version instead.


Will be fixed tomorrow along with desync improvements to all the M22 Characters


Since updating the skins to be a true 1:1 it seems the download link has broken

David V. Kimball

Thanks for all of your hard work, Primal!


any chance for a character only pack for this? pleeeez :D


@primal will any of the DBZ skins cause desync?


I haven't heard any reports since releasing them, however I will be updating them today anyways


It's really easy to replace the stage skins Just export them from a vanilla ISO and then replace them in the updated pack ISO - just make sure to export/import the USD version of the Pokemon Stadium


Not sure where to report this so I'm posting here The M22 version of Stadium is broken on console because of transformations. Obviously you can just freeze Stadium, but when the stage does transform the ground texture stays green and the green plaform textures just float in the air. Personally I'd like to see this fixed, but I can understand if it's low priority.


I guess I’m sort of confused on how to use this with the slippi launcher. I opened the new Full Pack ISO in my dolphin and it’s telling me to update using the slippi launcher. But I have never used the slippi launcher before and when I click Play it just opens vanilla melee even when I point it to the full pack version. I also tried changing the Play button to open dolphin and then I opened the full pack version from there but still no Animelee textures are loading. Am I misunderstanding something?


if you go into the slippi launcher you should have a link to show you where in the file system the updated version of dolphin is, so that you can load the custom textures. But if you make an Animelee ISO and open it then it'll just work, but without some of the extra flair


Based on what you're describing it should be working. Have you been able to run the M22 ISO on any instance of Dolphin?


I have been able to run M22 but I cannot play unranked. So to be more specific about what I am experiencing: Before the update I used dolphin version (2.4.0). Any Melee ISO I open from that one tells me to update using the Slippi Launcher. When I open dolphin through the launcher it is version (2.5.1). I can open and play unranked with a regular Melee ISO. The Animelee ISO w/ Combo Counter will not even open properly and sits on a black screen. M22 ISO opens, but trying to play unranked causes my matchmaking to never connect to anyone. It constantly says connecting and then goes back to searching My old Animelee ISO that had the skins added manually still opens and I can play unranked


Sounds like it's a problem with Slippi - I personally haven't experienced this issue nor has it come up for other users. Best guess is to transfer over the characters you want from the M22 full pack to your ISO. The old skins are very unlikely to desync as it is - hopefully the TE pack doesn't give you the same issue.


Ok so I just tried it again with M22 Pack and I was able to start connecting to players in unranked.... So it was just a coincidence that every time I tried to connect to someone the text switched back to searching?