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Enjoy this patron-only early release of Animelee Yoshi's Story!    

Sorry about the late update here - had some stuff come up! Better write up coming soon!

The main build has no sides/sky behind the stage since you should never see them while playing normally.

The filming build has sides/behind the stage for filming!

***Trimmed version is for testing with console compatibility only***




This one looks amazing, but I have one concern. When going for high kills top stage. The cloud platforms become invisible to the eye as the blend perfectly with the clouds in the background. It makes it a little difficult to tech and what not when the camera angle is that high up.


Definitely gotten that feedback from a few people. Seeing what I can do before release!

ヨル der Flammenbringer

We need more courses like this. The line work meshes so well w animelee, like it was made for it. The other courses go well too but this style is in a league of its own.