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Enjoy this patron-only early release of Animelee Fox McCloud!

Similarly to Falco, I'm planning on recreating the phantasm and possibly his shine and laser in cell-shaded style.

Would love to hear your thoughts and feedback!

Grab any/all the colours and the common texture .dat for the blaster!




Hmm, anyone else getting the "Unable to save or import" message in DAT texture wizard? My Dolphin isn't open and the files themselves aren't open either. Other characters' animelee skins were working fine. edit - It looks like it started rebuilding the ISOs for some reason... even after deleting the ones it made, it's giving me the same error and still not letting me edit my ISO anymore. edit 2 - Looks like it's working now. For some reason, ctrl+S starting saving them as a new ISO altogether instead of just editing the one I was in the first place. Still works if I just keep editing the ISOs it makes.


Hey Benji, For the most part, the modded files are bigger than the original ones. When this happens, DTW builds a new ISO with the modded files in it. This is useful if you are modding a Vanilla ISO, so that you don't lose it. I believe you can disable this by going to Settings > Avoid Rebuilding, although I haven't tried it myself.


Are there instructions anywhere on how to put these in the game?


I've updated the pinned Welcome post with instructions on how to install the files