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Hi everyone merry Thanksgiving or food day, just wanted to give an update to everything:

Sorry I haven’t been able to draw, like at all for over a month at this point. College and life have become a main priority and has been keeping me busy since. I have 2-3 more weeks of college left but even then life is much hectic and I have not been able to sit down to necessarily do anything.

I still plan on drawing yes, but life and expectations have changed so it may not be as frequent as it has been every week.

I have a few drafts I haven’t worked on and still need to work on the raffle winner’s which I’m very sorry that I haven’t gotten to which I still plan on finishing. After that, drawing styles may change and not be as frequent nor be as common as what you all may be expecting. Hopefully you all can understand.

Thank you again for everyone sticking by me, I hope to be able to produce more things of my interest in the future and I still appreciate every one of you!

Exclusive: Patrons still have the most priority and if you want me to draw something specific let me know! Message me if you want anything or have any suggestions would you would like to see and of course I will get back to you as much as I can!


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