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1- Please only comment once so as not to ruin the count.

2- Assign a number + your oc (link), it can also be a franchise character, vtuber, if you are not sure what pose to choose then just mention the character and i will select the scene that works best.

3- Your oc, franchise character, or vtuber must match the pose and characteristics of the sketch to have the best chance of being chosen, for example, if your oc is very young, it cannot be drawn as the nº5 mommy.

4- Its is necessary (in case of being an oc) that you describe to me a little of his history, very visible characteristics such as for example: tattoos, scars, if she can't see, gestures that characterize her, to avoid ruining the character with an expression that does not match her, you must describe as best as possible and in a short way to avoid those mistakes T_T.

5- If you like someone elses option, write exactly what that person wrote without replying, just type the option to make counting easier.

6- Deadline: Friday 04/28/2023.




Anti-Aqua (Kingdom Hearts 3) in pose 8 mainly, since she matches the short hair for it) or 1


This is my oc Ewa (eh-va) the slime girl. She’s very cute, bubble, and outgoing. Sexy and seductive when she needs to be. She very energetic and loves exploring new places an things. Curious like a cat. Taking mainly the form of a human she’s in her late 20’s. She’s got purple eyes an a bluish green skin tone. Usually some perspiration on her skin as she slightly oozes. Her hair mainly takes the form of slime tentacle strands but sometimes gets blobbed up. Her hair is slightly darker then her skin. Her hair fades from the top a greenish blue down to the bluish green color. Poses 1,3,6,7 If pose 6 I would go with the maid outfit over nun. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1011308372336857128/1100850573449887908/IMG_6388.png