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An interesting video compilation of a bunch of different kpop idols having some “interesting“ run-ins with fans/media. I give my take on it!

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Cek2OCSV8E




Heather S.

Max that first screen scared the shit out of me and now I can't stop laughing lol


one thing I really dislike in k-pop is how inconsistent fans are with their reactions when it comes to idols standing up for themselves. Sometimes when idol sets their boundaries the reaction is positive and sometimes it's the opposite. I saw that recently when an idol had a phone call meet and greet with fans and one fan was rude, the idol just said goodbye and ended the call before it was time to end it. The most disgusting reaction I saw was "fan paid the money to see this idol so it was unprofessional and unkind of him to end it early". I say no. Paying money and being a "fan" is never an excuse to be a nasty person, invading someone's personal space and asking inappropriate questions. I wish it was different and idols weren't expected or even trained by companies to be so obedient when they're being mistreated. Another thing is that sometimes companies do nothing to protect their idols but that's a topic for another long conversation unfortunately.

ᴮᴱ maria⁷

those girls still could’ve at least waved at jimin, yoongi, & v 😭 true ppl can have favorites and go see someone specifically but completely ignoring someone is pretty rude( me being extra sad bc tae & yoongi are my bias’ & i would not have wasted an opportunity like that😂)

Barbi Duarte

I’m providing context for some of these clips. The one where Mina was told she can’t sing it wasn’t online, a fan told her in their fan meeting. The fan skipping V jm and suga, in fan meetings you are supposed to go member to member and get everyone’s autograph and speak a little with each one. It IS fan etiquette to at least acknowledge the other members when it is your turn to get their autograph. The part when the Kyla was on stage and people were taking pictures to the side, each member had a set time on stage to get their picture taken, and fans ignored her and decided to continue to take pictures of the other girls. The cameras may seem like press but those are fans. It’s true that in kpop what’s considered “rude” seams perhaps a little tame compared to what we normalize in western fan culture, but as idols try to have a closer relationship with fans, the least we can do it’s treat them like actual people and that’s what’s expected. It’s not really a matter of expecting everyone to get the same attention, but show the minimum respect of acknowledging someone’s existence.


The airport mobbing and the stalking is really insane. People will try (and sometimes succeed) to get into their dorms, there have been stalkers that find out where they live and threaten them for years and companies will just let it slide. There have been several concert shooting threats, people trying to blind idols with lasers at fansigns, etc. The hate they get is bad but the risks towards their safety is what scares me. Along with that, is that I’ve seen several times idols opening up about struggling with depression and various mental health issues (TW)—and anti fans take it and run with it and gang up on them and send as much hate as possible with the motive that if the hate is bad enough, they’ll just kill themselves—. That and fans knowing about several idols struggling with anxiety disorders and going ahead and mobbing them in airports or in public regardless is just so sick. Add in the verbal and sexual harassment that doesn’t stop (and is sometimes worse) with minors and well the obsession on the name of being a “fan” or the obsession in the name of “hate” is just a lot. And like Maya said, sometimes when the idols stand up for themselves they’re praised. A lot of times though, they’re threatened or get dragged through the media for being “disrespectful”. I do not envy these kids, that’s for sure. They’re tough for what they endure. Sometimes it’s just hate, but there’s a ton of actual fear for them that stems from it potentially escalating😡

Sophie Ka

Some fans or better called sasaengs are really creepy. Especially I feel Baekhyun got it really bad as a male idol. People waiting in is hallway infront of his appartement. People finding out his phone number, calling him and telling him to leave Sehun (another exo member) alone? That is really creepy and I'm glad that he has spoken up in those instances.


Super interesting video! I really liked seeing your take on this. Part of me doesnt feel like clips of being rude to idols belongs in the same video as telling someone to die, crossing physical boundaries, and literal kidnapping. That is SO different for me This must be a precovid compilation because it didnt include any online fansigns. Now fans can be in a one on one facetime call with idols, and some wild stuff has happened there too. Obviously not as physically threatening as being in person, but new venue, same creepiness i guess

Jane Thomas

heyy, will there be any livestream or bts reactions soon?

Mia Fisher

You have no idea how bad it can get for the male idols and females. This video didn’t show the worst AT ALL. The stalker tendencies females can have is insane.

Léna Bdx

Could you react to a Woosan video ? They’re amazing!