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I like these guys. Funny, smart dudes. I may just have to get into them. If you haven't checked them out and/or you're looking for a new group to get into OR you just wanna watch a very fun interview w/ my breakdown, WATCH THIS!  

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anJiCSblNsk




Jojo Bear

So happy for you to be getting into SB19. They definitey seem more free in terms of rules and what they're allowed to talk about and that's what I love about them so much. They can let their true selves out and just have fun with each other. Stell is definitely my favorite in terms of humor He just knows exactly what to make the members laugh about.

Lynne Luna

Great to hear your analysis - your insights are pretty spot on on the whole. It would be really interesting to hear your take on their Spotify podcast Atin Atin Lang, particularly episode 2 when they decide to focus on traits and attitudes they would like to see improved in each member.

Ande Kalsam

I like this... You are actually on point especially with Pablo and Justin having a special bond. They are both witty -- as evidenced by Pablo's lyrics and titles of his songs - if you dive deeper into their songs you will find out. Justin's wit is mostly noted in his jokes and puns albeit corny most times. You really got their personalities ! They are all quick witted, really smart , kind hearted and really like and love and care for each other. I became an A'TIN after watching most of their interviews. They all have great and interesting personalities! Their fans love them to pieces!