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Got to explore each of these 4 guys and their personalities even more. Wish the convo. was even longer!

Link: https://youtu.be/Vi3qtTWTm5I





thank you for reacting to ATEEZ. i was waiting for your reaction to watch it with you💖great experience


Thank you so much for all the Ateez reactions! Found your channel few weeks ago on youtube. Since I am really interested in learning more about communication skills, reading people and their body language and also loving Ateez, your videos are the perfect match 😊


omg thank you!!! i've been waiting and hoping that you would react to this!! I love Ateez so much and San is my bias so this is so exciting :)))


I became a Patreon because of Ateez content. Thank Youuuuu


i think the "something about san" maybe comes from the fact his upbringing. he's from a very small town, a traditional and hardworking but loving family, and raised on martial arts as a life philosophy (humility, strength, respect, etc) – so there's a bit of that "sheltered" or innocent air about him (maybe that's why his reactions can seem over the top but somehow genuine at the same time). i think his family really instilled a lot of that emphasis on generosity, respect and politeness and it shines through to this day.

Court V

Omg yay!! More ateez!! Thank you! San is VERY respectful. All of ateez are, and they are very much about spreading kindness, being humble and honest. San I think is especially this way because of his upbringing and I think he's definitely more stern in his beliefs. It's so funny though because both are super introverted but I think San actually has an easier time making friends and hanging out with them. You were also spot on that when he's comfortable, he really opens up, but if it's with strangers like here, he's way more shy. Hongjoong is really introverted too but he is good at being communicative and talking to others when he needs to which I think makes him an amazing leader. He has a harder time making friends though and has said multiple times that Ateez (specifically Seonghwa) are basically his only really good friends. I love how interesting they are the more you get to see them and their dynamics. Also, I think Ateez themselves wanted it to be in English because no one in their group or close circle of friends is native English speaking and I think they wanted this experience to practice only speaking English more. Please do more Ateez!!


Ah yes! Jolly channel has a different concept than their Korean Englishman channel. The latter focuses solely on Korean culture, and that's why in the videos with Korean guests (Minho, NCT, Eric Nam ...) they tend to speak in Korean. But the Jolly channel has more diverse content from having a Priest reacting to Christian memes to tasting army rations with Josh's wife... so it's exclusively in English. (they have interesting content/dynamic so nay Jolly video is worth seeing imo) I don't really think it's a marketing strategy though because Ateez is actually in a very unique situation in kpop where their fandom is mostly international since Koreans don't really pay attention to small companies' idol groups (they really don't, and this is why BTS having a strong Korean fandom in their debut is very mind-blowing to me) ! Ateez, on the other hand, has been known as "The Global group" who sold out an entire world tour 4 months after debuting, but at the same time in Korea, they were promoting in libraries and high schools ... 😅 So marketing-wise it'd have been a better move to actually have them in Korean Englishman in order to appeal to a Korean audience since it has a huge following in Korea. So, I wouldn't be surprised either if it was a decision from Ateez themselves like Court suggested! When they are overseas, they make a point to always practice and use English as much as possible! But it is true that maybe having them on Korean Englishman would have been a bit more interesting, especially with San, cause there's definitely a small language barrier with him. I do agree that he was a bit more reserved here whereas, in their interviews on Korean shows, he's one of the members (with Hongjoong and Wooyoung) that actually lead the conversation, engages with the hosts, and would volunteers information easily, ... If you have the occasion to watch a weekly idol episode, the sumni show or any Korean interview really! But even the comments under that video are agreeing with you in saying that San is obviously really polite and was trying to not offend people although some of the stuff wasn't to his taste. I just wanted to point out that Hongjoong speaking in English like he does is so admirable. He really improved these past few years, and the way he expresses himself without the fear of making mistakes. As someone who studied languages a lot, the fear of making mistakes while speaking a language you don't speak fluently can be so challenging to overcome !! But Hongjoong is over here speaking in English, even joking in English with so much confidence!


Ollie seems this silly and goofy character. However he is very intelligent, he the creative heart of the show. His is Jolly/ Korean Englishman’s Seokjin… his love language and way of connect is thru goofiness and panks… he is not afraid of making him self look silly to make others comfortable with him. Although sometimes he is so crazy that might “scare” people instead .. kkkkk


In Brazil we are like Koreans … everything we say is thoughtful in not hurting other people’s feelings. Like if anyone tell you we should arrange a gathering or something like it. We always agree with it, even if we are not sure if this will actually happen or that you will be able to attend … We usually say “let’s keep in touch, and let’s see” more like an idea or a promise than an obligation… This gathering might happen or not. But we never say no, at the spot. We don’t usually don’t frustrate the idea of anything 😂


On the English over Korean topic. Usually Josh & Ollie do interviews with Idols who can't speak English, Idols in Korea, or celebrities/people that have never been to or tried Korean culture on their other channel "Korean Englishmen", but do interviews in England or with celebrities that can speak English on their "Jolly" channel. Since they are introducing kpop idols to English food whilst in England, it makes sense to interview them in English. Furthermore, it explains why it's San & Hongjoong doing the interview. Everybody in Ateez can speak English well, but San & Hongjoong can speak it the best.


San and Hongjoong requested that Josh and Ollie only speak in English! Probably to allow them to practice :)


Thank you for the reaction and analysis! and I agree with someone also recommending the interview they did with Sunmi , I think there is quite a lot of communicaiton that could be interesting to analyse!:)