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Hey, everyone! Each month I send a message to older patrons from past months who left about the monthly exclusives. I do that because of course we all have our lives and not everyone can be here on the page every month, totally normal stuff, but some people ask me to let them know about the specific exclusives for each month. That way, if they are fans of a particular character starring on a fight, they can enter the page again. For example, I have some people who like Dextra a lot, others who love Elisa and so goes on. Of course, that is also good for me, since I can reach older patrons, so I message all past patrons who are not on the page automatically each month.

Thing is I sent this message to some people who are currently already on the page. That was an accident, maybe a bug on patreon. Nothing serious, but I just wanted to apologize, since it might be weird to receive a message like that when you currently are here on the page already!

This message is public for everyone, even people outside the page, so this part of the message is aimed at people who are past patreons: If you have any problem on receiving a message like that, please let me know, I do not wish to offend or bother any of you, I am just sharing my job with people. And, again, exclusives are a tiny tiny part of my work, they are not meant to exclude people, just to value my work since my library is always growing and it is also meant to value the support of patrons.

Again, if you are a past patron and do not want to receive a message each month, just text me anything like ´´no messages, please`` and I will simply not message you, that is totally okay! :)

Just please do not be unpolite or agressive, I am just a dude trying to share his art. A guy in particular recently was very unpolite about receiving the message for this month, and that was just unecessary. It is not like I am spamming people, I just send a simple message each month to try to reach past patrons who might be interested on whatever I am producing for this month. Again, if you are a past patron who left seeing this message and do not want me to message you, just let me know, there is no problem and I am a pretty chill guy!


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