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Drive Check: Can you access the Drive?

  • Yes, I can use the Drive 8
  • No, I cannot use the Drive (Please, just send me a message so I can help you!) 2
  • 2023-11-14
  • 10 votes
{'title': 'Drive Check: Can you access the Drive?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, I can use the Drive', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'No, I cannot use the Drive (Please, just send me a message so I can help you!)', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 14, 5, 9, 40, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 10}


Hello, once again this poll is made to check if you guys have access to the Drive. It is very important to me that everyone is getting the content they paid for.

Accessing the Drive is really really easy: Just send a request in the text box in the link for the month with either your patreon email or your patreon username (in case you are using a different email).

Please, note that is a very easy and simple process in Google Drive. I often see people who leave the page claiming that ´´it was too hard to access the content`` or  ´´I did not receive the content``.  No need to say that those claims make no sense, you have easy access to the Drive, with instructions on how to use it written in every single post with a Drive link. And, even if you can not use it for some reason, you can always contact me and I will help you or add you manually.


Again, if you are new to the page, here are some basic questions and answers about the Drive:

Q: Why do you use an external drive for some images?

A: I produce a lot of adult content, and some of that content needs to be put on the external Drive to respect the policies of Patreon. Not only that, I literally have thousands and thousands of images, and I can make a better organization of all that content using the Drive.

Q: What service do you use for the drive:

A: Google Drive

Q: I do not want to use my Patreon email to the Drive, what can I do?

A: You can use ANY email for the Drive, any! Even a random one you just made! All I ask is that you write your patreon name in the request box so I can know you are a patron :)

Q: Why is there a request box?

A: Because I want the Drive to be only avaiable for patrons. Many people in the past tried to pirate my content, with the request box I can make sure that only people who support me are getting access to the Drive.

Q: I see there is always a different link for each month, do I need access to all those links one by one?

A: NO! I always move all contents from past months to the current month drive, so you will always only need access to the Drive for the current month!


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