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A japanese orphan, Hana ended up in an orphanate in the northern lands of Russia. After her orphanage was destroyed in a local conflict, she ended up lost in the tundra. Fate appeared to be sealed for Hana, but she found herself in a strange camp in the middle of the snowfields, a place where failed warmongers, ex-criminals and all sort of strange people lived in a primal state of fight and struggle.

Hana joined the strange camp, and after years of training her body became a tank of muscle and mass, with her senses being adapted to cold and other extreme situations. Hana became a beast. After finishing her training, she decides to go back to Japan, and she will start her path by becoming the official fighter of the Yasuka. But first, she must face another japanese fighter... Jun!

If you like Hannah, she also is having a FULLY ANIMATED fight being released on my second patreon, dedicated to animations. This fight serves as a prequel to her Jun fight, where she faces a redhead russian: https://www.patreon.com/animatedrasko




Hana looks good though i have to admit I'm hoping Jun comes out the winner in their encounter.