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Hello, people, I hope you are all doing well. The information about the coming tier is in the last paragraphs, highlighted. These first posts still have important information, but if you are here only because of the tiers, go to the last paragraphs. The first part of the text is more of a vent, being hoenst with you all.

First of all, thanks to everyone who stayed in the page and pledged for another month, I am really grateful for your support. These following paragraphs might be about the current state of the page, but it is not about you people, I always value your support.

In these past months I have been having a hard time with patreon numbers. I created this page with the idea to offer two simple tier systems, an idea to provide sexfight content in a large scale. I hoped to build myself as a stable creator who offers lots of content for cheap prices.

But I many ways I was naive. It seems I can never build myself to a stable position. I can never make a solid base. May was an actually great month for the page, but everything was simply burnt to the ground this past month, all progress made was demolished.

With this turning of the month, my page fell back to the worst numbers since December 21. And it frustrates me, I will be honest, it frustrates me a lot. I know that I am creating quality stuff, I believe I have improved a lot over these two past years, I am always producing a lot. But yet it never takes off. This turning of the month was insane, I got more that 14 patrons who left at the last hour of the last day and once again had a month in red. How am I supposed to keep a good production route if I have such unstable numbers? That way, the page I built with so much effort is literally sinking. I don´t get it, I am producing so much here, with diversity and attention to quality, but everything keeps getting undervalued. I can never reach the stability of over creators of the same niche.

I'm really trying, even creating content in my vacation, but I feel really burnout. It's insane, every month is the same thing, I can never actually build a stable ground and I always feel like my content gets undervalued.

That being said, I am dropping the monthly exclusive stories. It is not something I ever wanted to do, I always wanted to keep all my content in the page, it was a resource I tried to use to value my content. So no content that leaves the page anymore. Still, I need to do something. I am one of the very few patreon content creators who is offering all his catalogue for 10$, which leads me to this new tier:

- Diamond Tier: This tier will have all the usual content you already know; plus one special story per month and access to minisseries focused in plot. The special story is actually what were previously the monthly exclusives, but now they stay in the page forever. 

The Gold Tier is not losing any content, this new tier provides extra content that will add into the page.

No content will leave the page anymore. This tier does not exclude or limit content that is already being done, this is a whole new set of content. And, most importantly, a way to value my work. I have been offering all my stuff for only 10$, and in a scenario that I can not get steady stable numbers in the page this has been slowly breaking and sinking the page, this is a way for me to not only provide more for you but also to make this page sustainable as a project. 

I will be announcing more news on the tier further down the month.

I can not keep the production rate I currently have if I drop any lower this month, people. This page will always exist and I will keep creating content for it, but it gets really hard to create as much images I am if every month my page gets more and more low to the ground.

If you notice weird release dates for this month, it is because I am still on vacation until the halfpoint of the month. Yet, new images are already done and being posted normally (with the exception of the cases where I am in the road without internet access).


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