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Hello, everyone! As we approach the end of the year, this is a text to not only wish you all a happy new year, but also to make some announcements and plans for next year as well as a small retrospective. But before I even start, let me wish you all a happy new in year in advance!

I will start with the announcements, since this is the major part of the post and what everyone is more interested:


First, as you can see, I have started several re-design versions of my characters, like for Julie, Jun and Adira. I want to increase the redesign for older characters, like Alibeth or Aria, using my new skills to make better figures for them.

Second, I will be making more animations over at my second patreon (even just posted some Jun vs Kage animated content), with some wishful thinking I believe I will be able to get my hands on some new hardware next year, which will make my animation work even more consistent.

Third, for the futa content, this last quarter of the year brought many futa vs futa matches, and not only I really liked the results, you also gave me a very great feedback on it, so the year of 2023 will bring many more of them!

Fourth, this end of the year also brough the exclusive monthly stories. Honestly, I did not want to make these exclusive stories, but the constant decline I saw on the page on these last months left me worried (also with the Patreon service screwing up the pledges of many people). It is really hard to create this much content and put this much time on the page only to see a great chunk of it be dissolved at the very end of each month. I hope and I want to go back making more content that stays on the page forever, but if the situation keeps as it currently is I will have no choice to keep limiting some of the content for people who are here to see them.

Fifth, even more images! Bigger fights, bigger sequences! I even started to get some pose ideas from some nice mangas like Booty Royale or even Baki, and I am looking forward to show them to you!

Now here are some plans, not certified stuff I will do, but some wishful ideas:

- If I have the time, I would love to start in 2023 a back to back focused series, focusing on one single character or at least in a select group. Sorta like my Arena World series, but on the setting of the Underground League.

- Now, this is pretty ambitious, but if I get very lucky and the page grows during next year, I would simply love to create an actual animated minisseries. Like, full on stories and short episodes. It is not impossible, my current hardware is not as good, but with a second computer it would be viable.

- Another wishful idea, but I also do plan - in a very good scenario - to expand to a fantasy setting on my subpatreon. Curiously, the entire idea of my work was born from fantasy-themed fights. And although I prefer the current more urban setting, it would be very nice to have a sexy series with elves and fantastical fighters. Who knows? Maybe I can pull it during next year!


With all these announcements and ideas, I would like to thank you for the support during the year, no matter the amount of months I always value very much all those who are here!    

May you all have a great new years eve and a fantastic 2023!



2023 is looking like a nice year with these plans. Very happy to see more futa planned along with the reworks to old characters.