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Hello, everyone! Thanks for the comments and feedback on the last poll!! Not gonna lie, here is a lot of text, but I wanted to explain everything right to you all about the new plans!

I thought about all of it and came with some ideas! Updated today 8 images, but less than what I planned, because I took some time planning the changes I am announcing now. Here they are:

1 - It is very clear that my biggest mistake has been with the number of fights running at the same time, especially for the girl fights. I love the idea of having multiple fights but I lost track of organization with it. So, here is what I am changing to fix it: First, I will be focusing in a max of 3 female fights, 2 futa fights and 1 mixed fight at the time. No more than that. So that every fight has a nice rhythm and a good arrangement.

I saw some people confused about the posting schedule, I do post very large fights, and not only one shots, the images together form the entire fight, as the tag and title indicates. But that model leaves thing too spread-thin. I will be posting fights in larger batches too, to have more consistence, and for this I am now posting fights with an interval of one day between them, You will not lose content, I will not lower the number of images, I will just skip one day so the days where I post have larger batches with more consistency. So, for example: Instead of posting everyday 3 images of fem vs fem content, each image for one separate fight, I will instead post every day so SIX images of fem vs content, 3 IMAGES for EACH fight. So you will get a more consistent batch. One fight will rotate with the third fight (as I said, I will be doing 3 fem vs fem fights at the same time instead of 6-7). This example also works for mixed and futa fights!

I saw some people asking for me to post the complete fights only when they are finished, but I believe that is not the best way to do things, since it would leave the page without content for days, and even weeks depending on the size of the fight. If there is more demand for this idea, I will listen to it, but for now I believe it is not the best way to work. So, in short: I am making fights in a far less spread way and with bigger upload batches.

2 - Secondly, noticed people asking for more nsfw action, especially in girl vs girl matches. I do produce nsfw content for the girls, I mean, extra (because things here are naturally nsfw XD), but I can increase it. I already do a lot for futa fights, really, a lot, but these are set as aftermatches to respect the rules and policies of Patreon. I will probably do the same for the girl vs girl matches when I want really intense nsfw actions, but for more basic stuff I can probably put into in the middle of the matches while still having no problems with the policies. I also want to add more mixed nsfw segments set in aftermatches, starting with Carol vs Spike!

3 - Thirdly, this is more of an idea I had. It is totally normal to pledge each 3-4 months, I understand that no one can support the page for continuous time. But I am adding an extra reward for those who stay here consistently, since it adds one extra gift to them, I am adding exclusive month fights. Each month will have one extra story that will be only avaiable (THROUGH ZIP DOWNLOAD) during that month. After that, the story leaves Patreon and goes to Gumroad. The ones who are on that month will be able to download the whole thing! This will happen only to one story per month, an exclusive gift.

Wow, that was a lot of text, right? Let me know what you think! These changes technically start today, but since I were not able to post some images for some fight genres, I say they oficially start after tomorrow. Each post day will have an average of:

- 3 fem vs fem images for one fight

- 3 fem vs fem images for another fight

- 2 or 3 mixed fight images for one fight

- 4 futa fight images for one fight

Today, you got a glimpse at the new model with the girl fights, next update this model will be set for futa fights and mixed fights too!



Like I did say, taste is different, I am not interested in more nsfw, I love humiliating finishs. :-)