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Another month comes to an end! Thank you very much for your support during June, as always your support goes directly into the quality of the page: More images, better environments, more detailed characters, new concepts, new hairs, new characters and much more! I am always trying to get better and all that is possible thanks to you!

As in each month, there is an exclusive reward to patrons who are able to stay on the page, which comes in the form of a monthly exclusive! These special reward stories only stay in the page during its month of publishing and are a form to show my grattitude to long time supporters.

For the month of July, I present to you Harper vs Oppala!

A hot MMA fight inside the glassbox, the energetic and confident Harper returns for a new match, this time against the mysteryous Oppala: A mute fighter who is the exact opposite of her in every single way. Not only that, Oppala is not necessary a bad person or a sadistic, she is just someone who wants to win and will do everything to do so. No quirky chats, no funny jokes, no toying, she will just do everything to break you!


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