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Another month has come to an end, and I want to take a moment to thank you all for your incredible support. Your encouragement fuels this page and allows me to bring you this much good and diverse range of stories! :)

At the end of each month, it's normal to see some patrons leave. This is part of the process, as we all have responsibilities and priorities that require our attention and resources. Despite this, I am committed to maintaining and expanding the quality and scope of this page. That's why I'm writing not only to express my gratitude but also to highlight how crucial your support is. It directly enables me to invest in new hardware, assets, textures, environments, and more. As the page grows, so does the quality of the content. Increased support translates into more complex environments, detailed images, better hardware for more images, and the freedom to explore new ideas. It also allows me to focus more on my fighting art, rather than on my graphic design freelance work.

I am also grateful for the positive response to the new tier, which provides another avenue for bringing you more stories!

So, if you can, please continue to support the page. Together, we can keep creating amazing things for everyone. My dream is to dedicate even more time to these fighting projects and produce more content for all of you. The progress we've made this month feels like a significant step in the right direction.

Remember, your support directly benefits the page. Your pledges allow me to invest in new assets and environments, create more complex scenes, and dedicate more time to art instead of graphic design. You can see the improvement in my art over the years, and that's all thanks to you :D


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