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Like I teased in one of the previous status reports, I found some old designs from the days where I was building the prototype for ORS Chapter 1. 

First thing to do was creating the character sprites and coming up with their physical appearance and different clothing styles. Do you remember OG Lena? Her face looked funny so I ended up re-drawing it for the final sprite. I also drew a bunch of different outfits she could wear at some point, while exploring different clothing styles. Some of them didn't make the cut, but I might end up using some of them at some point... The one's that aren't terrible at least. 

Here I was going for a tough girl look that Lena could sport in her bad girl routes, but It didn't workfor me. The jacket is cool tough, and I'm thinking about using it at some point. I don't hate the red top either.

These were attempts of giving Lena some more elegant, formal or posh looks, but I didn't like the results, so I scrapped them. I almost used the black top with a different skirt, and the pink dress is still salvageable with a change in color, but I'm not sure if it'll appear at some point in the game. 

Finally, I drew a skimpy outfit that Lena could use in some Lust-related context, and a bdsm harness that can still make it into the game if I find the proper setting for it... Having to draw intrincate outfits is really time consuming though, especially when modulaity is considered and a single illustration can have several variations, so I try to keep things more or less simple.

I have a few other discarded outfit designs for other characters too, so if you find this kind of thing interesting let me know and I'll make another post.



Darth Najida

The tough girl look, skimpy outfit and bdsm harness are very wonderful, I Hope you use in a scena 😍😍😍


Damn. Good i have nothing to say. I love them all

Six of Crows

I love the posh looks, have you got a fur coat look? I love them on women.

John Storm

Hello, as we get closer to the month's end, do you have an ETA for the next update? All good if not, I can imagine the work that needs to be put in for such a game. Best of luck!


Really great seeing these alternative outfits! I like quite a few of them! However I can see why they didn't make the final cut. Definitely wouldn't mind if a few got added later. And would love to see cut outfits for other characters too!