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Hi everyone,

After releasing Chapter 11 I've been working on the epilogue, that will cap off the episode from Lena's POV and depict her entire Friday. Right now I'm focused on the writing, and I'd say it's about 80% done. The art is almost ready too, and once that's finished and everything is put together and tested, it will be ready to release.

It's taking longer than I wanted (what a surprise) but this summer has been a bit tough. Shiva, my cat, had been feeling sick for quite some time, and at the start of August I had to make the difficult choice of putting her down. Lena's cat Lola was a homage to her, but even if she had no cameo, she's been part of the games I've made in some way or another, sitting on my desk while I worked on GGGB and ORS.

I've been taking it a bit easy this month, but I hope to be able to ramp up my productivity and release the epilogue really soon. I hope you enjoyed the popularity contest and other polls, it was very interesting for me to see where the community stands at and read and engage with your comments. I've been also doing some R&D to see if I can speed up and increase the number of illustrations, but that will probably take some time to pay off, and I'm also doing some planning and work on Chapter's 12 script. Next week I will post a new Q&A, and after the epilogue is released, it will be time to finally publish the game on Steam, which I've been putting off for a long time due to the changes and hurdles it entails. But first thing's first, so stay tuned for the upcoming release. 

Talk to you soon!



Kurt Wagner

Sorry about your cat. Now I feel I want to make Lola happy. Glad Shiva can live on a little bit in that digital form


Sad the hear about poor Shiva. :-(