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Chapter 11 Alpha is out! You can download it here

We’ve been working on Chapter 11 until the last second, but it’s finally here. What conceptually started as a set-up chapter has ended up becoming quite a deep dive in character relationships, containing one of my favorite scenes thus far. The chapter will feature 15 lewd scenes total, some of them you can already guess, and others that will hopefully surprise you. I’ve tried to create interesting scenarios, sexy artwork and deep character interactions that react to your choices.

This chapter features +100 new, full color illustrations, with many variations and some animations, making up a total of 450 new images. Also, some new sprites and outfits for the cast, as well as a ton of new music: +10 new tracks that add or replace music for the soundtrack of the game, making it more varied. There's also more new features and improvements, check them out here




When should we be expecting the Beta to be released?


Think I am done with all the playthroughs but I guess Stan will still have to wait to get his due haha