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Since the moment I designed this simple song-writing mini-game I knew I wanted to create custom music tracks for Lena's compositions. 

I have no idea whatsoever about music, so I hire musicians to create ORS' original soundtrack. Scoring the scenes in the game was the most important task, so I has been post-poning commissioning tracks for Lena's song. I also had the idea that it would be pretty cool if I managed to get a singer involved and re-create the lyrics too, which are the central aspect of Lena's compositions...

Since this was a side effort, it took a long time to come to fruition, but when I listened to it I was pretty thrilled... It's a bit gimmicky, but I feel this adds a lot more character to the game and to Lena in particular, while also providing the player with an extra prize for getting the lyrics right (only then will you hear the voiced version of this track.) Also, it's just cool seeing those words turned into an actual song, and I think it's turned out pretty good!

The second song is being worked on at the moment, and I'll add it to the game when it's finished. I'm eager to hear how will that one turn out.



"Mini-game" to me is a pejorative in than it can often be a barrier to moving forward in a VN. What I liked about this part of ORS was that it was simple. If you didn't care, you could click through, but if you did (and I did) it was fun to put together what *seemed* to make sense. I'm glad Eva is pointing this out, it's a part of the game that doesn't get enough attention or praise. To hear that this new dimension is being added is to validate one's decision to be a patron here.


This is fantastic. What a treat to get one of Lena's songs come to life!