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Continuing with the last post commenting Chapter 10 scenes, I have to start with Lena's Stalkfap photo shoot at the end of the episode. This was the last scene I wrote (aside from Minerva's add on in the final release) and it was one of the more complex set pieces. The scene can take place with either Ian, Mike or Stan, and Lena can use a variety of sex toys. I also gave her 3 options of attire, making the scene even more flavourful and customizable. It took quite some patience finishing it, but it wasn't the scene I struggled most with...

The club bathroom blowjob scene was also a very customizable one, since Lena can wear 6 different outfits and pick between 3 different partners (Ian, Mike or Mark). But the tricky part was that all those illustrations with multiple variations had to be animated. I created 3 frames for the blowjob, and experimenting with them, I discovered different ways to animate them, creating a smoother and more varied movement. I'm quite happy with the final result, for it's modularity and how I managed to squeeze all the potential those 3 frames gave me, but it took a lot of time and patience to draw and program all the variations. 

I wanted Holly's and Ian scene to feel sweet but also hot, as Holly slowly opens up to Ian, showing the player there's more to her than her timid personality might suggest. My favorite Ian x Holly scene still is the one in Chapter 7, but I worked really hard on that one and I believe it'll be hard to top... But right now I'm trying to develop their sexual relationship step by step in an interesting way.

Ian x Cindy scenes are always a highlight of the episode, and I didn't this one to be an exception. She's many player's favourite girl for a reason, and I try to reflect her beauty in all the art I create for the character (many of my favourite ORS illustrations feature Cindy). I'm also trying to portray Cindy's personality through the choices and actions in those scenes, and how Ian can connect or influence her if you play it right...

Lena and Jeremy's fling has been very fun to write, and the threesome with Louise felt like the perfect opportunity to keep developing it. Lena can be quite a bad friend here (let's face it, she's been backstabbing Louise for a while now) but Jeremy is a perfect outlet for her lust and a darker, more dominant side of her personality. All in all, this threesome felt like a breath of fresh air when it comes to character interactions, and I can't wait to add more threesomes.

And speaking of threesomes, the one between Ian, Alison and Jeremy was a long time coming, and chapter 10 was finally the moment... This scene was a real head ache, and I got stuck with it for a long time, halting my progress for a couple weeks. It was especially difficult for me to get into Ian's frame of mind in this scene, and it has many variations: Alison's relationship with Ian or lack there of, Jeremy, Ian's nervousness and failure to perform, or the fact that the scene can take place without Jeremy altogether. And, to make things more complicated, I wanted to make the scene as interactive and modular as possible. It didn't help that I felt stuck when the pressure to deliver the chapter was at an all-time high, so getting out of my creative block took quite some effort. 

At some point my mind got so tangled up I had to sketch up a diagram with the flow of the scene, so I could visualize all the moving and interlocking parts. As you can see, some drawing even ended up being scrapped, and after releasing the chapter, I had to go back and add an extra branch I had missed to account for. I also went back several times to this scene, revising, rewriting and erasing parts, trying to get it right. I'm not sure if I succeeded in the end, but it was a big relief when I was finally able to move on and continue developing Lena's part of the chapter. Did you like this scene, or do you feel I wasn't too successful with it? 

Also, I finally got around answering all the questions in the Q&A, so if you were waiting for your question to get a response or you're just curious, check it out!




who wants cuckold scenes, between Ian and Jeremy, click like 😁 congratulations eva for all your work


My favorite scene in Chapter 10 is Ian, Alison, and Jeremy